Chapter 2: Who is she?

Calypso's P.O.V.

I'm the one whom she asked!

Shoooot! What am I doing?!

"A-Ahm, shampoo," I replied as normal as I can. I tried to look at her straight even though I feel I need to apologize for something.


She placed down the shampoo on the counter,

"Six" she straightforwardly said. I took some coins in my pocket and counted six pesos to put it there, then I get the shampoo,

"Thank you," I said, turning around from the store. I can't believe I will look like a stalker over there... I still can't believe it.

We're about to reach the house when Finn suddenly leaned a hand on my shoulder and come closer,

"She's.. cute" he whispered, smiling naughtily.

Tss, crazy one.

I hit him with the sachet of shampoo, laughing,

"You crazy, I thought someone just broke up with you?" I just remembered how he looked like a limp and tried to cancel this trip because his girlfriend broke up with him. If it wasn't Ralph being annoying and convincing him that this trip will help him move on, this won't happen.


"Pshh yeah" he replied.

Lyrie's P.O.V.


I stood up and came closer to the old lady, standing outside the counter.

"Yes, Ma'am?" I replied.

"Ahmm… can I get some salt and.." she pointed at my back,

"soy sauce"

I nodded and immediately got each she asked, reach my hand to the hanging packs of salt and get a sachet of soy sauce on its shelf. I put it on the counter where she's standing, I get the paper bag and wrapped it.

"That would be eleven, Ma'am"

"Oh, and include some vinegar"

I went over the shelves again, walked back, and put it in the paper bag,

"Twenty-one, all in all, Ma'am"

She began to get her wallet and started to count. Then she put down twenty-one pesos while still searching for something in here.

"How about the bar soup, how much?"

"Seven, Ma'am"

"One please," she said, still looking for something. I get the bar soap, put it into another bag, and get her seven pesos, about to put it in the--

"How about this one?"


I drop the coins in the cash box *prsh*

I looked at her, she's pointing at something, I followed it and.. she's referring to a big chip.

"That's twenty pesos… Ma'am"

"Ah--ok that's fine" she's referring to the ones already in the bag. She gets it and leaves straight.


I turned around, about to walk--

"Miss" I heard that little voice. I'm not sure if I just misheard something or what.

I turned around and there I saw a lady already waiting for me. I walked towards her and ask,


"Can I have somesohemshabav"


Her voice went from soft to inaudible.

"Can you repeat it?"

She repeated it but I still can't understand a thing. She's like opening his mouth but whispering.


She stopped for and looked upset them she speaks again,

"Can I have some soft drinks"


"Soft drinks, yeah" I rolled my lips, shutting my mouth tight, and nodded. I turned around.

I think that's the loudest it can get. If it will compare to mine, she might think I'm shouting already.

I put the soft drinks, open it up for her and put a straw,

"Ten pesos"

She put down her ten-peso, I took it and put it in the box. When I made sure she had finished buying, I walked back to where I was sitting earlier. Pick up the book and start reading from where I left earlier.

. . .

"Hello? Anyone?"

I marked the page where I was reading with a bookmark, I put it on the side table, and stood up. I walked closer to the counter and saw this man.

I guess this one's new...

"E-hey.." he looked at me, smiling.

I nodded,

"Mmm yeah, can I buy four pancit canton, please"

I went straight to the shelves of noodles and got some. Then I put it all in a bag. I put the bag in front of him,

"That would be fifty-six, fourteen each"

He put down his cash and coins, I looked at it, fifty-six to be exact. I took a glimpse and found him still looking at me with his one-sided smile like a little boy.

What's his busine--

Now I can clearly look at him. And there's a kind of nervousness in me as time passes by. I just didn't want to make it obvious. I'm not really good at controlling myself in these kinds of situations where I get to see guys, making strange gestures.

Especially with a face like that?

Pshh.. here we go again. Snap out now, Lyrie.

"May I ask, how long have you been here?" he suddenly asks,

"I've never seen this store before when I visited last time"

Why? Why bother asking me these questions?

I looked at him and try to simply smile and responded normally as I can,

"Ahm this? It's-- three years" I nodded trying to be convincing.

"Oh, I see" he smiled and nodded,

"I'm Finn, by the way.." he reached out his hand to get a handshake. I was about to give it when I noticed with my other hand, it was cold.

I just simply raise my hand and waved at him,

"Hi, Finn," I said smiling. I noticed his hands starts to fold and pull out then he gave me another gesture, pointing at me,

"How about you?" he asked.


"What about me?" I raised my eyebrows a little, I don't get it.

"What--" he's about to say something but he just snaps out of it. I think I made him confused,

"What I mean is, what about you? What's your name?"


"Oh, my name-- I'm L-Lyrie"



"Seems like you're not quite sure, huh? Hahaha"

Psh.. hahaha

"Alright, thank you" he raised the paper bag leveling it to his face,

"See you around" he smiled with his eyes then turned around and walked away. I remained my eyes on him as he walked until my sight can't reach him anymore.


Why am I like this?

That's just a guy, come on!

I turned myself around, gazed at the book I was reading, and about to go back to where I'm sitting when...

*tok! tok! tok! tok!*

What now?

"Hey! I want to buy!"

Yeah, how can I forget this kid?

I looked at him. It's Noknok. I'm used to his attitude, he always does this like a boss and I just want to pinch his nose a little for being too nosy!!

