He told her to sit while his secretary bring tea for them to drink while talking .

" I am surprised that you didn't seem baffled to see I'm here , brother-in-law .. "

She just kept smiling dangerously with her eyes focused solely on him .

" .... I am baffled , it's just that I didn't show it .. Ezealle . "

She just sips her tea with a calm expression .

Ezealle Vryl . The second daughter of Vryl Family . Eleanne is a middle child . Ezealle is the youngest while the eldest son and the only son , Evysse Vryl is the successor . Although Eleanne and Ezealle has slight resemblance , Eleanne is the epitome gentleness while Ezealle liked to play rough . Truth to be told , Ezealle is like the demon king dressed as a woman with her way dealing with people .

" If you are here to see Arseanne , he's not here . "

" Why would I see my dear nephew , I can just call him and he will came running to the Vryl Villa also why are you being so distant calling me by my name ... "

She languidly put her palm at her chin pretending to think of something while looking at Arwin .

" I remember back then you sweetly called me Sis-in-law ~ "

He sigh again with her habit of teasing people .

" Ezealle , just tell me what do you need , you must be coming here for an important reason , right .. ? "

" Ughh , you are no fun , brother-in-law . Eli's death must have take a toll on your personality . Ahh - I missed my brother-in-law back then ~ .. "

His cold glare can make anyone tremble but unfortunately not Ezealle though . She just smirks while Arwin is being mad .

" Fine , fine ... I just come here to surrender myself so stop ruining my people .. "

With that words , the tease Ezealle earlier become serious with her cold face and if anyone look at this situation right now , they would have been scared witless by this two demon .

" What ?! "

" Don't play dumb , Arwin .. You're smart enough as it is . Yeah . I was the one who send you that envelope , so stop your people in ruining mine . I already had enough headache to handle other things , I don't need to compensate for their so called technology , do I ? "

" What are you saying ?! So you are the one that send me that DNA ?! Ezealle Vryl ! Don't test my patience ! I'm not touching you just because of your immense power in the underworld ! I had enough power to destroy your hard work ! Don't try to test me ! "

He gets worked up and yelled to her already forgetting that she is her precious wife's sister .

She gets worked up too with the yelling causing her to coldly glare at him with a serious expression as if she's gonna kill him .

" Why are you mad , brother . in . law . Pfft— I helped you handling the most important thing and you of all people had the guts to yell at me . Don't you know how to be g.r.a.t.e.f.u.l "

" Grateful ?! Haa , you of all people know how much I loved Elianne , why would I cheat on her ?! You think I'm crazy ?!! "

He stands up and call Chris using his intercom .

" Chris , get in and assist Miss Ezealle to leave right now . "

Ezealle gets up too and started to become irritated with her brother in law . I just helped him eventhough I'm busy like hell and here he is trying to throw me away .


Suddenly the whole company is in chaos when they suddenly lose the electricity . If this happens , the share of the company might drop if the company can't operated like usual .

Within 5 minutes , luckily the company gains back it's electricity and the workers can continue their work well .

Meanwhile , in the CEO OFFICE .

" Ezealle Vryl , are you crazy ?! "

" Ahh— That was just a little warning , Arwin . You know what , I'm too riled up to call you brother-in-law now . You know right what happen if I didn't spare my patience on you . You might have treat me as some gentle sister in law you had . But I only treat you that much because of Eli . If it was other people , they would have been praying to see their grave already . So sit down and listen until I finish . Or else there might have been exist another little warning for you . "

Ezealle speak the words with a cold voice and started to stare at the glass windows behind Arwin that you can specifically sees another building .

Arwin looks at behind him and found that on top of the building there is already a man in black with a sniper waiting for instructions maybe .

" You're unbelievable , Ezealle .. "

At last , Arwin just continued to sit to listen to her .

" Well , that's your fault , Arwin .. You've become much weaker after Eli died . Luckily , you still know how to fight with your enemies , huh ? "

" Just cut the crap and continues what you want to say . I told you I never cheated on Elianne . She is my one and only love .. "

Ezealle started to laugh .

" Who accuse you of cheating anyway .. "


" Don't be such a dumbass , Arwin .. The kid in the picture .. It is your child and Eli .. You think I don't know how much obligated you are to Eli ? "

His cold facade drops and you could see how much shocked and nervous he is . He had never liked to show his emotions but when he heard this , it's like the bomb that he didn't expect come falling onto him .

" W-what are you saying ?! That child is such a small child .. How can ... "

" Ughh , that was the only thing I can investigate . I didn't know the adult her . I only got the picture when she was young . You .. probably remember why Eli died right and what she had been saying after she gives birth to Sean ? "

" ...... Yeah , she cried and cried telling me that I .. killed her other child but .. but that child had never exist and she diagnosed with hallucinations . "

" That was what we are wrong at . Eli is right . The intuition of mother is always right . The envelope that I give you ... That child .. "

" It is yours and Eli's daughter and also Arseanne's younger twin . "