Chapter 7: She will be loved

Calypso's P.O.V.


We've reached the top of the mountain. It didn't turn out as exhausting as I expected. I think having friends with you would lessen the burden of climbing.

I tilted my head up and looked at the skies.

I'm fascinated...

I looked like I could reach them.

I took a glance at the ones I'm with. I noticed either of them can take away their sight from this view. They're on their own looking at it like they have their own worlds.

I smirked, putting back my sight to this breathtaking view.

It's noon already, the skies were painted orange coming from where the sunsets. It's just right, not too bright, not too dark, which makes it more beautiful to look at. Feels good how the cold air hit my skin.

For a while, it clears up my mind from the thoughts running in it. I can't help myself to close my eyes and let my senses enjoy this moment.

. . .


Half of my attention was caught by that sudden sound. I can hear every strum of that guitar coming from behind. I can also hear them laughing and starting to sing. But a second later, the voices went inaudible, blurry. All I can hear was the whirling wind and the strums of the guitar.


"~Come with me...~"

It felt like something touched my heart. I felt it going warm.

"~and you'll be...~"

Her sweet, calm, and cold voice.

There was like cold water pouring all over me and nervousness hearing her sing again.

"~In a world of pure imagination...~"

I smiled.

She's singing that beautiful song, slowly.

And it really suits her voice...

"~...take a look, and you'll see~"

I begin to open my eyes.

"~...into your~"

I looked at her direction.


In the exact line, I saw her facing the direction where I'm standing. She met my gaze.

That stare of her...

"~We'll begin, with a spin..~"

Made my knees weak.

She brought back her sight to them while continuously singing the song,

*~Travelling in the world of my creation~" some of them joined her singing that part and it went faster than how it was earlier. She smiled at them.

"~What we'll see, will defy explanation…~" and so others joined her through that last line.

I don't know what's happening, but I feel like I'm floating now.

"Hey, Cal!"


James' voice calling wakes me up. I looked at him and I saw him already sitting with them,

"Come, sit here!" he said, pointing at the space next to him.

"Y-Yeah.." I stepped on my foot and started walking towards them.

They sat on a circle, sitting on mats. James looked at me and scooted over a little to give me a seat. James and Lyrie were beside each other earlier. That means I'm sitting next to her.

"I think you enjoyed the view too much," she said, touring her eyes around.

"Yeah…" I said, not taking my eyes off her. A few seconds later, I decided to remove my gaze and turned it to the green grass touching my feet.

"They're right. I did not expect your voice to be that good" I heard James compliment her.

"Yeah!" Ate Jade agreed.


I took a glance at all of them. Ralph, Kent, and Finn were just nodding to agree with what James said.

Then I looked at her. She's smiling while looking at the grass. I guess she's not used to compliments.

"Only if I could bring my drums up here, we could've had a mountain concert hahaha... And look, now we have two vocals" Ralph said, referring to Finn and Lyrie.

"How about Ate Jade?"

We looked at James from what he said.


"Audience, why?" she replied, clapping her hands so classy.


"Oh yeah. I remembered, you're all in a band, right? What instruments do you guys play?" she asks.

"Ah, Ralph's the drummer, Kent is the bassist, I'm the keyboardist" James said touching his chest,

"Then Cal, here, is the lead guitarist, while Finn is the vocalist and guitarist," James continued.

"Mmm.. nice! But wait, you're both vocalists, huh? Is this meant to be" Ate Jade said teasingly while alternating her sight to Lyrie and Finn.

Haaaa… nice, I'm teased too.

"Hey Cal" I looked at Finn,

"Play something for us," he said, extending his hand to hand over my guitar. I took it and placed it in my lap. Looked at the skies, thinking of a song I could play.


I looked at the guitar and positioned my hands.

She will be loved.

I continued playing the intro.

I looked at them, I can see they're starting to nod their head going with the beat of the song. They knew it.

They begin to sing together,

"~Beauty queen of only eighteen, she, had some trouble with herself...

He was always there to help her, she, always belonged to someone else"

I looked at Lyrie, she's singing with them, having her sweet smile. She's enjoying it.

"~I drove for miles and miles, and wound up at your door...~"

My eyes tour itself around the view. As possible as I can, I'm avoiding my eyes from looking at her.

"~I've had you so many times, but somehow I want more~"

I saw Finn smile and look at her. They're now facing each other and all I can do is watch them or put my sight elsewhere.

Haaaaa… I've lost it.

"~I don't mind spending every day,

Out on your corner in the pouring rain…

Look for the girl with the broken smile

Ask her if she wants to stay a while

And she will be loved...

And she will be loved~"

I looked down at my guitar, still strumming the instrumental part of the song.



! ! !

My eyes widened when a string suddenly broke! I already felt a little pain on my right hand, it kinda snapped there.

"Calypso!" I heard Ate Jade called my name. I looked at her.

"Hey, are you ok?" I heard Lyrie beside me. I looked at her, leaning a little while looking straight at me.

And there this heart beating so loud.

"Hahahaha your strings are about to give up on you, Cal"

"It's a good thing, I brought mine," Finn said, tapping his guitar beside him.

I forced a smile.

"Hey, you're hurt" I brought my sight to Lyrie, she's looking at the back of my right hand.

