After such a long day , Eriana is lying on her bed with a blank look . She still doesn't believe what happened earlier . Her mind was in such a mess that when she finally came to her consciousness , she was already home .

She was so baffled by Arseanne's patting that without her realizing , they even exchanged contact numbers !

This..... What happen to her ?!

How can she let her guards down !

She must have been crazy to let this thing happen .

It's okay , It's fine ... I will just avoid him no matter what happen . Yes ! It must have been her condition today is not in a top notch , that's why she was easily being misguided by that guy .

Eriana assured herself and forced her to sleep .

To her , it was better to live in a life where people cannot come in into your world . Being an orphan means that you can't expect too much from other people else you're the one who's gonna get hurt . The only reason why she doesn't has friends only because she doesn't has any intention to . You have to put a lot of complicated emotions in friendship or relationship so it is too troublesome for her to invest her emotion in it .

Also , trust is hard to gain in people . You wouldn't know when they would betray you , so it was better to be alone rather than having knifes all around you .



Arwin is sitting at his desk listening to Chris talking about his schedule . He has been staying at his office ever since he came back to this country . He doesn't even meet his own son personally other than meeting him for works in the office .

Chris looks at his boss who is staring at the family picture on the desk while listening to his report . His boss got a dark eyebag on his face meaning that he's not sleeping well again .

Chris got to know his boss's sleeping routine because he asked his boss's personal doctor .

Ever since the late madam's gone , boss had insomnia and can only sleep well after hugging his wife's picture and that was after 3 or 4 in the early morning .

Eventhough his work is always perfect , but his private life is like zero , he doesn't engage in relationship even with his own family . Sometimes , Chris wonder if it not because of how the late madam gave birth to their son endangering her own health , maybe the moment the late madam's gone , his boss would have followed her too .

" Chris , what happened to the investigation ? "

Chris heard his boss's stern voice asking him a question he really doesn't want to answer .

" .... That , sir ... we haven't found the source who sent you that envelope .. "

Arwin glared at him in annoyance . Usually , this kind of investigation easily come through and doesn't take so much time . Why does this time it takes so much time ? There must be some high influential behind this case since hardly people can touched his private life easily .

" Just do it quickly .. I need a lead at least to find some clue .. "

" Yes sir ! I'll make sure the team do the task efficiently .. "

Arwin just nodded and let it go . He just wanted to know who is the one who send him those things and he only want to investigate just because he remember how his wife act back then .


Suddenly , they heard the knocks coming from the outside .

" Come in .. "

His other secretary , Clara comes in with a nervous state . She fiddled her fingers nervously trying to say the news to her boss . Eventhough she was assigned as his secretary , she always gets scared whenever she comes face to face with him .

Furthermore , usually Assistant Chris who is the one taking care of the things that need to be said to boss . Other things that didn't need to be reported to the boss personally , all she handled it but because Assistant Chris has been in the boss's office , she had no choice but to handle the things that need to relay to his boss now .

" What is it , Clara .. ? "

Arwin looked at his secretary who's tight-lipped infront of him . He knows only few people didn't get scared when talking to him and many of them got nervous just like Clara .

" S-sir .. there's a guest wanting to meet you .."

His gaze become cold when he heard that . She should has known that he doesn't like visitors visiting him at the office .

" Throw them out , Chris .. "

Chris who is just standing there got surprised and nodded intending to make the guest leave knowing that his boss hated someone barge in without an appointment .

" B-but sir ... It was a lady and she said she was .... she was ... your sister in law ... "

She barely voiced out the sister in law incase her boss got mad .

Even if everyone knows how severe boss missing the late madam but it was totally forbidden to mention it infront of the boss .

She too was shocked when the lady demand to meet the boss and saying that if the boss doesn't want to meet her , she just need to mention that the lady is his sister in law .

Arwin froze hearing that . He was sure that he didn't mishear Clara but he was too shocked . Ever since Elianne's gone from his life , Arseanne was the only one who kept his relationship with his maternal family . Arwin avoided them in his grief of losing Elianne . This is the first time one of the Vryl Family trying to approach him after Elianne's death .

He smoothen his eyebrows and sigh ..

" Just let her come up .. "

Chris stuttered too shocked but he try to remain calm and bring Clara outside to tell the lady to come in .


Arwin heard the knocks and just wait for the person to come in without saying anything .

His office door open with the woman who looks like in mid-thirties come into his sight .

The woman had elegant dress with a high heels , her body full with branded brands with a wavy brownish hair complete with her dangerous smile .

She looks like Elianne in first sight with the exception that Elianne looks more gentle while the woman looks dangerous and tough .

She stands infront of Arwin and smiled ..

" Long time no see , Brother in-law . "