
Eriana's life has been more peaceful after the suspension of Larissa Gwen and Leo Gwen .

Larissa is famous for being a bully in this college since she think that she can do anything because of her father while Leo only let his twin do whatever she want even if he knew it was wrong .

There is only two choice to survive from Larissa's bullying .

First , you have to become an ally with her , meaning that you are not friend with her instead you will become a scapegoat of every wrong thing she did .

Second , you have to come from a powerful family . This way , Larissa won't dare to mess with you rather she actually will try to befriend you for benefits .

Of course , Eriana can't be bothered to become her ally's nor she come from a powerful family .

Instead , she's just an orphan who doesn't even has a surname . So , she was always targeted by Larissa . Even if she didn't become a top rank in this exam , Larissa will still bothered her just like that day .

Today , she need to attend a special talk in the college recommended by her professor . It is said that the college invited a famous person to give a lecture . She doesn't really wanted to come but since her professor begged her to attend because of her being in a first rank . She just forced herself to come instead .

She wears a casual black sweatshirt with a black jeans while listening to her favourite song with her usual headphone . Usually , she use a shortcut from her home to the college . By walking , you can arrive at the college in 20 minutes . But the bad thing about this shortcut is this ...

She stared at several young man standing infront of her . They all wear a high school uniform with colourful hairs . This is their usual alley to hang out when they skip school . Usually , they won't meet each other but if they did , they just gonna ignore each other so what about this time ?

She lower the volume of her music and looked at the leader infront of her . Her cold voice sounded in that quiet alley .

" Step . Aside . "

The boys laughed and surrounded her instead . The leader speak with a smug voice .

" Hey .. Ery ! It's been a long time ! How come we didn't meet each other lately . My days has been bleak without bumping with you here . "

He jokingly said while getting closer to Eriana .

" Since when .. ? "

" Since when what .. ? " The boy asked again .

" Since when we are close enough for you to call me Ery .. "

She glared at the boy with her usual cold voice .

" Hey .. Don't be shy .. hmm , we can just act we're close since I already know you worked at that coffee shop . The manager also called you Ery , so I can just call you Ery .. "

" I told you . STEP . ASIDE ! "

She peeked at her watch complaining in her heart that she might be late because of these boys . This is so tiring , dealing with strangers . Can't they just step aside when she told them to ?!

" Don't be mad .. Let's just be friends , okay..? "

The leader come forward and wanted to touch her hair . She snickered when she realized his intention and she raised her hand to break his wrist before he touched her .

" I told you . Just step aside ! Why can't you do it ?! "


They boy wrist's broke in a split second with Eriana's hard touch .

" AHHHHHH !!!! What are you doing , b*tch ?!! Boys , caught her for me ! Damn b*tch , I can't believe you refuse me wanted to be friend with you ?!! "

Other boys got surprised with Eriana's actions , although she seems weak but actually she had the strength to break their leader's wrist !

They lunge forward to attack her but Eriana's light body easily avoided them , they thought it was just a luck so they move forward again and again but Eriana still remain unscathed making them dumbfounded . One of the boy can't take this anymore so he take out a blade from his pocket and once again wanted to attack her with it .

To Eriana , this is a child's play . How can she survive alone all this time if she can't handle this kind of things ? She kept a fake knife in her bag to scare people in case anyone messed with her just like this time .

The blade that the boy hold was not that sharp nor big . It's just a small blade that maybe the boy found somewhere beside the road .

She let go of her bag on her shoulder to reach the fake knife when another hand reached out to the boy who wanted to attack her .

" Kids these days , doesn't even know how to respect the older , don't you ? "

And .. she surprisingly recognized the voice . Unlike her tone that sounded lazy with no emotions . His tone sounded cold but held restraint in them .

It was the guy that acted as her saviour last time .

Both situations , she know how to handle them by herself , why must this guy showed up acted like he's a saviour again .. ?