First in many years

Walking side by side with her twins and Mother Queen, Florence followed the Head Butler towards a grand dinning room. The high ceiling was decorated with chandeliers, the room was brightly lit and golden in color.

"Florence," Irvin came over like a dog wagging its tail. Seeing his face twitched when he saw his mother, Florence snickered.

"Ahem," his mother narrowed her eyes.

"Good evening, mother" Irvin greeted then turned over to the twins, leading them to the large dinning table to avoid his nagging mother.

"What an unfilial son!" Florence heard the woman cursed under her breath. She laughed at the weird mother and son duo. Who would've thought the almighty Demon King was scared of his mother. Florence could imagine he was a mother's boy, that gave him extra brownie points from her.

Everyone knows a man who treats his mother right will also treat his wife and children right.

Florence sat beside Irvin with the twins and Mother Queen on the opposite side of the table. The servants came and served platters of dishes. Each and every one was beautiful decorated and smelt irresistible. It was a whole buffet!

Lawrence and Lillian started to eat wherever the food was the closest to them.

"Eat slowly, the food is not going anywhere" Irvin chuckled looking at his kids who ate like they were starved for days.

"You just ate a hep of desserts, how are you still hungry?" Florence looked at her daughter.

"Mother, don't underestimate the black hole in her stomach" Lawrence said.

Florence saw glasses of blood given to her and the kids on the table. Sipping on the blood, she was amazed at the richness of it. "This is delicious! What animal blood is this?"

"It's nothing special. You can drink it everyday if you want," Irvin said nonchalantly.

The Head Butler could only shake his head as the other servants on the sidelines wanted to yell out, 'that's the blood of a Whale Griffin! The knights worked hard to kill that beast, of course it's something precious! Who would get to drink such a thing everyday?'

This Demon King was overbearing!

"I don't need blood everyday. Vampires can last a month or two without blood," Florence said finishing her glass of deliciously rich blood.

"What is this?" Lillian pointed at the big red claw in the middle of the table.

"Those are Red Flame Crawlings' claws, a monster from the Black Seas. Try the seafood, it's delicious" their grandmother took some and put it onto their plate.

"Seafood? I never tried it before" Florence commented as she ate the Crawlings. It tasted like lobsters from Earth, only bigger in size.

Wenston town was in the Blume Kingdom and the Kingdom was in the middle of the Genia Continent, so they never tasted seafood. It was rare for merchants to come to their town and sell seafood. But before Florence could see the products, rich people snatched it themselves. It was too expensive for anyone to buy it anyways, so she never thought she could eat it again since her time on Earth.

After a minute, Florence feel her mouth to be itchy and throat burning. The next second she felt like she was struggling to breathe. Florence groaned as her face paled.

"What's wrong?" Irvin looked over to Florence who was clutching her throat. He saw rashes developing on her neck and immediately knew it was allergy.

"Get the doctor!" He bellowed the order to the standing servants on the sideline as he held onto Florence.

Shocked by his sudden order, the Head Butler ran to get the royal doctor. Florence lay in Irvin's embrace as she felt pain throughout her body.

"Lillian! Use your healing powers!" Lawrence urged his sister.

Hearing his command, Lillian hurried over to her mother and hovered her glowing hands over her throat and chest.

Irvin was panicking looking at her weak and pale face. Her original cherry lips have turned purple, her chest heaved up with much difficulty. Irvin held onto her tightly with his palms sweating, as if scared someone would snatch his beloved away.

Lillian was healing her mother for fifteen minutes straight before the royal doctor showed up sweating from all the running and haste. She continued to heal her mother as the doctor examined her.

"Milady is allergic to seafood, based on what you have told me Your Majesty," the doctor took out a pill from his medical kit and put it in Florence's mouth. "I just put the emergency pill for allergies to the lady. It was good that this little girl had healing powers. If it wasn't for her, this lady would've died within twenty minutes."

The doctor took out a bottle of pills and gave it Irvin. "She need to rest. After waking up have her eat something that's easy on her stomach and take a pill every six hours. Since the lady is a vampire, it's good for her to eat blood cherries. It helps adding nutrients into her body."

"Thank you doctor," Irvin then looked over to his daughter. "You saved your mother Lillian, be proud of yourself."

Lillian received a rub in the head and smiled, "of course! That's my mother you're talking about. This isn't half of what we owe her!"

Mother Queen stood beside and watched the situation in a turmoil. She was scared her daughter-in-law was going to die, but she became more spooked when her granddaughter casually healed her mother. Not just Mother Queen, but the whole hep of servants was shocked at Lillian's unique ability.

Irvin carried Florence princess-style and left the dinning room, followed by the twins and Mother Queen. Carrying her through the corridors and up two flights of long stairways, Irvin didn't break a sweat like he did when Florence was suffocating.

Kicking the doors of his enormous bed room, Irvin lay Florence onto the bed softly as if she was a fragile vase that would break with one touch. Irvin then turned over to his mother, "can you lead to the kids to their rooms that is down the hall, for me? I will take care of Florence."

Lawrence and Lillian came over to their mother and kissed her forehead before saying goodnight to their father. Mother Queen left the room with the children holding their soft small hands.

"You know Lillian, no one has the power of a High Priest in many centuries. You were the first in many many years of history to show up" Mother Queen said gently.

"We have a High Priest in this Kingdom?" Lawrence asked in curiousity.

"We had. The church was dissolved along time ago because people with healing powers stopped showing up," she answered her grandson.

"I am going to be the High Priest?" Lillian asked.

"Only if you want to, we would never force you to do something you don't want," her grandmother smiled.

The three arrived at a door at the end of the hall. Mother Queen said to the twins that this was Lawrence's room, Lillian's room was next door. The little girl didn't want to be separated from her big brother, so Mother Queen tucked them to bed in the same room.

After their grandmother left, Lillian laughed out of nowhere scaring Lawrence in the process.

"Does your brain get jittery after using your healing abilities? Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Did you see father's face when mother was ill? He was scared out of his wits!"

"Hm, I didn't think he would be the type to panic so quickly."

"But it shows that he loves her Lawrence!" She giggled.

"Alright, I know that. Go to sleep!" Lawrence covered her with the quilt as the twins drifted to sleep.