Chapter 11: Bruises

Lyrie's P.O.V.

A deep sigh was released by my cold lips. My hands were also shaking with cold and nervousness.

I'm relieved...

I'm relieved that I found him. My worries would not put me to sleep if I went with Ralph and he was not found by this time.

From where I'm hiding earlier, my own eyes saw how he reacted to the blows and kicks he got from those men. My lips were trembling and every second I felt like...

I'm out of breath...

I wanted to run to him but I knew we might both end up in danger, and I couldn't help him that way. So I had better hide first. Still had trembling fingers dialing the number of the police.

. . .

I barely closed my eyes at the same time as I sighed again.

But now, I can finally be calm.

Having my gaze on a flickering light post,

I finally have him in my embrace.

I can now breathe. Yet half of me is asking myself why I'm now in this situation. But I think this is the only thing that will calm my worries. Like me, he is also silent while letting me hug--


My back receded slightly as I felt his sudden heaviness. At the same time, I peeked at when I felt his hands on my shoulder suddenly detached then the next thing I saw his hands now hanging.

I took a gulp and slowly let go of his embrace.

! ! !

My eyes widened and I began to feel heavier again.

He's eyes were closed!

"Cal" as calm as I can at this time. I watched his face, waiting for me to see him open his eyes at least a little.

But nothing. He was still not responding. I don't think he's conscious anymore.

Still holding him I immediately took my cell phone out of my pocket. I opened it and scrolled through my contacts. I scrolled back and forth until I remembered--


I don't even have Ralph's number yet! The only thing there are a few cell phone numbers of those people I know.

I looked around both ways, expecting the ambulance to arrive. But a few more minutes passed and I heard nothing or the sound of the approaching siren. It's been a very long time because of how nervous I feel.

I turned my gaze back to Cal. He was still unconscious lying on my arm. His whole face was full of scars and bruises. My worries about what might happen to him if he is not taken to the hospital immediately intensified. I frowned, turned my gaze back to the phone and initiated the hospital hotline number. In the third ring they answered it.

("Monte Ruiz Hospital, what's your emergency?")

"Hello, w-we need help here on Santan Street, please... please hurry" I stammered in response.

I turned my gaze to the unconscious Calypso.


("Our ambulance is on the way there ma'am") finally...

"Okay o-okay thank you" I whispered softly then turned off the call.

My face is getting hot. With annoyance, nervousness, worry, mixed emotions. I closed my eyes and looked at him again. I also looked at his body. His sleeves were slightly unbuttoned as far as my hand was concerned and there were blue bruises on some parts of it.

I was even more frustrated with what I saw, disgusted with those who did it to him.

The surroundings remain quiet, uncrowded, cold, and with darkness. Only the yellow street post on each side gives light.

Same feeling around when I was with him that time in front of the store.

I looked at his unconscious face.

. . .

I could hardly breathe properly, I couldn't understand why my heart beats this fast.

I'm not used to seeing him this close. It's weird but there's something about me that I want to watch more of. I slowly brought my left hand closer to his and gently handed it to his cheek.

For a second my eyes blinked many times.

Even though he was bruised, he still looked clear to me... his nose was straight, long eyelashes, pale pink lips, thick eyebrows, round face, and big and narrow eyes .. I remember I could see how seriously those eyes of his looked. Especially when he said.


"You're beautiful"


It made my lips rolled in so much pity.

He was very kind to me...

Very kind, this is what he just got. It's annoying to think that he's lying here because of me.

I brought my face closer to his face. Approaching, my heart was beating so fast that it almost deafened me.

I don't think this is normal anymore.

* weeeeeeeeeee woooooOOOO WEEEEEEEE WOOOOOOOO-! *

James' POV


I turned my eyes to Kent, they were already looking at me, both eyebrows raised and seemed to be waiting for me to finish.

"O-Ok we'll go ahead, thank you" I hung up the phone. I closed my mouth to face Finn.

"What happened? Why do you have to scream like that?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah, you're making me nervous," Kent said.

"Does this have something to do with Cal?" Finn asked.

I nodded.

"Cal is in the hospital," I added.

"What the..." Kent whispered.

Ralph, on the other hand, was just held on the forehead.

"How is he?" Finn asked.

"I don't know yet… we'll find it out there" I answered uneasily.

"What hospital?" Kent hurriedly asked.

"Monte Ruiz Hospital"

"Okay, I'll drive," Kent said hurriedly. He immediately took the keys hanging on the pole rack and quickly got off. I looked at the two. They both looked at each other seriously.


I turned around and went down. I followed Kent to the car and after a while Ralph and Finn got out as well. Silence surrounded us in the car. None of us spoke out of concern for Cal as well.

"Hi, we wanted to know where Calypso Madriaga is?" I asked at the desk.

"Ahmm, Sir Mr. Madriaga is..."

She looked at the notebook she was carrying,

".. in bed number three" he pointed to our left. We turned there, then I turned my gaze back to the nurse.

"Okay, thanks," I said, then immediately followed them to the third curtain. When Kent approached he immediately pulled back the curtain. He stopped there while looking at Cal. I approached where they were until I saw Cal lying on the hospital bed up close.

I was shocked to see what he looked like.

What happened to him?

It was as if he had been beaten hard. His face was full of bruises. Also in some parts of his arm. He has a bandage on his nose, and his right eye.


