Arseanne was in bed thinking about the whole thing that happens tonight .

Firstly , his father who rarely comes home , who rarely shows any emotions after mother died , who rarely be with him ...

Suddenly , he comes back ..

Suddenly , he cried in front of him ..

Suddenly saying sorry and all ..

It feels like a dream .. A dream that he never think of . A dream that never exist in a first place .

Arseanne was not like other person's child . He doesn't really care about affection , love , or something like that in the family . His beliefs was somewhat similar to his father before his father fall in love with his mother .

That him as a man just to fulfill his responsibility at work , in life . Well , sometimes he had his fun but other times he just focused on his own matter .

When other 19 year's old currently living a college life , a fun life . Playing around here and there as if it's the end of the world . Flirting , playing with love , dating and all sorts of childish thing eventhough they are almost 20 .

Arseanne instead skipped the college and started working in his father's company . He has been mature ever since he was a child . He was taught that a Tyler had a big responsibility . That he will be a heir after his father .

When his mother was alive , all he can see is her distrust towards his father . Who says a child can't understand anything ? Whenever his father was there , she sometimes will hold him tight and protect him as if she was afraid his father will do something towards him .

Other times , he saw her face looking at him as if blaming him being her son . As if she's saying that he didn't deserve to be there .

There is one time she pushed him to his father and asked his father in tears where is her child ..

Then his father will reassured him saying that she's just having an episode and she will be fine later but he knows .. He knows his mother was serious when she said that . That his mother only wanted her other child ..

And not him ...

And now ..

He knows the truth ..

He actually did have a twin . A twin sister that his mother always cried for . A twin sister that always make his mother had mixed emotion towards him . A twin sister that finally make his mother died after missed her for a long time ....

Does he has a courage to get to know this so called twin sister .. ?

The exact reason why his family has always been broken ?

He sigh and close his eyes , resign to the fact that he did have a twin sister whom he doesn't know where or who she is .


Meanwhile Arwin was in his bedroom that he used to share with Elianne . The only reason why he's scared to come back was because of the memories they held together .

Who says that he is a strong person ?

He indulged his time with works just so that he forget his memories with Elianne . Just so that he didn't do stupid things such as killing himself to follow Elianne .

He remembers his conversation with Ezealle earlier ..


" You ... Then , you had enough power to investigate this , why .. did you only gives me her picture when she's a child .. ? "

Arwin asked her in a solemn voice .

Ezealle looked at him and crossed her legs in undignified manner . She just looked exactly like a gangster right now . She laughed linguidly while tapping her other feet on the floor .

" Arwin Tyler , don't you realize who you are ?! Why should I continue this investigation when it's not even my child ?! "

He heard Ezealled tsk-ed before she continued to speak .

" Arwin , don't think too highly of yourself . I didn't do this for you nor I do this for Sean . I only did this because of my sister ! Before her depression worsen , she told me to search for her child , that she can't trust anyone . I don't give a damn about how you had lived all this years ! And I won't care about how you treat Arseanne all this time ! You had brain , you need to think about the matter yourself rather than thinking to depend on other people just because you lost Eli ! "

She stands up and walked towards Arwin giving only a slight space between them .

" You must think only you that lost Eli , right ?! That's why you have been stupidly grieving over her like a living corpse ! Wake the f*** up , Arwin ! I lost my only one sister , my brother lost her favourite sister and don't forget your parents in law ! Your beloved woman's parents lost their child trusting you that you will take care of her ! But what did they get ?! "

" News that their child died because of missing some child that no one believes she had ! But what did they do ?! Did they even grieve for so many years like you ?! Did they even blame you in the slightest ?! Instead of visiting them like a son in law should have , instead of taking care of them in behalf of Eli , you avoid everything that reminds you of Eli ! Just like a cowardly b*stard ! "

Arwin had a grave expression with every words that Ezealle utters . He knows how bandit and rough Ezealle is but she never cross the line infront of him because of Eli . After so many years , this is the first time Ezealle get so mad and talk to him straightforwardly not considering their relationship .

Ezealle already lost her temper and decide to load off everything she wants to say to him . It doesn't matter even if he's hurt by her words . He needs to realize this if he's really a man . She soften her words a bit after shouted at him .

" Arwin Tyler , realize by yourself that you are a Tyler . In the past , you might even kill someone who dare talks to you in this way . I had my own organizations and it's indeed powerful but it can't be compare with you . You had a massive power behind you but you don't even know how to use it for your own good . I didn't say that you need to be inhuman but at the very least , if you really want to protect your family , pick yourself up ."

Arwin gulped and finally speak in a small voice as if his act of tough already gone long ago .

" ... But ... But , I'm not confident to forget Eli . I regret not knowing the truth .. I regret disregarding her words , disregarding Arseanne because I was too indulge in my own world .. But Ezealle , I can't ... I'm not confident in myself anymore .... "

Ezealle sigh again . Ahhh - Am I talking to my younger brother or talking with my brother in law who's supposed to be a father of two child now .. ?

" Brother in law , who told you to forget about Eli ? I only told you to move on with your griefs , of course it's fine for you to keep loving my sister , it's fine if sometimes you cried remembering her . You think we don't miss her as much as you .. ? But brother in law , you need to remember other than being a husband , you are a son , a president and a father .. "

" Even if you don't want to do it , you have to keep on with your responsibility .. Did you think just carelessly phoned with Arseanne for a while , you have complete your duties ? Just indulged with your works , you have done everything .. ? You spend all your time crying over Eli , avoiding those things , not allowing people to mention her , you think people don't realize .. ? "

" The result of you not caring about things , Arseanne had been more mature than other child in his age , he might be much more worse than you when you are in your young age .. If you really serious wanting to search your other child , bring back the Arwin Tyler that I used to know , that the people scared of , that the people had so much respect of . "

" Redeem your own mistakes to your son before you try to care about your other child . Fix your own surrounding first before you worry about other people . Arseanne might have been matured fast , but that doesn't mean he doesn't has feelings . "

" Think about it yourself if you really wanted to continue being a selfish person or not . I hope you find my niece soon .. "


That was the last things she said before she patted his shoulder and left the room .

All this time , he has been thinking how colourless his world after Elianne left . How painful it is living with a memory of Eli hating him . How he can't live anymore in the world where's no Elianne .

His days was only full with a single person and a single name .

Elianne .

Elianne .

Elianne .

But the words that Ezealle uttered , hits him hard to the heart .

He forget that other than him , Elianne had other people who loved her . She had other people who will grief over her just like how he had .

And ... he forget about how Arseanne's feel .

He was their son , the gift that Eli gives him . The precious gift that they had been waiting for . The precious being that he should care for .

But ,

He abandon their only gift only thinking about his feeling ..

What had he done all these years .. ?

Am I , Arwin Tyler so dumb all the years .. ?

It's time for me to keep our promise , Eli ..

It's time for Arwin Tyler to come back ... !