Her Punishment

Giggles filled the air, as the pair of lovers chased each other around. The audience was not spared from having a taste of the couple's love. 

Mariam and Muntaha were forcefully fed dog food. Could they blame them? It was perhaps the first time the lovers felt truly free to love each other. 

There was no guilt hanging over their heads. No threat to create fear in their hearts. Somehow, Malik knew that everything was over. Their suffering and pain ended the second he bled himself to near death. 

He didn't know where the conviction sprouted from. It was firmly etched in his head and heart. He wasn't the only one. After talking to his beloved, the two shared a single glance and knew. 

This was their new beginning.No more trials to poke needles in them. Unlike the questions that Mariam expected from the pair, the two didn't bother.