"Toothpaste please! Make it fast!"

Every time he came in here, he never failed to irritate me. I hate how disrespectful he was. He's like those--


Now I'm just doing my best to keep my temper to myself. I took what he wants and put it in front of him,


He put down his money and made too much noise doing it. I took his money and turned to get a change.

"Too slow! Hurry!"

My patience is about to run out for this kid. My hands are pretty much ready to grab his face down the ground.

I held ninety-two pesos in my hand and put it in front of him. He immediately took it and glared at me like I did something wrong with his money, he started to count it all one by one.

As he did all of those, my sight was transferred to the man behind him. He's looking at Noknok with a frown on his face like he can't believe what he is seeing right now. I remembered him, he's the guy who bought shampoo here yesterday. He's tall and has quite long hair reaching down to his neck.

"Make it fast next time" I put my sight back to Noknok as he suddenly spoke and he walked away. The man behind hasn't still removed his sight on Noknok as he walks outside the store.

"Aren't you wanna rebuke him?" he suddenly asked while his eyes were still fixed at the kid's path.

I looked straight at him,

"I guess I've done that a few times, nothing happened"

He nodded and turned his face in front of me. His eyes quite widened and his eyebrows kind of raised when he put back his sight,

"I'll get this--" he pointed at the biscuits,

"And this"

I took those two biscuits he's pointing at and put it in front of him,


He gave his exact payment,

"Thanks," he smiled, turned around, and walked away like a kid having his biscuits.

Calypso's P.O.V.

I was about to return back to the house having my biscuits, fully focused to dig in--



"I guess you're nothing compared to me!"

I raised my sight to find where that noise is coming from. I saw teenage and small boys grouping and yelling at something. Like they were having their spider fight along this street. I looked closer, no one's having their thin sticks. The yelling continued, I continued to walk closer.

I saw two boys at the center of the collision like it's their boxing ring, the other one was on the floor, squirming...

I think he's in pain!

His eyes were remaining close, avoiding the kicks he's receiving from this other kid. I looked up to see this other boy's face, and I ended up closing my eyes in dismay.

I knew it, it was him. I recognized his irritating voice. I hate seeing him being this territorial. He's the kid I saw at the store.


I find my way to come closer to them. I'm glad these boys are cooperating to move away as I walk,

"Hey" I already caught his attention as he raised up his face and looked at me,

"Stop it already"

. . .



I headed up to the house and found Ralph and James arm wrestling on the center table. Their hands were shaking together. I can see how Ralph is trying very hard to stop him while James is doing it laughing at Ralph.

"Hey, Cal where were you?" Kent asked me, he just appeared from the bathroom.

"Wha--" Ralph turned his head,

"-hey!!" and brought back to James when he realized James already beat him.


James looked at him and pointed both of their using his two fingers,

"Focus," he said, teasing him.

I looked back to Kent, he had his eyes at Ralph and James then brought it back to me. He raised his eyebrows like a mom, lowkey asking where I went.

"Ahmm, something happened outside" I pointed my thumb at my back,

"I just helped someone.."

I started to walk closer to my room. I just felt a little pain from the scratch I got a while ago,

"Why didn't you call us?" Kent asked.

"Wushu! Helped or do you mean to find a lover outside?" Ralph teased. James looked at him with a teasing smile.

"How ironic"


"Pshh hahaha" I looked at Kent,

"It's not that big, thanks bro," I said before going to my room. I closed the door and sat in the bedroom. I twisted my arm to look at the scratches I had.

Not that serious, just some skin peel off.

I guess I judged that kid too fast...

I changed my clothes and went to the bathroom to wash my wound. They already had their dinner so I had mine. Then I washed my plate after.

"Oh here's mister lover boy!" Ralph shouted, he's referring to Finn that was about to come inside the house.

He just went home?

"I saw you hanging out at the store in the other street, what are you doing there, huh?" Ralph asked, teasing him.

Finn smiled.

"Psh.. hahaha" James.

"Loverboy didn't disagree! Hahahaha!"

I walked to my room and got my guitar, I'm getting bored. I sat on the couch and strummed.

I don't know but I don't feel so well.

I stopped for a bit, leaned my back, and closed my eyes.


Maybe I just need some rest.

I walked to my room, placed my guitar on the wall, and lay on the bed. I closed my eyes, but my ears were so aware of my surroundings. I think it's so quiet, I can hear the,

*beeeeeeeep* sound in my head. I can also hear myself breathing.

But yeah, maybe I can fall asleep after a few minutes...

. . .

Psych me!! I've been staring at the ceiling for too long now but I can't really sleep! What's wrong with me?!

I got up and I felt this sudden dizziness. My head is quite heavy too.


But still, I forced myself to stand up. I noticed the skies from the window, it's already dark out there. I looked for my bag and tried to get something to stop this, but there's nothing.

Oh, I wish there's still something outside...

I walked out of my room, I can't clearly notice anything or anyone around, I just want something to make this stop. I walked outside, I could feel my legs getting tired, I raised my head and looked up, I saw this light from quite far, but I think it's getting shut!

No, no, no, no wait.

"Hey," I said as I walked closer, I could merely see the light getting smaller, little by little. I'm running out of breath,


"W-What the--" there's someone.

She turned around,

"Y-You scared me!" She nearly shouted.

I first catch my breath before speaking to her,
