
He lifted her out of the water, carrying her to his bed. The wetness did faze him. A towel materialized and was soon used to wipe off the wetness carefully. 

Sidra lay on the bed watching the man wipe himself dry. Her body was heating up again. This time, she watched him with no reservation. 

Taking in his form and appreciating it for what it is. He was gorgeous and she loved every inch of him. At the moment, her level of appreciation was heightened by her hormones. 

She started making grabby hands for him, seeing as he was far from her. Muntaha's chuckle filled the room, his feet finally moving towards her. He rested his body beside her own. 

Just enough to touch but not enough to place his weight on her. His fingers traced her features, the other combing through her hair. 

Her eyes automatically closed, letting the addictive touch consume her. The man watched her, in awe of the beauty beneath him.