She has lived for 19 years and throughout her life , this incident is natural to her . The world is full of arrogant people and occasionally this arrogant people only consist of riches that was pampered with money and power .

She hated rich people the most . Just because they have money , they think they can do anything . Just because they can manipulate everything with their power , they considered they are the strongest in this world .

She can't deny that money is indeed everything . Everything you wanted to do in this world , you need money . That's why in order to live her life , she struggled with several jobs at once . But .... Eventhough she didn't denied that , that doesn't mean she accept whatever people with money has done to her .

When she saw the hard chair coming at her , she sigh with a tiring face , too tired to play along with these people who messed with her . She only wanted to work ! What's wrong with them ?! She just needed to move a bit to avoid that so she was prepared for that when another hand pull her .

The young man that pulled her looks at her worriedly and asked her if she was fine . If it was any other girl , they might have fallen for him and she admit that she looks a little tiny little bit handsome .. I guess ? But to Eriana , she was just annoyed with him meddling in her affairs .

Why is he helping me anyway .. ? Who told him to help .. ? I can help myself if I want ! Though he indeed looks amazing and all that , to her he was an annoying person .

When she heard that these people coming from A.R and the CEO is their backup . She started to think that the media is corrupted for saying that A.R is such a great company and their CEO is a great person when the truth is here . She started to think badly of A.R and prayed for their doomsday !

Once again , she was prepared for protecting herself when she saw those bastard trying to hit her , this is just a simple thing , anyway ! But ..... For goodness sake ! That guy ! What was wrong with him ! Why is he helping me ! All the more , she think he was so annoying again and again .

He gets angry to those people and she realized he is the son of that CEO . Ahhh— so he is a wealthy person too .

Hearing him , maybe that CEO is not that bad and those people were just using his name because they work there . Oh well , I take back my words of A.R doomsday . Because of that , he seems less annoying now .

After all that chaos , Eriana had to clean the place and completely forgot about Arsianne .

Mrs.Filia suddenly told her she's off from the shift and gave her some cakes , coupons and coffee drink . She felt weird with all these things when Mrs.Filia pushed her to the door and told her to say thanks to that man and give him these things . She tried to retaliate as she feel awkward doing these things especially she was not a friendly person .

But .... Mrs Filia used her card as a superior to make her agree . What can she say ?! She can just reluctantly agree and run to find that man . Luckily , he didn't get off yet or else she doesn't know what to do .


Eriana looked at the young man with an awkward smile . She tried to ease her feeling and told herself to treat him as a customer because that's the only way she can speak properly to him with her that really doesn't know how to talk to people .

" Ummm ... Dear customer , this is some coupons for you as us saying sorry for earlier . And .... this is some cakes and coffee drink as saying thanks for helping earlier . Hope you will come to our cafe again . Thank you ! "

She definitely speak like she was working . Anyway , she's not wrong right .. ? This young man is a customer anyway ..

Arseanne looked at the girl who's talking awkwardly . She was still with that no emotion face but this time she obviously looks awkward and doesn't know what to do with him . He feels like laughing when she's talking like a robot who's working .

Arseanne cough twice and spoke ..

" So ... you are saying thank you to me right ? It's fine , it's fine .. Anyway I did that without asking for repayment . By the way , my name is Arseanne . Arseanne Tyler ... "

She looked at Arseanne blankly . She only came here because of Mrs.Filia . Why is he suddenly introduce himself ? I didn't have any friends and I'm not intended to have any too .

She shoved the things she hold to Arseanne arms and left without saying anything .

Arseanne put the things onto the backseat and immediately hold Eriana's wrist preventing her from left suddenly .

" Why are you running away from me ? I just wanted to befriend with you not like I did anything bad .. "

She turns her body and glared at Arseanne who's holding her wrist .

" Let.Go ! " She looks like she was ready to fight if Arseanne didn't let go of her hand . She hated unfamiliar people , and she even more hated people touching her .

" Don't be mad .. I was just wanted to be your friend .. Can't I do that ... ? "

He asked gently in case Eriana got angry again .

She sigh with anger and said .

" First , let go or else you have to see me in the police station or hospital .. Do you want that to happen .. ? "

He reluctantly let go of her arm . He didn't get scared with that words . He was Tyler through and through . He knows how to fight physically and it seems that this girl knows that too however he didn't want to hurt her eventhough he didn't know how strong she is .

" Then .. Can I know your name .. ? "

He asked again .

If I didn't answer him , I'm sure he will trying to prevent me of running away again .

" Eriana ... "

" Eriana .. Such a lovely name ! What about your surname .. ? "

" Tsk , what do you even care about . I don't have it ! " She started to get angry again . At first , she just wanted to treat him as a customer but he was the one who started this game , she doesn't has any choice but to reveal her true colour . She didn't has patience in trying to know people and to her it was such a blessing that she doesn't has any friends .

" You .. don't have surname .. ? I thought all the people in the world have it . Anyway , can we be friends now .. ? "

He grin at her as if she's already became his closest friend .

" I'm an orphan , why do I need surname . Not like you rich people who has parents to pamper you ... "

He gets surprised for a while when she's suddenly admit she's an orphan . Usually , that was a topic that can't be mention but she told him casually like she's used to it . And again .. he realized that this girl has discriminacy towards rich people .

" Well , I admit my family was rich but not everyone gets pampered by their parents to the extent of them didn't know how to respect people . "

She looked at him as if she didn't believe him .

" You want evidence .. ? Hmm , my mom pampered me with love but she already passed away long ago , my dad acted as if he can love me as if nothing happen but I knew that was just his facade of trying to conceal his reluctance in letting my mom go .. "

He sadly smile remembering his dad who's pretending to be fine but he knew that in secret his cold dad , his emotionless dad cried every night remembering his mom . He doesn't know why he said all this to a stranger that he finds amusing that he even wanted to be friend but it seems like he feels relaxed after releasing a little bit of his burden .

Eriana shook for a second there . Parents was a taboo words for her . She's lived in orphanages and has lived with adopted parents back to back but she never gets a simple happiness that she wants . Over years , she understood orphan's feeling more than anyone because she's an orphan too without parents standing beside her and she's long forgotten about the desire having them .

Hearing Arseanne admitted that his mom was long gone , she suddenly regretted saying those words . She was the type of person who's long letting go any of her feelings towards the world that was why she has always seen as an emotionless person but that doesn't mean she hurts innocent people on purpose . She only finds trouble when the other party troubled her first .

She stuttered a little bit and spoke .

" Uh ... S-sorry for that ... I didn't know that .. "

She struggled looking at Arseanne's eyes and wanders her eyes around while saying sorry . Suddenly she heard a laughter infront of her . Arseanne looked at her with a relaxed laughter and pats her head . Her eyes bulged when she sense a hand presence on top of her but she suddenly frozen didn't know what to do .

" Don't worry about that .. I was never sad with my dad's attitude and it was fine about my mom , I always believe she's still here with me . So , let's be friends , okay .. ? "

Arseanne keep laughing while patting her head with Eriana's mind in frozen mode , it was her first time that she doesn't know in what way she should treat this person who suddenly wanted to be her friend . For weird reasons , she finds him less and less annoying .

That was the start of their fate and little did they know fate and relationship is such an amazing thing that can make their life intertwined with each other in such a way .