Chapter 1: Welcome

We just needed somewhere to stay for a few days. And he brought us there.

I thought it would be a great place...

A place where I can rest for a while, a place to just breathe freely...


That expectation of mine was blown when it became more than that.

Because of her…

She hit me to the place I really love. And I think that makes me love her. Even if she won't give that back. All I can think about the rest of those days...

was HER.

That started when my bandmate, Ralph, said these words..




"Here we are! At Barrio Monte Ruiz!"

My eyes were barely wide open, coming out of the car. I thought I was put back in time in the first seconds my eyes were searching this whole place.

I can't believe there's still a place like this.

It's about to get dark out here and only the torches outside the houses keep us visibly see the place. I went straight to the trunk to get my guitar and reached for my backpack. I tucked my bag in my arms then took a chance to once again tour my sight all over the place.

The trip took so long until we finally arrived and all I can say is it was worth it. This place looks far from what it looks like in Manila. It is an old village, houses here were typically two-story and have this familiar net-like two-way windows with wide brown doors. Like I was Ibarra of Noli Me Tangere.

Well, forget the tragedy... I'm not referring to that, I was referring to the vibe of this place.

I already felt this kind of feeling when I saw how natively looking the establishment we passed through was.

The skies were almost turning black from the afternoon orange. And the yellow lights of the torches outside the houses gave me this vintage vibe.

My eyes were strangely fascinated.

In Manila, I always get to see the buildings and modern or simple small houses. But this changed my view a while. I can say it would be absolutely stress-free.

I turned myself, still exploring my eyes. I can't stop myself from smiling. But there's something that caught my attention.

I stopped and fixed my eyes over there.

The green mountain sitting behind the houses. It's kind of hard for me to look at it but I can clearly see how big and tall it is!

I stared at the very top of it.

Imagine how it feels to get up there…

"Nice place, bro" I turned my head, it was James, smiling so wide while shaking Finn's hands. Finn just simply wears a smile while looking at the place. He placed his sight at somewhere and started heading there,

"Let's go," he said, leaving us behind carrying his bag, we followed him.

He led us to a two-story house near the place we parked. Finn is the one who suggested this place.

It was six months ago since we've seen each other in a music talent show, we all got along and found ourselves having a sound together. That gave us the thought of building a band. That was a month ago and we surely do still need time to get to know as a group.

Heading upstairs. Finn told us that this house was owned by his grandmother, Lola Amora. Half of the first floor is an open area, there are a small outdoor steel sala set and an old garage on the left side. The stairs we were heading were wide, the same as its big old two-way door.

Stepping my last foot up, I've seen antique furniture, paintings, and almost everything's made of wood. There's also a big dining table at the center and widely open french doors that shows the balcony.

I immediately walk towards the balcony.

"Wow…" I exclaimed like I'm running out of breath.

I can clearly view the houses from here and most especially...

The beautiful mountain.

I turned around when I sensed someone coming towards me, it was Finn and my bandmates.

"We have six rooms in here, three over there.." he pointed to the left side,

"..and three over there" then he pointed to the right side,

"That's pretty enough for the five of us, plus the caretaker, Kuya Badong. But.. he's not gonna stay with us, I let him stay with his family for now, so.."

"Ok I'll stay there" James pointed to the first room on the left. So do the two,

"I'm over there" Kent pointing at the second one also on the left,

"There" and Ralph on the third one.

Hahaha… kiddos.

"Ok... I guess Cal and I will just stay over here" he pointed at the right side. They just nodded and went straight to their rooms, must have been so tired.

Like me.

But I managed to stay on the balcony for a while. I put my backpack on the floor and leaned myself to the grills of the balcony. It's kind of dark out here but those lights surrounding the whole village give me a retro feeling. I can only spot a few people walking on the streets from here. People must have been sleeping by this time.

. . .

A few minutes later, I felt my eyes getting tired. I picked up my bag, hung it on my shoulder, then closed the balcony doors.

