Break Out

"So the plan is to break Sarah Connor out of that psychiatric hospital and expect the T-1000 to be the waiting for us?" Sam asked as the large building came into view and Nick gave her a nod as he made sure his handgun was loaded, "That's going to be a cake walk then."

"Got any stories you could tell me?" John asked with an excited look in his eyes and Sam laughed lightly before talking about the different missions they went on, "I'm glad you guys are on our side."

"They are not. Their prime directive is to terminate any hostiles in this time period not to provide protection for John Connor." The T-800 told in a monotone voice as they pulled in front of the entrance gate, "They are not from this timeline and have no reason to do so."

"Correct but we're not machines so we'll cross that bridge when we get there." Nick said as he stepped out of the car as the security guard stepped out of his booth and the T-800 shot him in the leg before opening the gate. Sam knocked the guard unconscious when he reached for his radio and followed them to the side of the building. They heard the alarm begin to blare before they even tried to use the door and the T-800 nearly tore it off of its hinges as it yanked it open. Nick and Sam cleared the hallway in a matter of seconds and motioned for them to get to the nearby elevator. The four of them stepped inside and Nick gave Sam a strange look as she hummed along with the music before the doors opened and they could hear yelling in the corridor.

"Sam!" Nick yelled as he pulled his gun out, surprising John with how quickly their personalities changed, and they saw Sarah running down the corridor with several guards trying to get through the security gate until a Rev-9 and the T-1000 killed them from behind. Sarah ran past them as they unloaded their magazines into the terminators, only trying to slow them down, before Sarah suddenly hit the floor and scramble in front of them when she saw the T-800.

"Go!" Sam ordered her as she grabbed onto Sarah's shirt and nearly through her into John and the T-800 as the Rev-9 tore through the security gate like it was paper. It closed the distance between the almost instantly but Nick picked it up the moment it reached them and tackled it through the reinforced window.

"He'll be back." The T-800 told the Connors as as Sam backed into the elevator and the two shot the T-1000 multiple times as it sprinted towards them. Nick rolled back just as the Rev-9 tried to stab him and planted his feet on its chin, causing it to stumble long enough for him to stand. Nick barely got his arms up to block his face when the Rev-9 immediately went on the offensive and it began to relentlessly attack him, each strike felt like he was being hit by a sledgehammer but he refused to drop his guard.

"Nick's losing!" John yelled when he saw what was happening as the group ran past the first floor window and he gave the T-800 a serious look, "I order you to save him."

"That is a tactical error." The T-800 as it began to make its way down the corridor again and Sam walked up to the window before breaking through the glass. The sudden noise caught the Rev-9's attention and it looked over in time to see Sam swinging one of the metal bars of the reinforced window at it. The impact caused its sensors to glitch out and Nick used that moment to plant his heel into its chest. The Rev-9 sent out its polyalloy clone as it stumbled back but Sam thought quickly and shoved the metal bar into the clone as it began to take shape, confusing the system and forcing it back onto the endoskeleton. Nick lept towards the terminator as it recovered and landed a powerful punch to its face before Sam hit it with the bar. It immediately reached for her when she pulled the back to swing it again but Nick grabbed its torso from behind and slammed the Rev-9 into the ground. It instantly threw Nick off of it and its clone sprinted towards him until Sam rammed the metal bar through the back of the endoskeleton's neck, causing the clone to lose form from the devastating attack.

"Nick!" Sam yelled as she began to put her weight against the bar and he quickly grabbed the other half of the bar before they started to twist the terminator's neck. With a loud yell the two used all of their strength and the terminator's head was torn off, completely shutting its systems down. After taking a few moments of catching their breaths Nick threw the Rev-9 onto his shoulder and they began to make their way to the parking garage to find a vehicle, assuming the others had already left then behind. When Sam opened the door for Nick the first thing they saw was a car driving towards them from their left side and Nick pulled Sam back into the corridor just before it took the door off of its hinges.

"Looks like we don't get to rest huh?" Sam asked when the two realized that the car was being chased by the T-1000 in its own and the two quickly made their way to a car big enough to hold them and the remains of the Rev-9. She hopped into the driver's seat as Nick threw the Rev-9 into the back and the tires spun the moment he was inside.