An Epiphany

Zamarad felt her stomach being cut open. She was awake yet asleep. Her eyes felt too heavy to open, but she felt the pain from the operation that was conducted on her body. She could vaguely hear a stranger conversing with her mother in the room.

" Why didn't you tell me that your daughter was a virgin? We almost tore her up trying to help her give birth. If Shahzad hadn't somehow figured it out, it would have been a very painful experience for her. "

"My Queen, I didn't think about things in that way. I have never paid much attention to the girl. How am I supposed to know if your son already took her virtue away? it's not my fault that I don't know anything about her. Look at her. She slept for three whole months. Worrying everyone around, and just wakes up to give birth. I don't know the kind of magic she used, but I think she might have been faking it.."