" How dare you ?! Did you even know I can even destroy your life with my power in A.R ! "

The man seems so angry with her words and attempt to grab her harshly when another pair of hand grab his tightly .

" Sigh ..... Even me myself doesn't even flex that much with the name of A.R.  How can you make my innocent father look like a trash right now when you are the one who stink , hmm ? "

Arseanne talked playfully as if it was a joke but his expression looks so cold towards that man , people can hardly believe if they saw him right now . Although his aura can't match with his father but it still can make people tremble when look at him .

At first , the man fume with the thought of a young man trying to meddle in his business but when he looks up to spit some nasty words , his words suddenly got stuck at his throat looking at the familiar young man .

" Y-young master , w-what are you doing here .... ? "

He was so shocked that he even start to stammer . This young man is his superior ! Not just any superior ! He was the son to the great CEO A.R ! At the office , he was known as Director but outside of the office , he still need to give him lots of respect because of his outstanding family position . H-he didn't heard what I just said ... Right ?

" Why ? How come I can't be here ? Right now is the time for our office to get a break right ? I need to relax too , you know .. "

" O-of course , young master . T-then , you should enjoy your break , I can't be the one who disrupt you precious rest . Let's go , let's go ! We can't be doing an audacious thing to our young master .. "

He starts to push other men that come with him . They also know who is the young man standing there . They were all in the same company anyway . They know they are in a dire situation right now . They all only a normal employee in A.R . It was just a coincidence that their sons has a good relationship with the son of their manager , XingHai .

XingHai is not considered as a high-ranking manager at A.R . It was only because in his long career in A.R , he once got to take a part in a big project as a leader . All his words earlier only a pretense just because he thought he's excellent enough after that project . Truth to be told , it was only once he got to see the great CEO  and that was only in a glance when the company once had a big gathering . All this while , his son , Director Arseanne Tyler was the one who handled the big meetings with the employees .

Meanwhile , Arseanne only act as if he didn't see XingHai and those people trying to leave .

" .... Don't you think you should fix the situation before you leave , Manager XingHai ? Your son just disrupt my rest and with all this mess , don't you know how to apologize and compensate ?! "

XingHai staggered on his way out when Arseanne suddenly yelled at him . He thought he can pretend as if nothing happen and escape from this situation . Nevertheless ...

He look back at the angry Arseanne and pull his son towards him . He cleared his voice and hit his son lightly on the shoulder .

" Brat ! Apologize to the young master right now ! You don't know how precious is his rest time ! How can you mess with young master like this !  Dad definitely will back you anytime but not this time ! Apologize ! "

He tried to act as angry as he can so that Arseanne believes he was trying to discipline his son .

" B-but dad ! You said you can do something with your power in A.R ! The bi*** .. ! She ..."


He suddenly feel the burning sensation on his left cheek . He was just talking to his dad so it was not his dad who did that to him because his dad never slapped him in whole his life . Who the hell just did that to him ?! He turns his head to see the perpetrator when he realize it was the young man who his dad called as young master .

XingHai also feels shocked when his son suddenly got slapped . He just wanted to express his rage when he realized it was the young master who's completely look offended as if he was the one who got insulted .

" Y-young master ... What's this about .. ? My son .. "

" Tsk ! You think I want to touch him so much ?! Apologize ?! Who do you think you should apologize to ?! Ahh- really .. Both you and your son are so shameless . This is how you educate your son all this while . With your arrogant attitude as if A.R is yours , I can understand why your son act as if he's the boss . Still .... You should have been grateful the one you see today is me not my father , you act as if my father will backed you up on anything , who the hell are you for him anyway ! "

Eventhough he's still angry and his body trembled with rage , unexpectedly he gently pulled Eriana to the front of Xinghai and his son .

" Anyway that's your problem with me , but your son problem was with this miss . "

He glared at the boy who's still kneeled on the floor with red cheek and said ..

" Apologize to her properly ! Who the hell are you to ban someone who's working just fine . Don't try to give her some measly apology . "

The boy just looked at his dad with a pitiful eyes trying to seek help nonetheless XingHai knows he can't do anything since the words has already spoken by the young master . He only urged his son to apologize as to not make the young master further angry .

" ... I—I'm S-sorry , it-it was my fault earlier , I'm so s-sorry m-miss waitress . "

Although he was arrogant , he knows right now he should do what this young master said . It seems that this young master held much more power than his dad .

Upon hearing the apology , Arseanne looked at Eriana as to confirm whether she wanted to accept that or not . He sees Eriana nods her head towards the boy and said it was fine so he reluctantly let go of the problem with the boy . Anyway , he's not that unreasonable to hold the boy accountable for something he already apologize .

The boy and his friends parted their ways with their fathers and get out from the cafe after the fathers completely giving the cafe compensation for the losses .

Arseanne intended to give XingHai and other workers a warning as to not repeat the same mistake they make especially about him having A.R as a backup . They might have seen it as a mean to make people highly regarded them but this issue can backfire towards A.R excellent name if this continues . He wanted to talk to his father about this issue and suspended the group from work for some time .

After he gives them warning and sees them off from the cafe , he just realized that he spent such a long time in the cafe for something that didn't related to him . He never involved himself for something that was not his problem , he has the same attitude like his father , his father hated it when someone wanted him to fix other people unimportant problems that doesn't include him . Furthermore , he doesn't even know why he's so fast when Eriana was in trouble earlier .

Arseanne sigh ...

" I must've been crazy for trying to help other people when there's a lot of document waiting for me at the office . "

He grabs his things on the table , checked himself out on his camera phone worried that the situation earlier might make his clothes didn't look fine . He prepared to go out relieved that the cafe was already cleaned from the mess .

Unlike other wealthy people who has a driver , Arseanne liked to drive by himself , he didn't like the feeling of having someone who acts like a complete servant to him always getting scared that they will make a mistake . He drove a latest blue Beemw that he parks near the cafe and starts the car to go to the company . Fortunately , it only takes 10-15 minutes from the cafe to his destination .

Knock - knock !

He just started to push the gear when he hears some knocking from his side of the windows . The window completely blocked himself from the outside but from the inside he can thoroughly sees who's the one there . What is she doing here ?

Instead of turning down the window , he opens his side of car door and gets out from it . He looked at Eriana who's awkwardly trying to smile at him .