As I walked through the room, I turned the light and the ceiling fan switch. I'm getting really exhausted, I got the bag off my shoulders and just put it on the side of the bed. And finally

...drop myself to bed!

Haaaaa.. been a long day.

I can feel my back being relaxed by laying on this bed, it gets what it really needs cause we've been sitting in the car the whole trip for more than five hours.

I stayed staring at the ceiling until I found myself asleep.

. . .

*tok! tok! tok!*

"Bro, wake up! Food's ready!" I heard Ralph's voice getting louder from outside.


I narrowly opened my eyes and found myself in the room. There's the sunlight flashing straight at my foot coming from the window! I looked at the window and I saw the blue skies!

What the fish... It's morning already?!

I quickly got up, slowly bent my body. Then I get my bag, get my toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap. Without noticing anyone around me, I stormed out from the room to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I walked out from the bathroom drying my face with a towel, I noticed they're already sitting at the table, having breakfast.

I hang my towel at the back of my room door and join them.

While eating, I can't take my eyes off the open balcony. Having breakfast with the wind freely moving, plus the view is really a better breakfast experience. Now I can really see how bright the mountain's color is from here. A lively green. I just wonder,

"Can we climb up there?" I asked, pointing my spoon on it, I've been really curious.

"Yeah, bro.. can we? That's gonna be fun" Ralph agreed. While James and Kent were just nodding, busy taking their breakfast.

"Yup," Finn replied, nodding while looking at it.

We talked about composing an original song, we ourselves made. This could be a great place to make our first original but we ended up laughing because of our cringy lyrics suggestions. It just makes us eat and puke the food we're eating at the same time.

After we finished eating, each of us stood up and took our own plates. I kind of want to hurry up because it's getting hotter and I really want to take a bath. Kent, James, and Finn were done using the bathroom while Ralph's the one using it right now. And I'm the one who is supposed to be washing the dishes, but now I'm having my sweet smile and teasing narrowed eyes right now cause James presented to wash the dishes instead.

Cause I woke up late! And that's our rule.

But yeah, he's just having his hardworking side today.

So I walked straight to my room and lifted my bag onto the bed. Opened the pocket zipper, took my soap, and mmm...


I reached to get my shampoo in it but I found nothing like it. It's messy if I grab things around so I brought it all out, one by one.

And there's…


I forgot about it!

I just stood up and hung the towel on my shoulder. And decided to walk through the sala, and went downstairs.

Maybe I can buy it outside. I stepped outside, looked around. All I could see were houses.

But speaking of, I'm sure impressed by how clean this town is--


Someone tapped my shoulder. I looked at him,

"Going somewhere?" it's Finn.

I continued gazing around,

"Mmm, I'm looking for a…" I stopped and looked at him,

"..a store?"

He raised his eyebrows and nodded,

"Ahh, there!" he pointed somewhere to the right, then he started walking. I followed him throughout the street until I could see a one storey store. Few people were ahead of us, buying at the store. Seems like there's discipline in here, they're all in line.

I tilt my body a bit and see the lady who's giving what the customer in front of her was asking. She's wearing a quite professional face expression and she's quite fast at serving each one. I looked at Finn beside me, he's just waiting, having his arms folded across his chest.

I put back my sight at the front when the line started moving. There's still two people in line before us. I kept myself waiting. But strangely, I'm kind of amused by this lady. I can't take my sight off her.

I don't know..

She's simple, she has natural brown skin color, small not that sharp nose, simple bare lips, a kind of thick eyebrows, and almond eyes. Not wearing any makeup. Her long wavy hair was tied up and she just wore it like a teenage boy.

I bowed a little and stopped myself from looking.

Stop being a weirdo, Calypso...

But yeah... I think she truly defines natural Filipina beauty.

I can't help myself not to smile because of what I'm thinking.


Pfft.. oh yeah, yet she sounds like a gangster...

I looked again and found myself with widened eyes!

I'm the one whom she asked!

Shoooot! What am I doing?!