Dungeonering and Rewards.

One thing about games, there's a pattern. for example at what time foe will find you, how many foe that comes, how they find you and many more. For any gamer's, once the pattern were figured out, they will find a way to exploit that to their advantages. And in this dungeon I have discovered that pattern, it was fixed, always accurate and I already find a way to exploit the pattern to my advantages.

"..…now from the northwest, in 3..2..1…......".


After 3 hours, roaming around Goblin Cavern Dungeon, which I have already made a full circle of, it was only 1 kilometer in diameter. It was of the size of a large dome, and the goblins only comes from the middle of the dungeons, perhaps where it's base were. One thing that I noticed was, if I have my back on the wall the whole time, the goblins can only comes at me from the 3 directions, right now the directions that they will come at me is, North-west, West and South-west, also they will only comes in a group of 3, in a 10 minutes interval. They way they approach me will always in a triangle positions, each goblin will separate from each other at 2 meter length, the sequence will always starts from NW, W to SW.

"Hmph~!..these guys smell like a rotten carcass…it's just another S-Coins and Low Grade Crystal…this is money Azmel…so suck it and endured…".

Each of the goblins dead bodies will have a 1 Low Grade crystal inside of their chest about 1 inches of cut the crystal will revealed itself. I have killed about 183 goblins including the three that I just killed and skinned, also by storing their carcasses, I can sell them to the [Shop] and each carcass sold for 2 S-Coins. I obtained 183 Low Grade Crystal after killing 184 goblins for 3 hours, 366 XP points only 134 EXP points shy from levelling up to level 4, and I have accumulated 366 S-Coins. Out of 2001 Goblins there's 1817 goblins left and one of them were the boss.

"Let's fell this last tree, then get out of here…TAK!!..TAK!!!..".

That's right, as I was killing the goblins, at the same time I was felling the trees. I decided to stay just on the area before the old clearance and start to chop down all the tress I can, then stored them inside my [Inventory]. Since the goblin will eventually come to me, I just stayed in one place and fell trees in the mean time. I crafted an heavy duty axe, and in 3 hours, I already got 50 matured freshly fell pine trees. The great thing about my [Inventory] and [Crafting] was, first the fresh timber stack because they were of the same kind and then I can instantly process them into lumber and it's also stack, also, I collected all the goblins equipments, the tree bark armour, and their Wooden club, though it was smelly at first, but as it enters my [Inventory] when it comes out, it will be a brand new.

"That's is the last one for today…then..I guess..it's time to leave..it's already 2 in the afternoon…".

I stored everything inside my [Inventory], wear my Diving helmets and I was ready to get out from the dungeon, I traced by my steps and after a light jog, I arrived back at the Dungeon entrance. Since I already completes the conditions to use the Dungeon Exit option, Actually the red windows doesn't disappears when I was inside the dungeon the whole time, instead the windows will just be a tiny red box on the edge of my visions, only when I focused on them it will enlarge itself. Today was just a test run, that is why I don't want to stay her too long, just enough for me to test the water and get familiar, I this trip has served it purpose. I picked the {Dungeon Exit} button on the red windows, the same sensation, I felt when entering are now become much more bearable.

"...As I thought..this water world is just too beautiful for me to get used to it…I guess since I'm coming back..it's better to bring back some fish~…..that school of sea bream should be good enough…[Lightning Bolt]!!..".

Once again, I come back into the water world, floating on the well lighted ancient city ruins. As I was thinking, I saw a school of sea bream, swimming around on one of the air vent, on the same roof top I was on. I cast [lighting bolt] at it, surely it works wonderfully, all the sea bream that every single one of it were at the sized of my calves, and I got a whopping of 34 sea bream with just one attack. Though it was a sweet harvest, I also got electrocuted by my own attack, thankfully I was only at the edge of the impact, so it's just a shock and not a single injuries were inflicted on me.

