The Sea is Full of Treasure.

I started my day the same as yesterday. But unlike yesterday, today I told Maria and Minako that, I will probably got home a little bit late, because I was aiming to level up to level 4 today and collected more resource, namely timbers. I made a stop at the Administrator Office to picked up yesterday sales, which was 33 High Grade Crystals, 30 Mid grade and 6 Low Grade crystals. Quite a number to get, Sharlyn told me if I got time I should make a stop at the Administrator Jiaoyun office.

Which to that I only said I will keep it in my mind and then left the office and headed directly to the Dungeon Admission desk. As always, Joni Lambert were there waiting for me and so is the 2 tanned skinned Towns Guard.

"Joni..Ladies~…how are you 3 doing today?…".

They already know, that I am a male from yesterday. So this time, not only Joni but the 2 guards Tina and Toni to were greeting me with blushed on their faces.

"Great as always Sir…Here's Your Helmet sir…and Thank you for the Fish yesterday…". (Joni)

"Yeah, Sir…it was really good…we enjoyed it..". (Toni)

This was the first time, the 2 guards has talked to me, so I was a bit shock, but only smiled at them, I took the helmet from Joni and she walked me to the Lift Door.

"I am glad you like it Toni….if got something good down there…don't' worry I will remember you 3…Well then…see you guys later..".

"Safe trip Sir…". (Joni Lambert)

Joni closes the door, and once again. I get down the same way as I did yesterday, all the way to the Dungeon entrance on top of the Brown building.

"You heard that Tina?..he's actually answered me!!…Oh~ I cant forget his sexy wet body yesterday~..". (Toni)

" too~..".(Tina)

"Ahhh~ I can't help but, got moist when I see and heard his manly voices~!!…Did you hear what he said just now..he won't forget about us~!!…".(Joni Lambert)

The 3 of them went on an on about him, for several minutes, giggling and moaning imagining thing about the only man in 4th bridge.

I entered the Goblin Cavern at 9 am in the morning, and right now it was already 12 in the afternoon. My progress from yesterday has only increased, also the fact was, apparently the monster that has been killed does not re-spawn back even after one day. Perhaps they re-spawn timers might be a few days. But on this rate, I may only took a few days to destroyed this dungeon.

"KKIIEEEEKKKK!!!!…..". (Goblins)

"Oh fuck off!!…I might didn't realizes yesterday…but chopping trees and killing monsters at the same a little bit taxing…but still, everything is money~..time is money……okay onto the next!..".

By now, the routine has become mundane and natural to me, fell tress then kill goblin, then repeat the same thing again. My true killing potential was 200 goblins in 3 hours and 50 pine trees, that was the optimal actions for me, If I wanted to pushed to over 50 trees, then I started to missed the timing of when the goblins came. Another discoveries of mine is that, Goblin does have some loots with them aside from the Lower Grade Crystal on their chest. Seldom times, the items will just magically appeared next to their dead body.

Of the 200 that I have killed I gain 5 drop items, One was a potion recipe called [Aphrodisiac Perfume], it was a recipe for a perfume that will arouse any female when they smells it, kinda interesting to try, I can craft them whenever I wanted, because the ingredients were all various part of a goblin. Another 4 items that I got was [Goblin Backpack], an amazing item, it was simply a small storage items that functions just like my [Inventory], but it only has 9 slots of items and can only stack up to 10. The concept of getting an item drop was simply on the setting of the monster itself, if the goblins have a tiny leather pouch tied to it's waist, then 100% there will be a drop items.

"..I should dwindle the number of goblins if I wanted an uninterrupted easier times to harvest all this timber…forget it…let's just do it tomorrow maybe..".

Naturally after killing 200 goblins, I have reached level 4 warrior, the increased of my strength was evident, even now, I can already kill a goblin at 110 meter range at pinpoint accuracy. I thought if I wanted to focused more on felling all the trees, naturally I would have to decreased the number of Goblins fast. But I feel that if I do that now, I would deviate on my focus here today, so I didn't, maybe tomorrow I will start and focus more on killing the Goblins. For now I will only focused on doing the same thing that I do yesterday.

"Fuh~…the trees I fell today might surpassed the numbers of tress I ever knock down on my past life…'s you guys again?…Come here then you little green bastard!!…".

As the clock are already pointed at 6 in the evening, this is going to be the last tree of the day and I am ready to head home, But as always, the goblins will shows up. I noticed that among the the goblins 1 of them were wearing a leather armor. As I was waiting for them to come closer to me, when I cast [Basic Appraisal] on it, the goblin were still goblin but it has a different class on it.

Name: Goblin Swordsman

Type: Dungeon Monster

Level : 1

Gender: Male


Health Points : 15

Mana Points: 2

Stamina : 10

Physical Strength: 0.6

Mental Aptitude: 0.2

Reflex: 0.4

"Let's see how you fare compared to your peers…HUP!!……".

