
"Sam. Wake up." Nick said as he lightly shook her and she sat up like she was expecting a gunfight before she remembered where she was, "They've shown themselves."

"How do you know?" Sam asked as she stretched while standing up and followed his finger to the TV. They watched as the news showed a high speed chase that was causing massive amounts of destruction before they heard the sirens getting closer and they both sped to the street outside, with Nick successfully tossing the key into the return box as they ran by.

"We don't have our armor to stop them so we're going to have to find some wheels." Nick told her as they saw the chase quickly heading their way while trying to figure out which vehicle the terminators were in but as it got it got closer they could clearly tell that a large truck was chasing down a man and kid in a car.

"What about this?" Sam asked as she walked over to a speed motorcycle parked nearby and Nick grinned as he jogged over to it, "I guess that's a yes. Do you see any keys?"

"Nope but I don't need them." Nick said as he began to hotwire it and once it roared to life she climbed onto the back just as the chase blew past them. The tires smoked as Nick spun the motorcycle around and they raced after the large truck. They weaved through the cops cars without slowing down and as they got closer they saw that a Rev-9's liquid metal form was waiting for them on the roof.

"That thing will kill us before we have a chance to get on top!" Sam yelled over the sound of the motorcycle and Nick push the motorcycle as fast it could go in order to reach the car the truck was chasing. He lined up with the window to motion for the kid to roll it down before the man pointed a shotgun at them but the shoved his arm upwards, somehow knowing they weren't after him, and Nick hit the brakes as the pellets narrowly missed them.

"We can handle that thing if you don't shoot us!" Nick yelled as he lined up with the window again and the man put the shotgun down without saying a word, "Sam get on the car!"

"Right!" She said as she lept from the motorcycle and sank her fingers into metal roof, "Good to go!"

"Mind loaning me a gun?!" Nick asked as he got closer to the car and the man looked at him for a moment before allowing the kid to give him a handgun. Nick threw the gun to Sam while he leaping from the motorcycle and he barely managed to grab the doorframe as it tumbled straight for the truck. Time slowed down for Sam as she aimed at the motorcycle and shot it just as it reached the truck, causing it explode and destroying the front tires of the larger vehicle. The Rev-9 flew out of the windshield as the truck went out of control and sprinted towards them at high speed.

"Seven O'clock!" Sam yelled as it lept from the side of the car and the man hit it in the chest with the shotgun without taking his eyes of the road. Once the Rev-9 was out of sight the man parked the car into an old warehouse and the man stared at the two after getting out of the car.

"I'm John Connor." The kid told the two after calming himself down and they gave him confused looks, "Do you not know who I am?"

"They are not Skynet models nor was the terminator that was after you." The man said as he stopped staring at them and yet again they were confused, "My database says they are not a part of the resistance."

"We are soldiers of the resistance but we've never heard of Skynet." Sam told him as she looked at Nick but he was too deep in thought to notice her, "We're here to hunt down the terminators Legion sent back to change the time-line."

"Alternate time-lines..." Nick muttered to himself before he looked at the man with a serious expression, "What are you?"

"I am a T-800 model reprogrammed and sent back in time to protect the leader of the resistance, John Connor, from the T-1000." He explained in a monotone voice and that confirmed Nick's suspicions, "My scanners say that you are neither Skynet or human."

"We're augmented soldiers specialized in killing terminators." Sam told them as she tried to rationalize the situation, "The ones sent here are called Rev-9s. They're a carbon-based polyalloy with a similar endoskeleton and nearly impossible to escape."

"What do you mean by augmented?" John asked in a confused tone as he examined the two and the terminator looked down at him, "Are you guys super soldiers?"

"Precisely." The T-800 told him before facing Nick, "With the T-1000 model and Rev-9 models after us our probability of survival is less than 1%."

"Don't put us down just yet." Nick told him as he watched for anything suspicious out of one of the windows, "We were sent here for the sole purpose of destroying those Rev-9s for a reason and that's exactly what we plan to do."

"So you won't try to protect me?" John asked with a bit of fear in his voice and the two looked at him with serious expressions, "I'm so screwed."

"We never said that we wouldn't kid. The Rev-9s are after you for some reason so that gives a reason to be near you." Sam told him with a small grin and Nick sighed as he turned back to the window, "There's no point in leaving you behind."

"Meaning you're their bait." The T-800 told John as it began to load its shotgun and John wasn't sure how he felt about the idea, "Strategically it's a good plan."