Her Silent Confession

Maimuna walked through the corridors, skipping a little. Each of her steps was filled with delight. She basked in the warmth on her skin as a result of the sun's rays. 

Her smile was in itself brighter than the golden flame that could only appear during the day. Today marked the end of her theoretical lessons. 

To her delight, she had completed it earlier than they anticipated. That was why she felt the need to visit her man. 

At the thought of how possessive she sounded, her face flushed. Maimuna was aware of the emotions that grew in intensity by the day.

Each time Malik was close, her heart would do some weird flips as if it wasn't threatening to burst out of her chest. She both liked the feeling and felt afraid of it as well.

Additionally, she was growing needy and possessive of the Lord. She would miss it. His presence whenever he was away from her.