"Kkkuuaaaaa!!!…..". (Goblin Swordsman)

I have killed the 2 normal goblins before me and the goblin swordsman reaches my swords range, leaving me and him about to duke it out, one by one. I was hoping that he would bring some fights to the table, but even though it's stats were comparable to any Level 1 humans warrior, to me he was simply to slow and in the end with a strong forward lunge, I impaled his large oversized head with my sword. Compared to the other goblins, this one equipment has an upgrade, the Goblin swordsman were wearing crude iron armor, and wield a iron Short sword, Naturally being a barbaric monster, although the short sword were mostly in a good shape, the edges were dulled.

"Oh~ another [Goblin Backpack]…and a card?…[Basic Appraisal]…".

One of the normal goblins dropped one [Goblin Backpack], as always I strip all their equipment and harvest their crystal, but beside the Goblin Swordsman, there's a metallic cards, with a glowing white hue. I picked it up and the surface feels exactly like a metal, hard, cold and quite sturdy. It was my first time seeing such things so I decided to cast [Basic Appraisal] on it.

Name: Basic Swords Art

Grade: E

Type: Passive Skills

Condition: Level 0

Usage Quantity: 0/3


Upon use, Will instantly learned [Basic Sword Art]. Will be destroyed after 3 usage.

"'s a skill card…so this is what a skill card looks like….".

To use the card is very easy, one just have to hold the card for a few seconds, then a simple grey text box will appeared, asking whether you wanted to lean it or not. Also the card is actually can be used by 3 people, one person can only learned each skill one time, Skill with the same name is cannot stack. In my head, the appearance of this skill card has actually presented me with a lot of possibility.

"Time to leave…".

Again I made my way to the dungeon exit, it was time for me to get home right now, if not, I may have to stay here for the night since it would be too dark to swam around when it was a night time under the sea. As always the same red windows appeared showing my progress, within the dungeon.

Monster populations: 1117

Monster type: Goblin, Hobgoblin

Activating Dungeon Exit: Kill 1 goblin (883)

Completion condition: Kill all monsters (883), Kill Boss

Monster (0), Destroyed Core(0).

Reward Upon Completion: 1 Treasure Chest, 100 Mid

Grade Crystal.

In just 2 day I was able to decimated almost 50% of the Dungeon populations, which a very productive day at work if you asked me. Once again, I appeared on top the Brown Building rooftop that every inches of it has become to familiar to me. The sea at this time of the day has become a little bit darker, despite this world have 3 suns, But since the entire sea floor under Milk Town were filled with lights, my vision wasn't that affected, So just like yesterday, before heading to the surface I wanted to do some lightning fishing. I have learned my lesson, this time I will shoot my [Lightning Bolt] as far away from myself.

"When I'm at it..I should check around…maybe inside the building?….".

Since I was going to be fishing anyway, it was better for me to satisfy me curiosity at the same time. From the rooftop, I started to swim around the brown building, seaweed already claims the walls of all the buildings in this underwater ancient city. This brown building looks like and brown brick high rise building from earth, only one side of it, which is facing the large road below has a glass wall. I was searching for any broken glass wall to enter the building, thankfully I didn't have to swim down too far, 3 floors down from the roof top, there's already a lot of glass wall broken and exposed. Instead of entering the floor in whim, I hovers before the opening.

"[Lightning Bolt]…[Lightning Bolt]…for safe measure~..[Lightning Bolt]…that's enough I guess?…".

I fired 3 consecutive [lighting bolt] inside the building, each time the bots were shots, I can see the glimpse of what is waiting for me inside the floor, and what exactly was inside the floor, it was a normal house apartment. Everything was still fully furnished, sofas, beds, kitchens, everything was in a modern setting. The whole floor only source of light was a dimmed ceiling light, which now brightly lit, I assumed because of my [Lightning Bolt] providing it a little bit of electricity.

"Wow~..this time, Squids, Sardine and Eels…quite a haul..hohoho…I really should start opening stores, fast…or I might just use all my Inventory space storing all species of fishes….".

As I swam inside, the first thing I do was to stored all the dead fishes inside my inventory. My [Lightning bolt] attack covered the 2 apartments on this floor, and everything that can be affected by electric will surely be affected. The tight, and dark place, naturally will make a perfect place for dark place loving sea creature too live. I managed to get 100 level 1 Squids that as big as my fore arm, 200 level 1 sardine fish that was about the size of my palm, ad about 50 level 2 salt water eel, that were as big and long as myself. After collecting my harvest, I took my time to check everything in the 2 apartments, touching it turn them upside down, poking on it.

"I guess a magical and advance civilization, stay true to their true name…everything in this apartment is still undamaged…aside from the couch…oh~ the lamp aren't actually connected to a power grid?…is it battery powered?…oh~ it's actually a crystal?!…alright!…you all going home with me…".

Many of the furniture and stuff in the apartments were still in good conditions, aside from the rotted fur floor rug, carpets, sofas, and already broken items. All the lights that aren't stuck to the wall or ceiling were self powered, all the metals items were just covered with mud's and moss, 4 bed in the 4 bedroom inside the 2 apartments, were still intact but naturally filled with water. Everything that I can take, I took. Filling all the remaining space inside my [Inventory], only after that I swam out of the place and finally returned back to the surface.