Arseanne tighten his hold and throw the boy at the side . He dusted his hand as if feel disgusted with the touch .

" Tsk— you are just a high schoolers , must you act like a hooligan ? Pretending that this alley is yours , that's only makes you be the same as thugs . "

He swept his hair arrogantly as if saying to Eriana ' did I do a good job ' .

Without him knowing , Eriana already walks forward the moment she recognized his voice . She's late and it's annoying to talk to him . He can handle those boys afterall .

Arseanne raise his head to the side and finally realize the girl is gone .

" Damn it ! She just left me her saviour like that ?! "

He left the boys leaving them dumbfounded and chased after Eriana who's not gone so far .

" Hey ! Why are you ignoring me ? Didn't we just agree that we're friends .. "

Arseanne started to grumble beside Eriana after catching up with her pace .

" Did I do a good job ? I saved you from those kids afterall .. "

He grin widely waiting for a response from her but all he got ..

" Since when ? "

That short answer with a lazy voice again ..

" What ? "

" Did I ever said we're friends ... "

" What ?! Hey ! You can't be like that ... We promised to be friends ! Eternally ! Forever ! "

Eriana glance at him for a bit . He said he's the CEO's son , then .. why is he being such a childish man ..? They only met recently and he's started acting like they're so close already , it's annoying ...

" Don't remember .. "

Arseanne was dumbfounded with the answer . It's the first time that he's so interested in becoming friends with someone and this girl just doesn't take him seriously !

" Hey .. Don't be like that , I've seriously considered you as my friend you know ! Just hear me out , okay ! I've been so stressed out that I suddenly got a twin out of nowhere and my dad suddenly apologized to me , ughh I don't know anymore . Eriana , do you hear me ?! "

Eriana stopped in her track hearing the guy's grumbling . He's so annoying . She's late and here he is pretending as if they're close .

He looked at Eriana and also stopped beside her .

" What's wrong , Eriana ? "

She turns her body and deeply looked at Arseanne with a lazy look as always .

" .... So are you here to complain ? "

" Huh ? "

" Complaining that you are happy with your family ? "

" H-huh ? That's ... not it .. "

" Hey , I know you're the CEO's son but I'm not like you , wasting your time on strangers . I'm late and I need to go run for it or my scholarship will be forfeited . I don't care about your family nor do I care about you . or are you here just to feel proud in front of me , an orphan ? If it is so , don't waste your time , I feel more happy when I'm alone , then goodbye . "

It was the first time in forever since she talked that long to someone but she just needs to do it since that guy is so annoying . The last time , she was just caught off guard , it doesn't mean she wanted to be friend .

She won't let anything hurt her anymore ..

Definitely ..

She run to her destination leaving Arseanne there .

He watched the girl leave without him saying anything back . He pushed his hair back with his right hand with a sigh .

" .... I didn't intend to annoy her .. Sigh .. what am I doing here anyway . I am suppose to go to work .. Does this mean I'm not allowed to meet her again ? "


Eriana arrived at her college with a pant . She goes straight to the college hall but found it weird that so many people there for this lecture . Even half of it was not a college student . I guess the person the college invited is such a famous person ?

Several whispers can be heard around her and all of them are saying the same thing .

" Hey , have you heard that some mystery CEO is coming here . I heard the rumour that the CEO of A.R Group is coming ! "

" Seriously ! Didn't the media never enclosed his face ? There was even rumours of him being ugly and old ! "

" I don't know . But maybe it's not true , afterall there is also a rumour of him being such a perfect handsome man ! "

" Hey .. but what is a CEO doing here ? Look at all these media's coming to our university , why does he chose to expose his identity here out of all place ? "

" Well , that's true . Why is he here anyway ? "

Amidst the bustling , several black cars queued in a line infront of the entrance of the hall . Several men wearing in black lined up beside the first car with a black sunglasses .

Finally , the car door open and a man step down from the car gracefully . All attentions are on him and many flashes of cameras started to be heard .

A long legs , a fit body with a graceful gray suit making him look fine as ever . Truly , the rumours were false , his face looks young and handsome as ever as if he can mingle with all the young people in this university .

However , his expression looks cold without a smile making Eriana feel that he somewhat distant towards people forgetting that she's also like that . Leaving no space for other people .

As she continued to stare towards the man , she realized that the man had hazel eyes colour too . That reminds her of herself and Arseanne .

Wait ...

CEO of A.R Group ? Doesn't that make him ...

" Father .. ? "

A surprised voice can be heard just beside her ears .

There he was , the guy that she thought earlier .

Arseanne exclaimed again with a shocked face .

" What is he doing here .. ? "