Hello , Goodbye

Shahzad stayed by Zamarad's side mot letting go of her hand. He was still afraid. His fear for the inevitable confrontation and possible side effects of her long sleep lingered. Yet, he stood firm by her side.

He has yet to look at his children. He reckons that he will only look at them after he spoke with his girl and clear the air between them. He was guilty of a lot where Zamarad was concerned but he wasn't ready to give her up. 

Zamarad finally opened her eyes thirty minutes after she gave birth. The brightness in the room made her whimper, alerting Shahzad. He looked u into her face and noticed her scrunched-up brows which was a sign of distress. 

He waved his hand in the air, using his magic to dim the glowing lamps in the room. Zamarad reopened her eyes and behold! The first thing her eyes fell on was the most tantalizing face she has ever seen in her entire existence.