A what?

Six years later...

Early in the morning, a figure could be seen feeding the chickens in the backyard. "Alright, alright, calm down there's more food for you all chicks" the lady laughed. Florence then collected the eggs from the chickens' den and went back inside her shop to see her twins helping her out in the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing? It's the weekend, why don't you sleep more?" Florence came over to Lillian and Lawrence.

"The shop is always busy in the weekend so we thought we could help mother" Lillian said.

"I will get the flour from the storage room!" Lawrence dashed off so he wouldn't hear his mother nagged.

"How did I get so lucky with you two!" Florence pinched Lillian's cheeks. At just six years old, her twins grew up to almost five feet. Florence often wondered why they grew so fast. Humans grow slowly, but die faster. While her kids grew faster and would die slower as they are vampires like her. Since she didn't know much about vampires Florence went to ask the Kains. They said it was normal for vampires to have a high growth rate so Florence didn't bother with their heights anymore.

"Here's the sack of flour mom!" Lawrence's yells took Florence out of her daze.

"Thank you! Do you want to help me bake?"


The bakery was open for business early in the morning. Florence and her kids made batches of bread, donuts, bagels and other breakfast sandwiches. Customers flooded into the well-known bakery and would leave satisfied with their meals.

Many folks in Wenston knew Florence and her kids from the Kains' pharmacy. At first they were disgusted at the woman because she have kids, but no husband. Yet later on they sympathized with her as Florence single-handedly raised the twins on her own. Not needing a man to rely on.

Something like this broke many social norms, but Florence was a tough woman. She advocated for women's power in a society full of misogynistic men. "If a man can do it, why can't I?" Is the phrase she would often say.

Florence was naturally strong because she's a vampire. One of the perks was having super strength. She also have a wider view of vision, and stronger sense of smell and taste.

Because of her abnormal strength the folks in town already suspected she was a vampire when she first appeared in Wenston. However their paranoia dissolved after learning her personality and demeanors. Though a vampire she have never attacked anyone or use her strength to oppress them. If anything she helped the folks instead, she was a sweetheart.

Many woman looked up to the brave and calm-collected woman. Some brave men even tried courting Florence as she was the beauty of Weston. Even after having two kids, her beauty was still radiant as if she was still in her teens. Her blonde hair shined in the sunlight, her cheeks blushed gently with her plump cherry lips. She was the goddess mother of Weston.

However, Florence rejected every one of the proposals, she only wanted to have her kids by her side and nothing more.

Aside from her past, Florence's culinary skills isn't to be underestimated. Some say eating a single bread made by Florence could leave one's tastebuds crying of joy. Her bakery really lived up to its reputation as the best in town!

"I love your donuts Florence! Pack me three more of these stuff!"

"Thank you Mrs. Weinstein," Florence collected her coins and gave the lady her bag of donuts. It was only 10 in the morning and all of her breakfast goods have been sold out. Florence closed her shop and begin to make other batches of food for the lunch rush.

"Lawrence, Lillian, go rest up or go play. You helped out a lot today" Florence said.

"We'll go play!" The two went to the backyard.


After finishing batches of sandwiches and other food for the incoming lunch rush, Florence went out to check up on her twins. Cleaning her dirty hands with a towel, she opened up the back door to see Lillian playing with a... snake?!

"Lillian! Get away now!" Florence hurriedly grabbed her daughter away from the large snake.

"Mother! Don't kill the snake! That's big brother!" Lillian grabbed onto Florence's sleeves.

What's did she just say? Big brother?

"What are you talking about child?" Florence's brows raised in confusion. Then she watched the black snake slowly morphing legs, arms then a head... it turned into her son, Lawrence.

"What the fuck-" her jaw dropped in shock. Her son was a snake? Is this another vampire thing she don't know about? Don't vampires turn into bats instead of snakes?

"Mother look! I can do it too!" Lillian smiled before turning into a small black fur dog. She rubbed her head against her mother who stood still in shock. Seeing her mother unresponsive, Lillian turned back to normal and looked at Lawrence for help.

"When did you find out you can do... that?" They heard their mother asked.

"A year ago or so" Lawrence replied nonchalantly.

"Have you used this ability outside?"

"No, we haven't mother" he replied again.

"You can turn into snakes and dogs? Or can you turn into any animals?" Florence pry further.

The twins looked at each other and said in unison, "everything."

They proceed to turn themselves into a broom and a bucket.

'Shape-shifting, they have shape-shifting abilities. Oh my god, is this from their father's side? I don't have such ability' Florence thought with a deep sigh.

"Alright, you two come inside now!" She looked around the closed backyard and sighed in relief. It's a good thing she had fences built around, bystanders wouldn't be able to see her backyard.

The twins turned back into vampires and followed their mother in the house. Sitting down in their dinning room, their mother never looked so serious until now.

With a sigh Florence said, "from now on please promise me you won't keep secrets from me. I have to know these things so I can protect you. And promise me you won't use your abilities outside of the house. We are in a human town, these abilities will label us as outsiders and can get us kicked out! Promise me."

"We promise," the two obediently agreed.

Patting their heads Florence said, "alright do you want to help me with the lunch rush? It's almost time to open the shop again."

"Yes, mother!"