The palace

"Your Majesty!" A man in suit with green eyes came up through the line of servants. "Thank God you are back. There's still tons of important documents we need you to go over."

The man was named Oliver Daskins, one of the King's Ministers. He looked quite young to be in such a prominent position, making decisions for the whole Kingdom.

'You really left all of your documents and responsibilities for a whole week! You fucking devil!' Oliver cried in his heart.

Irvin looked at Florence with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, I can't take you around for a tour. Ask the Head Butler to take you and the twins around. I will call you guys back when it's time for dinner."

Florence smiled and nodded before receiving a kiss on her forehead. The servants on the side shuddered in shock and disgust from the affections her King was giving so openly. They never witnessed such a scene, therefore felt like they were suddenly feed with dog food.

"Take them around for a tour," Irvin commanded the Head Butler before leaving with Oliver.

Turning around to Florence, the Head Butler smiled looking at the three little ones he had to babysit today. "Milady, where would you like to go first?"

"Can we go to the garden?" Lillian asked.

"Of course, this way" the Head Butler started walking in a direction. While walking he walked about the palace and it's many history throughout the decades. Lawrence was very intrigued, while Florence and Lillian wanted to block their ears, but can not do so because it's rude and unmannerly.

They walked through the wide marble hallways, decorated with antique vases and paintings. Arriving at a double door, the knights stationed there opened it.

Florence couldn't help but gasped at this sight of the dazzling garden. It was huge was far as her eyes can see, elaborated with brick walkways. Many flowers were planted, varying in colors and types. The large fountain spew water that sparkled under the bright sun. They walked and played around the vast garden.

"I apologize for taking up your time to show us around," Florence said to the Head Butler after walking around for quite some time.

"It is my honor and duty, Milady," the Head Butler gave a smile.

"You can go on with your duties. I will spend sometime here with the children, is there any place I am not allowed?"

"As far as I know, no. You can explore anywhere you wish to. If you need anything, please let me know, now if you'll excuse me," the Head Butler bowed then left the garden to do on his affairs.

Florence turned around to see no one in the garden, "where did those kids go? I took my eyes of them for one second! Lillian! Lawrence!"

She went around to find the twins and checked everywhere in this huge garden... except for one place. Florence looked towards an entrance surrounded by tall bushes. Walking through she saw more tall bushes surrounding the path. It seemed like some sort of maze.

"I hope I don't get surprised by some sort of beast," Florence murmured to herself as she walked into the maze. On the walls of bushes held many beautiful flowers. She took some leaves from the bushes and left a trail behind her as she walks. In case she get lost and need to go back. Florence walked for almost thirty minutes, her legs are aching and her feet hurt from the soles of her flats.

Turning another corner, Florence finally saw the two figures she was looking for. "Lawrence! Lillian! I've been looking for you for half an hour, did you not hear my callings?"

She stopped abruptly looking at the direction the twins were staring at. Here stood a high structural gazebo, the place, to what it seems to be the middle of the maze as it was a big circle surrounded by tall bushes. Inside the gazebo sat a woman with fine wrinkles on her face. With maids standing on the sideline and looking at the material and design of her dress, Florence could tell she was of importance.

"Mother," Lawrence came over to her then so did Lillian.

"Who are you? How dare you come to this place?" One of the maids came up to her. "Leave here this instance or don't blame me if your heads roll onto the ground the next seconds."

"My apologies for the disturbance, I will take my leave" Florence hurriedly held the twins' hands and was about to walk away when she heard.

"Wait," the woman on the chair said. "Will you come over and join me for tea? It's quite lonely here without company."

Florence looked over to the woman and gulped, "if you don't mind then of course." She wondered what was the reason for the change of heart.

The maids then got extra chairs and put it around the table full of snacks and dessert trays.

'I'm hungry, do you think she'll give it to me if I ask politely,' Lillian said telepathically to Lawrence.

'Don't, she looks like someone of nobility' Lawrence warned.

'Eat what you like, your grandma doesn't mind' the woman who sat there sipping her tea communicated.

The twins looked at her then at each other with widened eyes while Florence looked at them in confusion. "What's wrong?" She whispered to them.

"Mother, I think that's our grandmother" Lillian spoke. Being in a quiet garden, everyone heard what the girl said. The maids was shocked, but didn't dare to utter nonsense as their master have a fiery temper.

"What are you talking about?" Florence looked back at the woman sitting across. Indeed she has similarities with Irvin. The stern, cold look along with those obsidian eyes that could make one shuddered in fear.

"I see you are the girl my boy finally brought home. It's nice to see that I finally have grandchildren after years of waiting on that useless son of mine," the woman laughed.

"You are Irvin's mother?"

"Nice to meet you daughter-in-law. I am Cellera Wen Calascione, the Mother Queen of Calascrione. I was hoping for Irvin to bring home a wife soon, but I didn't expect my son to take liking to a vampire" the woman said without contempt.

"Do you have bad opinions on vampires?" Florence asked.

"In general, I don't. But I do not like the scums of the Blume royal family. They are so fake it makes me puke," she replied.

"We're on the same page then," Florence laughed. "My name is Florence De Blume, the exiled Princess of the Blume Kingdom. This is my son Lawrence and daughter Lillian."

"Exiled? Why did they kick you out? Based on their personality, they should've used you to make an alliance with us Calasciones," the Mother Queen asked in confusion.

"I got pregnant with these two and didn't know anything about your son, who was the father," she laughed.

The woman shook her head, "if he never left your side I would've been able to raise these two adorable things. I'll punish him when I see him again."

Lillian didn't hesitate anymore and grabbed the pastries as the two ladies talked and chatted. Meanwhile, Lawrence was bored out of his mind before hearing the Head Butler came to fetch them for dinner.