His precautions

He sat on the loveseat in his office which was being used for the first time. In his lap was his beloved, head resting on his chest. His arms wrapped protectively around her, eyes closed. 

One look at his face was enough to tell the tale of his intoxicated state. Malik was slowly losing grip of reality. Everything else was forgotten, all his senses focusing on her. 

His heart beat steadily in his chest mirroring hers. He wasn't the only one in need of saving. She was too. Her fingers were fisted tightly around his cloak. 

Her head would from time to time try to burrow even deeper into his skin. She was filled with emotions she couldn't put names to. Emotions that gave her urges were as foreign as the need to feel all of him. 

Any trace of shyness she might have had flew away. She was just a girl, so deeply in love that she forgot all her worries.