"Impulse!..impulse idiot!..you are in freaking water..geezz~!!..".

It was my way of reprimanding myself, for the stupid mistake that I did. After collecting all the dead sea bream, I swam calmly towards the ascending cable, I grab the handle that was made out of iron, and a little red glass button, I hold the handle with my left arm and use my thumb to pushed the button.

"BBZZZZZ!!!!!!!….woah, this thing is fast!!…".

As soon as I clicked the button, the handle were buzzing loudly, then sparks comes out of it, instantly dragging me up to the surface, very fast, in a matter of a few minutes, i already out of the water, then the handle slows down, breaking, and by the time get to the surfaced, Joni Lambert were already there, waiting with an opened lift gate.

"PUAH!!…Fuh!!..damn, that was fun~..hello there Joni…hello you two…erm Joni…don't I have to fill something upon my return?..".

My entire cloth were wet, but not my head, so I was walking soaking wet out of the Lift, Joni was stunned with me not wearing any cloaks, instead I was wearing a wet bomber jacket, with a leather jeans, work boots, with a long black swords hang on my hip. I greet the 2 guards on my way out and stood in front of the Dungeon admission desk.

"Ahem!..yes,..can I know what dungeon you visited and what you encounter…Ahem..you can give that helmets to me..". (Joni Lambert)

She was having a hard time focusing, trying very hard not to stares at me, only then I realizes that I wasn't wearing my Cloak. I immediately I take my Cloak out and wear them on the spot, my [Inventory] wasn't that rare, in fact there's abundance of items and magic that have the same effects as [Inventory] and most of the people who have this ability were warriors and wizards. I explain in details about the dungeon, Goblin Cavern and the monster details, Joni just write them down as quickly as she can, now that I am wearing a cloak, she feel a little bit ease.

"Thank you for your cooperation…umm, sir, do you need help drying yourselves?…I..can help you with it if you want?…all for 1 Low Grade Crystal only~". (Joni Lambert)

"..that will help me a lot…please do..".

I am soaked, and she was offering a service, I guess this is her side hustle, I agreed, she step out of her desk and cast a spell called [Warm Breeze] on me. It just feels like I was being blown by a hair dryer. Once the spell ended, I'm no longer soaked, but dry as new.

"I don't really have any low grade crystal on me…but I have a fresh Sea Bream here, and the crystal in it, still hasn't being pulled out…..so..here you go…".

I give her one sea bream and put it in her hand. Which shocked her so much that she was fumbling the fish around with her hand.

"Sir!..this is too much!!..the prices of fresh fish is over 1 low grade..I can't..UMPPP!!..". (Joni Lambert)

"just take it…after all I am going to be visiting here much more frequently…so just take this a my gift for our long cooperation together..okay~…Enjoy your sea bream Joni..see you tomorrow~..".

I just use a fish to flex, Joni stunned, as for me I already walked away, heading to the Town Center, there's quite a crowds around me watching my back as I walked away.

"THANK YOU!..SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!..". (Joni Lambert)

She shouted, as I getting farther away. It was only 2.30 now, I got enough time to sell some stuff at the Administrator Office. Entering the town center, it was still busy as before, I hastened my pace towards the 3rd floor, but as I was climbing the stairs, I saw the Holographic image on the town center fountain flashes and ad.

"Offering benefits to 4th district only man to enter the 3rd bridge…wow…they sure are straight to the point…I guess right now, they really wanted to screw 4th district so much..to even dared to put such blatant ad…".

Rumors really spread fast in a small town, Still, that doesn't changed my decision. I already chose 4th district to stuck my roots to, why should I go anywhere else just because of the one time rewards. Ignoring everything, I continued walking and entered the Administrator Office. Looks like today, the office doesn't seems to be that busy like yesterday, probably because yesterday was the last day to pay taxes. All the counters inside the Administrator Office were self explanatory, Their large signed in front of their desk. The Desk that I was heading to was signed, {4th Bridge Resource Shop}, Also for some reason, all the clerks were wearing the same white formal long sleeve shirt and black pencil skirts, also blonde hair, I assume this was their uniform.

