
"So let me get this straight." Nick said as he flipped through the file he and his team were handed and gave his C.O. a strange look, "You want us to go back in time to stop terminators? How are we supposed to do that?"

"We have information that Legion has designed a device that allows any living tissue to travel to specific points in time." He explained as he pointed to a facility north of Las Angeles on the digital map on the table in front of them, "That means of you're able to get to it then any non-living objects that are exposed to the distortion will be destroyed as well as whatever it was attached to."

"So what your telling us is that we have to be naked to time travel?" Sam asked with a sigh and their C.O. gave her a nod, "What are we supposed to do about our armor?"

"We use them to nuke that facility." Nick explained in a serious tone as the map disappeared and Eli chuckled at the look on Sam's face, "That'll keep them from sending any more terminators after us."

"I was just getting used to it to." Eli said as he walked towards the door and their C.O. shook his head at how nonchalant the three seemed to be. It didn't take the three long to suit up and head to the garage to prepare their truck.

"That's everything." Nick told the two as he loaded the last rifle into the weapon rack and they both gave him a grin as they put their helmets on. He climbed into the driver's seat and the moment the garage door opened he slammed on the gas and sped towards their mission target. They spent the ride in silence as the thought of leaving everything behind finally set in until the facility come into view and they saw that Legion was already prepared for their arrival.

"Let's not be bad guests and give them a gift." Sam told them as Nick jammed the steering wheel into place and they quickly grabbed their weapons before leaping out of the back doors. They rolled to a stop as the truck barreled towards the small army of terminators and Eli chuckled as he pressed a button on his arm just as the truck reached the facility.

"Go!" Nick ordered as a massive explosion gave them a straight shot inside and they sprinted at full speed towards the facility. The terminators began to close the gap the explosion had made but Nick and Sam made every shot count and kept their path clear before a larger model landed in front of them.

"I got this!" Eli yelled as it pointed its plasma rifle at them and they slowed down just enough for him to be in the lead, "Bring it you big bastard!"

"Through the wall!" Sam told Eli as he lifted the terminator off of the ground and used it as a battering ram to break down the wall, revealing the device to them, "You'd think they'd build it deeper inside!"

"Sam do your thing!" Nick yelled as he threw four impact grenades at the ceiling and Sam plugged a wire from her arm into the control console for the machine as the hole was sealed by debris, "I doubt we have much time."

"I'm already in." Sam told them as she typed into a keypad on her arm and the machine came to life before she punched in the last date the machine was set to, "We're good to go."

"How long does it take to start up?" Eli asked as Nick and Sam began to remove their armor and Sam held up three fingers, "It takes five minutes to start the self-destruct process. You two better get going."

"Someone has to stay behind to make sure Legion doesn't stop then from going off." Nick told Sam when she tried to argue and she sighed as they stepped onto the platform. The last thing they saw was Eli waving as terminators began to come into the room before pain shot through their bodies. In the blink of an eye the two landed in an alleyway and it took them a few moments to recover.

"Damn that hurt." Sam said as they got to their feet and Nick examined the area to try to gather their surroundings until blue lights shined on them. The two quickly ran down the alleyway to avoid them before Nick yanked a door open and, lucky for them, it led to a clothing shop. He broke the door lock behind them as Sam went to look around for some clothes and he followed her lead once he made sure the officers couldn't get in.

"We need to avoid getting involved with the authorities while we look for those terminators." Nick told her once they were dressed and she took the money from the register before they left the shop, "I wish we knew what they looked like or who exactly they're looking for."

"Chances are we ended up near at least one of them and I say we follow the chaos once it kicks off." Sam said as a cop car drove towards them and Nick sighed in relief as it went past, "If Legion sent Rev-9s then it shouldn't take too long."

"Let's get a room here and keep an eye out." Nick told her as he pointed to a nearby motel and they were glad that the man at the front desk didn't ask them too many questions as Sam ordered a room. Nick was honestly surprised how easy it was to blend in as the man handed him a keycard and they made their way to their room.