Chapter 12: Old man

Calypso's POV

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No… not yet"

"Let's go outside, I'm hungry"

"All right, alright… how about you Lyrie?"

My forehead twitched slightly.

I came across the familiar voices coming from around me. I immediately opened my eyes.


It hurts!!

I was blinded by the glare of a bright light along with the bulging pain of my eyes! Aside from that, it also felt very heavy, like my right eyelid had been doubled.


"Cal?" I heard a voice beside me, a voice from a woman.

"Cal!" and so I heard another from a guy, I knew it was Ralph. I slowly opened my eyes.

"Hey! you're awake!" I saw James with his startled face.

I slowly took my eyes around. I saw Kent standing there to my left, his arms were folded, having his eyes on me.

"How are you feeling bro?" he asked. I forced a small smile in response.

Next to Kent was Finn. His eyes were widened while gazing at me. I remembered what conversation we had before we got into this, we had a little argument and I still don't feel that good about him. I immediately shifted my gaze to Ralph next to him. He waved in the wind as if I were blind.

Next to him was James, he was smiling at me and waving when he saw my eyes turn to him. I shifted my gaze again to his side and it was stuck there.

It's Lyrie.

Her eyes looking at me were dead serious yet very emotional.

"Does it still hurt, bro?"

I shifted my gaze to James. He was waiting for my answer so I smiled,

"A little better now"

"The doctor said you can't move your right foot at first." Kent said and looked at my right leg,

"A fracture formed there and it's been a bit… dislocated so you were cast for six to twelve weeks"

I nodded.

This was the second time I got one of my body parts casted, the only difference is that it was my left arm, fractured when I fell on the tree before in high school. But this is the first time I have been beaten and bruised… and fractured intentionally. I find it more painful. I could still remember the old man, at his speed when he hit my leg very hard.

"Where's the old guy?" I asked calmly.

"They are now in jail with the rest of teenagers who beat you, we are still figuring out the sentence they will face" Kent replied again.

I nodded slowly.

I think that would be fine for them...

"Oh… Lyrie, you can go home now, you should take a rest, we'll take care of here. Thank you for being here for Cal" Ralph suddenly brought up. I slowly turned my gaze there until I finally saw her. Her two eyebrows were slightly raised looking at Ralph. She looked started, all attention was on her.


For a moment she shifted her gaze to me and immediately shifted it to them.

I don't know what I should do in front of her now after what happened. Especially when she hugged me. I didn't expect that to happen. Maybe she was just worried about me at that time but I wasn't satisfied and I wanted to know her personally. But on second thought... It's very weird if I ask her that.

"A-All right... I'll go on then"

I turned my attention back to her. She looked at me, forcing a smile. Then she quickly shifted her gaze to Ralph and the rest of us. She stood up and slowly walked out.

And never looked back at me.

I took a quiet sigh,

"Thank you..." I uttered.

She stopped walking. Slightly turned her head and looked at me. Just that very moment, she put a simple yet beautiful smile. My favorite smile of hers came out again. I don't know but I used to feel emotional. Then I saw she just nodded sparingly.

After a few seconds, she finally brought her head straight again, turned her back from me and started to walk away.

Finn walked closer to her and held her by her shoulder.


"I'll lead you home" I heard him say to her. She just nodded at him.

I've been really wanting Finn's position. The hard thing is that I'm just the only one hanging to my own hope.

Tss. Why am I still hanging in the first place?

Still, I kept my eyes on them together as they walked away. Walking at the same time until they turned into the hallway and I could no longer catch them with my own sight.

I just closed my eyes.

"Ralph, let's talk"

I narrowly opened my eyes when I heard Kent talk. He turned to Ralph with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Ha?..." he took a glance at us and then immediately looked back at Kent.


"Bro, take care of him for a while, ha? Well just gonna… talk" Kent turned to James, and James nodded. Kent came out of the curtain first and Ralph immediately followed.

"What was that for?" I asked James.

He just pouted and just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know either... by the way do you need anything else?"

James' POV

I just walked out the curtain. Left him there too haha.

He said he needs water so I'll just get some for him.

I went out and looked around to find somewhere for water to drink but in my sight I couldn't find any so I approached the desk.

"Miss, do you have a water dispenser here?"

She nodded.

"Yes, there it is, sir"

She pointed to the right and there I saw the water dispenser she was referring to on the side of the main door of the emergency room but…

My brows met in confusion.

My sight was automatically attracted to the people standing outside the main door. It was Kent… and Ralph.

I walked closer to the dispenser while still not taking my eyes off them. They seemed to be talking as seriously. Both having their faces a bit frowned, calm but seriously looking at each other. Maybe they didn't notice me with too much focus.

Meh. What about it?

I proceeded to walk closer to the water dispenser and took a disposable cup to its side. I put it on the stand, pressed the cold button, and waited for it to be filled--

"Tell me, bro. What are you saying?" I heard Ralph said. Kent was probably the one he was talking to.

"Be honest with me, bro. Earlier I observed how you looked at Lyrie" Kent's voice.

"Oh what now?"

"I'm expecting that you have something to do with the incident happened to Cal"


"The heck?!"

"One more thing, that old man himself who beat Cal... he's pointing at you"

I was stunned.

Wait… w-what?

I-I forgot about that…


"He won't be beaten if your curly friend didn't confirm to us where to wait for him haha ​​.."
