
Florence slept feeling the pains in her stomach and throat lessened as time passed. Groaning, she opened her eyes to see the sun rising from the large windows that connected to what seems to be a balcony outside. She turned her head the other way to see Irvin sleeping besides her, still dressed up in same suit as yesterday.

Irvin woke up feeling the bed's movement, he looked with concern at her beautiful face that shone with the sunlight. "How are you feeling? Let me get you a glass of water."

Accepting the glass of water, Florence asked, "what happened to me? I remember feeling pain and suffocation, but passed out soon after."

"You are allergic to seafood. It seems like you didn't know about it because you never ate seafood," Irvin tucked her hair strains behind her ears to look into her appealing crimson eyes. "Lillian healed you for almost fifteen minutes before the doctor came and gave you some pills. I'll get you some light breakfast, then you can take your medicine."

Florence was overwhelmed as he was genuinely taking care of her for the whole night. She felt a sense of rush inside her, what was this pleasant feeling condensing in her chest?

"Thank you for helping me," Florence blushed.

"Hm, you can freshen up in the bathroom over there. I'll go get your breakfast," Irvin gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead before heading out.

Looking at the shut door, Florence proceeds to frantically screamed with her face inside the pillow that was shielding her yells of excitement. Her heart was pounding as adrenaline took over her senses. Florence was all giggly like a mad person.

'So this is what it feels to be a teenager finding love for the first time' she thought to herself.

After a while, she calmed herself and went to freshen up. She changed her dress for a new and more captivating purple dress Irvin provided for her.

Coming out of the bathroom, she saw Irvin settle down a tray of porridge and blood cherries on the table.

After finishing all of her meal, Florence drank the pill and was reenergized. She said she wanted to go out, but he said she needed to rest for at least today.

"What if you suffocate again?" Irvin urged the stubborn woman.

"No, I will not. I feel perfectly fine," she said before running out of the room, escaping his further nagging.

With the help of some maids, Florence found the dinning room where her twins was eating their breakfast with their grandmother.

"Mother!" Lillian ran over to hug her.

"We were planning to come over to you after breakfast, how are you feeling?" Mother Queen asked.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern" she replied.

"Shouldn't you rest more, mother?" Lawrence asked with a worried expression.

"She should, but she wouldn't" Irvin's voice rang as he walked in the dinning room.

"If anything happens, I have my Lillian beside me" Florence pinched her daughter's cheeks.

'She's treating you like you're her personally hospital' Lawrence telepathically laughed at Lillian.

'I would be honored to be one, if she needs it' Lillian said back.

After their breakfast, Irvin said he will get a teacher for the twin's lessons next week before running off to his office for work.

"I can teach the twins," Mother Queen offered. "I don't have anything to do and I rather spend time with my grandchildren then go to those useless tea parties."

"What about combat lessons?" Lawrence asked.

"We can get the Head Knight to teach you," his grandmother replied.

"Well you still have some time to play around and explore the palace before your lessons, so better get going," Florence chuckled.

After the twins left, the two ladies hang around the the garden chatting on various topics. The joyful atmosphere tensed up as Mother Queen asked, "so what are your plans for revenge Florence?"

Revenge? She haven't thought of that in years. Florence had been so consumed into making her money from the bakery and providing for the twins, she had forgotten about revenge. Does Florence believe in two wrongs make a right? Fuck yeah, she does. Scums like them shouldn't be in such high positions that oversees a country full of citizens. One can see there are more slums and poverty in the Blume Kingdom than other Kingdoms in the world because the rich suck up on high taxes and treat themselves greedily.

While traveling into the Calascione Kingdom, Florence haven't seen the slums. Even the closest town to the border couldn't be considered to be a slum compared to the Blume Kingdom. It seems like Irvin was doing a good job in managing his Kingdom.

"I haven't plan anything yet. Do you have anything in mind?" Florence asked.

"What's worse then Kingdoms having internal conflicts?" The Mother Queen grinned slyly. "That bastard trusts his younger brother right? Being the King he had to trust his Duke, who oversees many things in the Kingdom. But what if we make them have delusions of each other? The King will think the Duke plans on having a coup d'etat to take over the throne for himself. While the Duke thinks the King is planning to assassinate him for being too powerful. They will go around with each other like headless chickens, while we can infiltrate and eliminate them anytime."

Florence was shocked at the detailed plan the woman had just said. Out of curiosity Florence asked, "do you have some kind of grudge against them?"

"I do and hearing your story my grudge for them became worse," Mother Queen's eyes narrowed as she emit an intense aura. "I suspect those bastards to be the cause of my husband's death, though I have no evidence. I only know with my woman's gut instincts."

Florence was flabbergasted to hear that. No wonder she talked about the Blumes in such a distasteful manners.

"Howard went to the Blume Kingdom for a short visit and was planning to sign a peace treaty. But at the time I had a bad feeling and mailed him a letter telling him to come back. When he came back he was perfectly fine, but only a day later Howard fell sick. The royal doctors came and said it was some sort of poisoning that they didn't have the cure for. And as you know there are no healers in the Kingdom either, so it was a hopeless situation." Mother Queen reminiscing the moments her heart had broken in to many ways watching her sunshine slowly diminishing his lights too early.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Florence said sadly.

"It's alright, it was a long time ago I have gotten better since then. You see Florence, I don't hate vampires. I hate the people in that palace that had the gall to poison my Howard" her face wrinkled with malice.

"I can help you with your plans, but I do not want to twins to be involved" Florence said with resolve.

"Of course! I don't want my cute grandchildren to be in this bloody mess" Mother Queen finally smiled thinking of her cute little ones.

"Shall we find the children?" Florence offered to lighten up the mood.

"Let's go."