Arseanne Tyler ..

At first , he just come to this cafe because it is his regular spot of meeting people and releasing his stress whenever his staff make problems . Just like today .. he just went for a short break after being suffocated in his office .

There is no particular reason why he loves being here , well but maybe he was so sick of girls seducing her when look at his face or how lavish he wears his clothes . Anyway , it's not like those girls are sincere , they were just chasing after his money or his look .

From his belief , he inherited his father genes of sculpture and perfect face . Even until this day , his father still has a lot of woman chasing after him but he knows his father loves his late mother so much that he can't even forget about her . His father can't even went to his mother resting place because he doesn't want to accept the fact that she's gone for good .

Whenever he comes here , the only interesting thing was the coffee that he drinks or the fact that the cafe has a space that obstruct people from looking at him . But these days , he realized that there's a new worker here . It's not that he has fall in love at first sight or something .

Interestingly , he never see a girl that resemble his father so much . The girl has always had a poker face with no emotion even when interacting with people . She has always had this cold vibe surround her . She had this look of she won't even budge even if someone was killed infront of her .

His father was also like that . He was the cold type of person and people can't never guess what he thinks . Ironically , he always tried to be warm to him because he is his son .

His mother was the type of soft person that can melt his father coldness in a split second .

He's just awed by the poker face girl because he can't even be in par with his father's . He's strict and scary in his workplace but occasionally he's the type of walking energy that spread his positivity to other people .

So , rather than his dad , people always said that he resemble his mother in personality more .

That was the very reason why he sometimes stare at her . But today , there is some kind of accident that just ruin his mood for once . Although he is not as cold and cruel as his dad but he's not that nice either , he knows his boundaries in things that he can handle or not . When he saw the kids was wrongly accusing the worker he's always stared at , he finds it amusing that even in this type of situation , she's still has that calm look but when he saw one of the kids threw the hard chair at her , he didn't even know when his legs moved and pull her out of the danger . It's just like his body act without him thinking about it . When he realized his action , he already held the skinny girl in his arms .


Eriana push him away when she hears the bang sound from behind her . The chair that supposed to hit her breaks when clash with another table . She doesn't like to make trouble especially when she works but the type that she hated the most are these types that's so spoiled by their wealthy parents as if they are the one who control this world .

Eriana looks at the mess and tsk-ed when she sees all the customers are disturbed by this scene . She takes her attention back to the young man that pulls her from the scene .

" .... I'm sorry for the commotion , sir and thank you for helping me . As the compensation for troubling your peaceful coffee time , we will give you some free vouchers for free coffee . "

Eriana does a 90 degree bow to the young man that helped her also to the customers that disturbed by this scene . The last sentence that she uttered is also for all the customers there . Anyway , Mrs Filia already taught her what to say if there is some situation she can't handle .

She stares back at the kids that are still there and decide that they have to accept some moral teaching from her .

" As for you guys ..... I can sue you for obstruction , delaying and destroying our business place . Ahh— and also for trying to hit the civilian which is me . Please wait for the lawyer's letter . "

The kid that was trying to hurt her flabbergasted by the statement .

" S-sue ?! Don't try to scare me ! Just you wait when my dad is here ! I'll make sure you are fired !! "

Eriana watches him as if he's just a fly that wasted her time and said in a small voice .

" Another rich bastard who's flaunting his family's wealthiness is nothing more or less than a trash .. "

She despised these type of rich people . They shouldn't even exist in this world at the first place !

Without her knowing , Arseanne still standing there clearly heard what she say and watch her eyes drowning in disgust towards those people .

At this time , several men in suits coming towards the entrance of the cafe hurriedly . The middle aged man who's the first to arrive clearly look angry and worried .

" Son ! What's wrong with you ?! Who dares to mess with you ! Tell me ! I'll make sure that person disappear forever ! "

Turns out that man is the dad to that kid who's rude and other kids dad are also there .

" Dad ! Thank god you're here ! Look , this bitch dare to bump into me and even threaten to sue me ! Dad , don't you have A.R Group behind you ?! Just make this woman disappear ! You have the power right ?! "

" W-well , of course , of course ! Don't worry , all the people in A.R listen to me , this sure won't be a problem for you , son ! "

" Huh ! See , bitch ! Do you dare to mess with me now ! Don't you know A.R ! Now you better kneel if you don't want A.R to chase you from every jobs !! "

Eriana look at the man who's saying that he had A.R Group as a backup . Do they think she's stupid ? If these men really have a high rank in A.R , pfft , she can't even think how lower A.R will go with these bunch idiots who's so arrogant . She said ..

" I feel pity to A.R Group ... "

" What did you say , bitch ?! "

" It's a pity , everyone think of A.R so highly , yet here you are saying A.R is your backup and you have a decision to ban me because of your position , I must say ..... If that's really true , then the rumor of the CEO being a great businessman must have been a trash rumor seeing as ' the great ceo ' put his trust on people like you ! "

Meanwhile , Arwin Tyler who's in the meeting at A.R Group suddenly sneeze .

' Is there people badmouthing me ? '

Arseanne cough twice hearing Eriana's remark . How can she say his father being a great ceo is a trash rumor ! As a son , he can't let this go ! Afterall , how can these people use A.R as if it's their own company when here he is standing as the true heir of A.R Group !

Don't worry father ! I'll let her know it's not a trash rumour ! How can my greatest father is a trash !

Arwin Tyler once again sneeze in a meeting room when one of his staff is presenting infront of him .

The secretary : Oh no ! Looks like the aircond is too strong , that's why boss has caught a cold !

Arwin : Who the hell badmouthing me again !