It was already late at night and Arwin is still sitting at the living room in a majestic villa . The butler has been waiting for instruction from him and has been persuading the master to eat but the master never went away from there .

Probably Master is waiting for Young Master ?

It was actually a shocking scene when the Master suddenly come home . He rarely comes home when Young Master was still a child and that causes their relationship became strains but at the same time Master always call the Young Master to ask about his day and always grant his wishes .

Then suddenly Master flew abroad as an excuse to work and only recently coming back . So this is the first time in a long while that the Master finally coming home .

It was a relief that Young Master never resent the Master for always not being home .


The area suddenly fill with the light as the Master sit there in the dark . The sudden footsteps comes into a halt noticing the presence in the living room .

" ..... Father .. ? "

Arseanne hesitantly mention the tittle that he rarely utters face to face with this man . Although they always talked with each other in the phone but that was like a formal talk asking each others health and whatsoever , to him his father just did that for his late mom .

Even in the company , they maintain a professional attitude in handling their works so honestly to Arseanne this is a little bit awkward finding his father in a home that he rarely comes .

Arwin straighten his back and his aloof aura comes back after sitting down thinking the problems he had . He dismissed the butler and asked Arseanne to sit on the couch in front of him . He gently said to him in a tone that makes Arseanne think that his father is being weird .

" I need to tell you something , Arseanne .. "

" Uhh .. Sure , Father ... But , it's late already , can't you just talk tomorrow .. ? "

It's already a weird thing that his father comes home waiting for him , and now he even wanted to talk about something in a middle of the late night .

" No , this is an important matter that involves you too , so I can't delay it .. "

" Me .. ? What's wrong , Father ... ? "

" Firstly , it involves your late mother ... "

Arseanne is shocked . Mother ... ? Father never mention about his mother ever since she was gone . Truthfully , everyone could see how much Father grieved over Mother until this day but it was like a taboo for any of them to mention about mother . Father didn't even go any near to any of places that have mother's memories .

So this time , why .. ? Why is Father being so weird and not like usual him .. ?

" I .. met your aunt today . It's your Aunt Ezealle . Actually , before this , there had been an envelope arriving to my office contains some DNA and a little girl's picture . I thought someone was trying to accuse me of being some child's father . You know , I have never cheated on your mother .. and I never will . But your Aunt visited me today telling me that it was her who sent those things and she said something that makes me feel so heartbroken , Sean .. "

Arseanne looked into his father's eyes that starting to get wet . His father never showed his weaknesses to him and he always tried to hide the sight of him crying so this is the first time he has seen his father's tears and also the first time in ten years ... that his father called him his nickname ..

" Sean ... you have a twin sister ... Your mother was always right ... She always said that there was another child other than you , she died because nobody trusted her , I ... I always thought it was because of the depression after birth .. But-But Sean , you really did have a twin sister .. and she's still alive .... "

Arwin cried again confessing these things to Arseanne . It was his fault , it has always been his ...

Arseanne's mind and body feels like something hard struck him listening to his father's words . It feels like something missing inside of him finally awakens . He doesn't know what to say or how to react . It's such a foreign words to him .

Twin sister ... ? That means he had biological siblings that he had never known exist ..

" I-I'm Sorry , Sean ... I'm so sorry .. I never believed your mother's words and I let your twin sister lived all alone without us for 19 years , I-Im S-sorry , Sean .. It was all my fault . I never investigate anything . I just ... just bluntly believed whatever people said .. l .. "

He stopped his words for a second and his hands trembled , walking to Arseanne side , he touched his son's shoulders and knelt infront of him . If anyone sees him in this state , nobody can imagine that this is the cold and aloof President Arwin Tyler . He looks so vulnerable and weak than his usual state infront of other people .

" Sean ... What should I do .. ? W-what should I do , Sean .. I ... I don't know what to do .. I feel so guilty towards you , towards my unknown daughter ... It must have been hard for her .. I-I am the powerful CEO infront of other people .

Our family is in high ranks , we had so many power but I .. I can't even protect her .. What should I do .. what should I do if I succeed in finding her ... "

" Sean .. I'm so sorry .. I was too stupid , I can't even protect you , can't even protect your twin sister and especially your mother .. "

" I'm so sorry .. Elianne ... Eli ..... "

He kept crying and crying infront of Arseanne leaving Arseanne without any chance to talk .

Arseanne didn't know what to do with his father . He even knelt infront of him .

First , he already shocked hearing that he had a twin sister that he never knows . But , if his father was like this , how can he said anything , he can't even ask anything if his father in this state .

" Father .... it's not your fault .. completely , I mean .. Back then , I believed anyone would trust the doctor's words . Anyway , Father , can you get up first .. if you are being like this , how can I say anything or understand this matter ... "

" Sigh .. "

He reluctantly stopped his words and said the tittle that he had stopped saying since a long time ago .

" ..... Dad .... Don't say sorry to me , I'll give you time to cry , so cry however much you want but after that , I want to hear the whole thing .. "