I placed my sight to his right. There was a woman there, she was sitting in a small chair while bent over. Her right arm and head rested on the side of Cal's bed. She seems to be sleeping. With how i can describe this woman's simple attire I think she is--

"Lyrie?" Ralph called the woman.


Finn immediately approached her and gently patted her on her shoulder. It took a few seconds when she finally moved. She raised her head and Lyrie from a deep sleep looked up at us. She even narrowed her eyes and looked around her, rubbing her eyes like she was tired still.

"Are you okay?" Finn asked Lyrie.

Lyrie nodded once.

"Ahmm… may I ask, how did you get here? Did the hospital call you too?" Ralph asked.

She again, nodded,

"I saw him ..." she continued,

"There in the alley, close to where we went"

She looked at Cal,

"He's been beaten up..."

"S-Sorry .."

I turned my glance to Ralph, he bowed as he had his voice weakly saying his apology to her,

"I shouldn't have left you there .. I wish I could have helped" Ralph continued.

Lyrie shook her head,

"It's nothing... we both don't know it would happen"

Ralph nodded, weakly accepting what he just heard and then turned back his gaze to Cal.

"Did you see the one who did this to him?" Kent suddenly asked while also looking at the unconscious Cal.

Lyrie immediately turned to him and nodded.

"Where is he?"

"So far, there's no news I've heard about them yet. I don't know if the police have catched them"

"Them?" Finn groaned.

"Mmm" Lyrie agreed.

After that none of us makes a noise, or even talk. I think we're all thinking what's next, or I'm just the one thinking about that? Silence filled Cal's bed, as if we were waiting for the next thing that's going to happe--

"Hah..." Kent sighed weakly and took off his jacket.

"I'll go to the police station, check the updates and if there are any... updates" he glanced at us.

"Is anyone coming with me?"

My eyes widened slightly and I didn't want to raise my hand,

"I-I..." presented myself.

He turned his eyes to me and nodded. He took a glance at them again,

"All right, we'll just let you know"

"Mm... alright bro, be careful" Ralph.

Finn nodded at us.

Kent started to turn around and walk out after going through the curtain. I nodded to Finn before I followed him. Kent was leading the way while I was just behind him.

Of us all, Kent is really the most mature when it comes to these situations.

Well, speaks his age... he's the oldest in the band.

While on the road we asked around where the police station was. Fortunately it was taught to us properly so we got there right away.


"An incident that happened on Santan Street .." the old policeman raced his finger down to the big notebook. As we waited, I looked around the place. And like the establishments in this town, even this police station looks a bit old -fashioned, but quite a large one.

We are now at the desk.

"In the incident that happened to... Calypso Madriaga"

"Mmm" I replied.

"We caught the one who beat him. They have been locked inside for a while" he pointed behind him with his thumb.

"Let's wait and see what punishment they should face, that's in accordance with the rest days given by the doctor to the victim"

"Mm... I understand" Kent replied. I noticed him looking behind the police, so like him put my gaze over there.

"Can I ask them questions or... talk to them?" he calmly asked.

"All right, wait a minute" he turned to the guard there.


"Sir" the other policeman responded.

"Accompany them to tatang" he said. Mercado immediately nodded and lead us to our way.

Whaaaaat? Tatang?

When we got there we saw a few prisoners inside the bars.

"Tang! Someone wants to talk to you" said the policeman next to us.

An old man stood up from his bed. Held the jail bars and looked at us like a high school bully. He also stood behind four young men wearing no tops. They would hang out in jail bars.

"What do you need?" he asked proudly.

"Why did you do that?" Kent asked immediately.

"Hah! Who are you?" he asked... sarcastically. His companions grinned as they stared at us.

They're quite pissing me off.

I walked closer,

"Tss, you were the only one who beat up our friend, don't you remember?" I tried not to show how irritated I am as much as possible.

"Hah. Why are you blaming us? Blame that inquisitive friend of yours and his slut looking girlfriend" I frowned as I looked at Kent.

"Girlfriend?" I asked in astonishment.

"I think he's talking about Lyrie--"

"Right! Why? Aren't they together?"

My brows met in so much irritation.

What a jerk...

"..your friend protected her too much--"

"You're a fool! You have no right to molest a woman, no matter what they are wearing! If there's a problem here, it's because of you!" I pointed my finger at him,

"You can't control yourself! Do you understand what I'm saying?!" I turned to him angrily! I could feel Kent's hand on my arm, but I really couldn't help but be really mad with this man.

"He's an elder, let it go "he said calmly from behind me. I continued to look at them madly. Kent, on the other hand, walked forward and slightly pulled me away.

"I have a lot of respect for the elders, but if you continue to do so. I'll make sure you get what you want, "Kent said calmly to them. He backed away slowly while still not taking off his sight at them. I noticed how their smirking faces turned serious.


We turned around and walked out--

"He wouldn't have been beaten if your curly friend hadn't confirmed to us where to wait for him haha.​​.." the old man behind us added.

Huh? What is he saying?

I'm ready to face him when Kent stopped me and continued to walk out. For a few seconds I decided to follow.

Kent turned to the desk for a moment.

"Make sure they'll receive the punishment they deserve, Thank you" he said then finally left. I heard the policeman behind us agree with him.

Going to get in the car, I still didn't think of myself. The last thing the old man said.

Someone taught them where to wait for Cal?


"He wouldn't have been beaten if your curly friend hadn't confirmed to us where to wait for him haha.​​.."



Curly, curly, I--

Wait, is he talking about... Ralph?