"Which one?" Sam asked in a calm voice as they gained on the cars and after a moment of thinking Nick motioned for her to go between them, "Well let's hope we don't get shot."
"I'm more worried about your driving." Nick told her with a chuckle as he began to search the back seat of the truck for any kind of weapon and he grinned when he saw a pump action in the floor board, "Remember that we aren't in the war anymore so try to keep damage to a minimum."
"Why don't you just focus on the terminator?" Sam asked as she forced her way between the cars and Nick shook his head with a sigh as he grabbed the front seats before kicking out the back windshield with enough force to him to go straight into the bed of the truck. He quickly pulled the shotgun out as all three cars drifted around a sharp corner and as soon as he was stable he emptied the shotgun into the windshield of the T-1000's car in a matter of seconds. It began to swirve violently as the T-1000 tried to reform but it was clear the terminator wasn't going to get control of it and it form on the hood before leaping into the bed of the truck just as its car flipped.
"So this is how you want to play this huh?" Nick asked as its arm became a blade and Nick put the shotgun between them as it swung at him. The blade cut the barrel off of the shotgun with ease, narrowly missing him, and it began to raise its arm up again but Nick thought fast and shoved the barrel into its face. He hit the T-1000 in the side with the remainder of the shotgun like a bat before snatching the barrel and stabbing it into the terminator's knee. Nick took advantage of the time it took the T-1000 to reform and leaned into the truck in search of anymore shells. Sam's erratic driving made it difficult to grab the box he found and the moment he got his hands on it the T-1000 tried to strike him with its blade, forcing him to lose his grip on both the shells and the shotgun. Sam looked down as the box spilled all over the front floorboard and she turned around to see the shotgun rattling in the backseat. She quickly grabbed it and began to load it with one hand while Nick narrowly avoided the T-1000's attacks. Nick backed into the tailgate when the T-1000 brought two bladed arms above its head and began to swing them downwards until Sam shot one of them, giving Nick an opportunity to dodge the attack. They're eyes widened when they saw sparks fly behind them and realized that the T-1000 had been aiming for their tires not Nick.
"They crashed!" John yelled as he watched the truck drive through the security booth and slide on its side for several meters before stopping, "Help them!"
"If we do that then that thing could kill you." Sarah told him in a cold tone but, to her surprise, the T-800 spun the car around and sped towards the two, "What are you doing?! Are you trying to get John killed?!"
"I'm following an order given by John Connor." The T-800 told her in his monotone voice and John tried to hide his grin from her, "It would be a severe tactical error for us to allow them to die. The Rev-9 models are superior killing machines then the T-1000 and they have extensive knowledge in terminating them."
"So we die if they die?" Sarah asked with a scoff as they stopped next to the wreck and all three of them began to climb out before Sarah shut John's door, "Stay in the car."
"Fine." John said as he turned around to look out the back windshield and Sarah sighed as she cautiously followed behind the T-800. They heard the sounds of fighting as they got closer and when they stepped around the truck they saw the T-1000 holding Sam by her throat with Nick laying unconscious nearby.
"Where is John Co-" The T-1000 didn't get to finish its sentence before it was shot multiple times by both a shotgun and handgun, making it release Sam, and as it tried to recover the T-800 picked Nick up while Sarah and Sam hurried to their car but not without Sam grabbing the Rev-9's skull first. John quickly opened the back doors for them and as soon as they were all inside they raced down the street. After a while of driving the T-800 pulled the car into an old warehouse and Sarah shut the rolling door behind them before trying to get Nick out of the car while the T-800 brought John to the second floor of the building but could barely get him to lift up.
"I got him." Sam said as she lifted Nick with little effort and Sarah just stared at how easily she was carrying him as they walked up the stairs, "He weighs too much for you to carry."
"My sensors read that he weighs approximately 320 pounds." The T-800 told her as Sam slowly set him down on a chair and Sarah couldn't believe what she heard before it turned to Sam, "She weighs approximately 270 pounds."
"You shouldn't talk about a woman's weight." Nick said as he stood up and both Sarah and John were surprised to see that he was already awake, "I'm guessing we had to leave the Rev-9 behind?"
"Yeah but I made sure to bring the CPU." Sam said as she tossed its skull up and down in her hand like a ball before she noticed the look Sarah was giving her, "We can't leave one of their CPU's where some random person can get it or things will kick off faster than they are supposed to and depending on what year it is our commander may end up being way too young."
"Wouldn't John be plenty old enough before anyone could actually use that thing's CPU?" Sarah asked in a confused voice as Sam began to stitch up the wound on Nick's arm, "I doubt they could get Skynet running in time."
"John isn't our commander and our enemy isn't Skynet. Daniella Ramos is the leader of the resistance that fights back against an AI called Legion." Sam explained as she clenched Nick's shoulder tightly when he became restless and that was the first time any of them saw him visibly show that he was in pain, "Sit still. We aren't from your timeline and I think we ended up in it because we tried to travel back in time at the same time that T-800 did."
"Ok so you aren't from the same future but why are you able to kill a terminator with your bare hands and handle a car crash like that?" Sarah asked them, accepting Sam's story quicker than they expected, "I can tell that you aren't one of those things just by the way you act."
"The two of us and several others were taken to a special facility as children to become the strongest soldiers the resistance would have." Nick said as he and Sam switched spots, "Most of us died during the changes and the five that didn't came out with increased speed, extreme durability and a higher muscle mass."
"We're sent to do what the other soldiers can't and our team was damn good at it." Sam told them as Nick finished patching her up and she closed her eyes as the two prepared to get some rest, "They made more augmented soldiers after pur teammates began to die and those soldiers are good in their own right but the ones we lost lost were family and Nick refused to allow any of them on our team."