"That's natural to a guitarist. Him, Kent, and Finn experienced it too many times" Ralph calmly said.

She took a glance at my hand before moving backward. She sat straight, looking at them. I took my guitar and carried it onto the back.

"Come on! Continue, continue!" James childishly said.

Finn took his guitar and started strumming.

"What song?" He asked, smiling.

"Best part! This time, I want you two to sing it for us!" Ate Jade said, pointing at the both of them.


"Ehem hahahah"

I put my sight somewhere else out there.

Pfff… I'm getting tired.

Without any time wasted, I heard Finn strumming at his guitar.

"~You don't know babe...

When you hold me...~"

Though, her voice is really good.

"~And kiss me slowly, that's the sweetest thing...~"


"~And it don't change

If I had it my way

You would know that you are..~"

I really don't know why I've suddenly got interested in you. Why am I feeling this way with you.

"~You're the coffee that I need in the morning…~"

Finn joined her singing.

"~You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring~"

Their voices blended so perfectly. I can see how Finn enjoying with the accompany of Lyrie. He's happy. I knew his happy with her.

"~Won't you give yourself to me

Give it all, oh...~

I can't stand this.


And it's wrong. It would be fine if I'll just keep it for myself.

I stood straight and stepped out of the circle. Then I turned around from them and started walking.

"Ey bro, where you going?" I heard James whispered from my back.

I stopped and looked at him.

"I'll just find a bathroom" I said. I did not wait for his response and continued walking.

Lyrie's P.O.V.

"~When they're closing all their doors

They don't want you anymore

This sounds funny but I'll say it anyway!~*

*ringggg... ringggg... ringggg...*

I looked at Finn when his phone suddenly rang. He took it out from his pocket and looked at the screen. Seconds passed, his brows arched. He seemed to be surprised by who just called.

"W-Wait, guys. I-I'll just answer this" he said. He stood and walked out fast. They continued singing as Kent took and played the guitar.

I followed Finn with my eyes as he went down through the trees.

. . .

I placed back my sight and it stopped at Calypso. He's drinking in a paper cut while watching the others sing.

He sat beside me earlier, a bit strange how he got there.

I placed back my sight on them.

"..And turn your face into a frown

You'll get along with a little prayer and a sOng! Hahahhahaha!"




Ralph suddenly cracked his voice that made us all end up laughing. It took too long until everyone moved on from what just happened. It made us run out of breath.

"It's really a good time singing with you guys," Ate Jade said.

"Yes, we're glad you're here too Ate! But… hahaha it seems to be too cold and dark already" he said rubbing his palms.

"Mmm" Ate Jade agreed. She stood and remove dirt from her pants,

"Alright, let's move now. Our tents are over there" she pointed to the bags beside our circle.

"Boys, you can start setting those up. And Lyrie-" she looked around

"Finn's still aren't here?" she looked at me, and toured her sight, she saw Cal, about to stand up.

"Oh, Cal. Can you please accompany Lyrie, we need some wood for our fireplace. I'll be making our dinner, ok?" Ate Jade said, smiling so wide.

I looked at Calypso.

He nodded with the paper cup still sticking at his mouth. Ate Jade nodded in response and started turning around. I brought back my sight at Calypso, his eyes are now on me.


Without saying anything, he walked and threw the paper cup in the trash can then he turned around and walked away.

I don't know, but I can sense something's up with him.

I think he sensed I'm following him, looked back at me.

"Let's go," he said, expressing no emotion.

I stood and followed him.

Going down the way in the woods, I heard nothing from him. He's there but it doesn't feel like he is. It's kind of strange. I knew a minute wouldn't without him talking, but now… it seemed to be a normal thing to him not to speak. He's just quietly picking up sticks beneath the trees.

As minutes passed, it got weirder and weirder. I'm not used to this.

"Haaa…" I opened my mouth to break the silence,

"Are you feeling alright?" I began to ask.

"Nope" he replied while still focusing on what he is doing.

Why are you this cold?

"Is it your first time here?" I asked again, changing the topic.

I don't know what to ask anymore, I just want him to speak.



Ok, I'm done.

"Why are you quie--"

"Hahhh" he released a deep breath.

Yeah, there's a problem.

"Are you mad at me?" I quickly asked.

He stopped from what he is doing while still looking at those pieces of sticks.

With a furrowed forehead, I wait for him to respond.

"Nope," he said, then he walked around a tree.

What is his problem?

"Cal" I called him.

"Mmm?" he hummed still doing his thing.


"Calypso." I called him, much louder this time.

He looked at me with his forehead furrowed.

I walked closer to him and looked straight at his face.

"Why do you act like that? Do you have a problem with me?" I asked him straightforwardly.

"How? How should I talk to you?" he answered.


"Calypso, what is it? You can tell me"

"You won't like it"

"It's fine, just say it"

He looked at me.

. . .


My brows arched more when I saw him shake his head and avert his eyes from me. He walked past me as nothing happened.

What is it???

Still ain't taking my eyes off him, he walked through a couple of trees. Without any hesitation, I followed him and saw him stuck there looking at something. I went closer.

What's with him...

I looked at where his eyes are.


It's Finn...

He's turned away while having his phone placed at his ear.

"You remembered that?...

Me too…

I miss that… actually"

He took a deep breath.

"I miss you, Cath"