"Hello,welcome to 4th Bridge Resource Shop, we buy and sell any resource you wanted at a fixed price…My name is Sharlyn, I will be attending you today..may I know what your business is?.. ". (Sharlyn)

Sharlyn have a clear green eyes with a calm demeanour, she was a calm and elegant beauty type of person. She stood up and display her business smiles at me.

"Afternoon Miss Sharlyn….I here to sell, some resource..mostly fresh Lumber..".

"Fresh…Lumber?…..from dungeons?….Oh!..I'm sorry, I didn't see your Warrior Badges…how much is it, if I may asked?..". (Sharlyn)

Fresh Lumber is a word that 4th Bridge has rarely heard, over the last few years. An adventurer coming back from dungeons and chooses to sell their loots here was even more rarer.

"Around 30 lumbers and, 183 Wooden Armour, and clubs..is that possible?..".

" …ah!..soryy!!..". (Next Counter Clerk)

Sharlyn can still maintained her composure and kept her professional work face, but the clerk nearby heard the numbers, shocked by it and dropped her wooden mug on the floor. Breaking the silence, between me and Sharlyn.

"The Lumber, what size of it?..and the conditions of those Wooden armour and Wooden Clubs?..". (Sharlyn)

"10 meter long and 6 meter in diameter, all has been processed into ready to use lumber..a few of those wooden armour were damaged, but can still be turned into reclaimed wood, all wooden clubs still in a good conditions…".

I'd answer straight forward, I know that wooden armour and clubs, can be used as armour or even weapons, at the very least it would be turned into a firewood. Sharlyn write down all the informations I gave her.

"This counter is not a suitable place to handle this transactions…please follow me to the warehouse..there will be enough space there…". (Sharlyn)

She Walks out of her desk and then leads me to the left end of the Administrator office, unlock a door which is a lift. The whole time I just followed her in silence, the lift goes down to the first floor of town center, we then left the town center and went to the directions of 4th Bridge but didn't went on the usual bridge where it would lead to my house, instead there's a branching bridge to the left which leads to a large floating platform, with 4 large wooden warehouse on it, each building were numbered from 1 to 4 with another large sign on top of the large shutter door that says '4th Bridge Administrator Office Warehouse'. Sharlyn lead me to the warehouse number 1 and opened the shutter door, opened the light which was surprisingly an electrical light.

"you can pulled out everything you wanted to sell here…sorry about the the sight..". (Sharlyn)

The large ware house only have one of their many shelves filled only half with reclaim planks. It is a sorry sight for a government storage facility.

"Sure……Logs, Armour and Clubs…so, how much would you give me for all of this?..".

30 long pine logs, wooden armour and wooden clubs placed in 3 separates piles, the height of just the lumbers already as high as Sharlyn head. It was clear that this was a shocking revealed, and Sharlyn did not hide her surprised, instead she started to do calculations inside her head as she inspect all the items before her.

"Umm…Sir?….would you be willing to wait one day.. to give us time to carefully assess the price of all these items?…this transactions, just from this logs alone already reach a dozen High Grade Crystal…can you..". (Sharlyn)

"Hmm..Sure, I guess…then I will come back to the office tomorrow..".

Naturally the amount of items I have here, will sold for a lot of crystal. If I assume correctly, one lumber are already priced at 1 High Grade Crystal which equivalent to 100 Mid Grade Crystal. If I opted out to sell this to any of the private merchant, I would net a lot of profits, but what I am doing here now, was to gained positive reactions from the entire 4th Bridge Administrator Office.

"Sir..can I have your name..you know, for the..documents..". (Sharlyn)

"Azmel Eimi..the Head of Eimi family…then, I will see you tomorrow..".