Not one, but...

The two burnt buns are here again. She haven't seen them since she last came into this life. Giggling was echoing in the void just like last time, but then she heard another echo.

'Hi momma!'

Florence woke up from her dream and looking around the small wooden room around her. A single candle was lit on the nightstand beside her, lighting up the room covered in the night's darkness. The rain were still dropping and banging onto the window as thunder boomed fiercely through the dark skies.

She was thankful to be still alive and breathing after passing out so suddenly like that. Getting up from the bed, Florence left the room holding the candle as her only light source. Going down the stairs she arrived at a dinning room full of people, who all were looking at her like she's some kind of goddess slowly descending their stairs.

Looking at the dinning table, Florence saw a family. An elderly couple with another couple younger than them and a boy. Making her way down, Florence quickly bowed in respect.

"Thank you for helping me," she said with honesty.

"Oh darling! You should rest more, you're pregnant so take it slow" the elderly woman said. "Come over here! Ren get another bowl of stew."

"It's alright, I'm not-" before she could refuse the elderly woman dragged her to a seat at the table. Ren gave her a bowl of warm stew with a heartfelt smile.

Looking at the stew Florence drooled. With her head down she said embarrassingly, "I can't repay you for what you did. I don't have money."

"I don't save people expecting them to pay me in return," the elderly woman said. "Instead I prefer good karma to come from these kind acts. And I believe it will with time and pure kindness."

Seeing the woman's sincerity, Florence feel like breaking down with tears. Why couldn't her family be like this? These people were so humble! Holding back her tears, she whispered a small thank you before digging into the warm soup.

"My name is Harold Kain. This is my wife Vennesa Kain. My son Ren and his wife Lena, and my grandson Grover" the old man introduced the family. "We own the Kain's pharmacy and are doctors for the town's locals."

"May I ask what town is this?" Florence asked humbly.

"You are currently in Wenston, a town near the Capital city" Harold replied.

So they're not that far from the palace... though Florence walked quite a distance to get there. She rubbed her belly feeling a kick or two and sighed in relief.

"What's your name?" Little Grover asked. He was around four feet tall with cute short curly brown hair that paired with his sparkly green eyes.

"My name is Florence," she smiled gently.

"No family name?" The boy asked then got hit in the head by his mother.

"Don't ask that, you're being rude!" Lena lectured.

"It's alright-" Florence couldn't finish her sentence as she felt a sharp pain on her stomach area.

"What's wrong?" The elderly lady came over to Florence clutching her stomach. Blood was dripping out from the girl's legs onto the chair and the floor.

"Oh God! She's going into labor! Hurry get the towels and warm water!" The elderly woman snapped her fingers at the family.

Harold once again carried the pregnant lady back upstairs and into the room as the family hurriedly get the necessities ready.

Florence was in pain. A lot of pain. She felt like fainting anytime soon, but she can't risk it for her baby. She have to be strong through all this agony to ensure a safe delivery.

"It's alright. Take deep breaths," the elderly lady advised. Lena took a band and roughly tied Florence's bundle of hair into a bun and started wiping her sweat.

She felt like her hips were pulsing and pounding in her uterus. Florence was groaning in agony for a few hours before she started to push with her sweaty body.

"You're doing great. Take a deep breath and push" Lena held onto her hand encouraging her.

Florence's face turn flushed red as her body shook trying to push out her baby. A storm was rumbling outside, rain dropping down harder than before and lightning roared in unison with thunder.

Taking one deep breath at a time, she pushed once more before hearing a cry. Her baby was out, but she still felt weird in her stomach... like another kick. Was she hallucinating?

"Darling, you have one more baby inside! Keep pushing!" The elderly lady gasped.

Despite her shock, Florence continued to push with all her might. The second baby came out much faster than the first. She finally relaxed after hearing another cry.

"You lucky girl! A pair of twins!" Lena held a baby while the elderly lady held the other.

"The baby boy came out first, then it was this baby girl" the two ladies proceed to clean up the twins before laying them into their mother's embrace.

Florence's happiness was beyond what she was expecting. Not only one, but two!

She got twins, what a blessing.

Florence looked at the little burritos in her arms and started to cry tears of joy. They both had her blonde hair, her baby girl had her bloody eyes while her baby boy... jet black eyes just like how she remembered their father had.

"What will you name them?" Lena bend over to look at the little angels.

"Lawrence and Lillian... those are their names" Florence spoke then heard their little voices mumbling. Funny how it sounded like those giggling sounds from her dream... was the two brunt buns her twins? But why were they black in color?

The elderly lady knew the lady was a vampire and passed a cup of blood to Florence saying, "this is rabbit blood. You need some rest and drink this to regain your strength."

"Thank you," Florence accepted the glass and chucked it down. Ever since she came over to this life she thought it was disgusting to drink blood as she was human before. However, after taking a sip it tasted like delicious wine not iron bars like she was expecting.

"Uu" her little Lillian reach out for the cup with her little hands.

This image of them will forever be implanted in her head. Their little hands reaching to her and their cute cheeks. She couldn't stop herself from pinch them.

Florence swore to herself she will protect them and raise them with her own capability. And swore in her heart she will take revenge on the royal family... those despicable mosquitoes! How can they still held their heads up high doing these heartless acts.

Regardless if she could take revenge or not, Florence could only hope for karma to catch them instead... but right now her priority are her twins. She'll raise them with all her love and affections, building a good life for them. Hoping they don't question about their father...