Father's grudge

The months following that night were blissful. The two lovers were inseparable. After their soul bond was complete, Sidra felt brave enough to go back home. 

Unlike other soul bonds, theirs wasn't till death do them part. Since a deity doesn't die, his soulmate soul would ascend automatically and become a deity if she dies.

Although their reunion won't be instant, they will meet again. This knowledge didn't stop him from worrying about her safety.

His concerns were proven valid when she left for home three months later. 

The first few months of her pregnancy were difficult. 

Since she went back home, Sidra never had any moment of peace. She was tormented by her parents' words day and night. 

Her pregnancy was known to the entire clan hence they couldn't force her to lose it. To the rest of the world, the parents took care of their daughter.