
She felt something tickling her.

Florence smiled and tried to avoid it, but she felt it no matter how much she moved around. Suddenly opened her eyes, Florence could see the tickling sensation was from none other than the man laying next to her. His hand were playing with her hair and face as he looked at her with eyes full of adoration.

"Good morning, darling" Irvin said in a seemingly deeper voice than usual.

"Who's your darling?!" Florence hid under the blanket with her face blushing red. The first thing she opened her eyes to was a godly figure looking at her lovingly and caressing her face. Florence have never experienced love or being loved before so she couldn't control her expressions. Hiding was the only option to avoid those alluring eyes of his.

She never had a boyfriend or lover, even back on Earth! She felt like those teenagers who fell in love for first time.

"You're my one and only darling, darling" Irvin smiled gently at the ball underneath the blanket. "Silas, the chef knight you helped out last night, made some breakfast. It's eight o'clock already we will have to leave soon."

"What?! It's eight? Why didn't wake me up?" Florence popped out from the blanket.

"I didn't have the heart to wake you up," Irvin said before patting her head and left the tent. Florence hurriedly combed her hair and went out to see everyone finishing up their breakfast.

"Mother, here's your breakfast," Lawrence gave her a sandwich.

She took the sandwich and ate hurriedly in embarrassment. Everyone was waiting on her and she felt so shamed.

Noticing their Queen's red face, the knights chewed their sandwiches slower as to not further embarrassed her.

After their brief breakfast, the group cleared up the area and continued their journey. They rode for six hours before reaching the border. After passing through, the group head North towards a town nearby. The morning streets were lively with many stores opened for business. Passing through the market, the group arrived at a mansion surrounded by vast grass land.

Florence then saw a chubby small man running towards the gates coming from the mansion.

The man came through his gates and stopped to catch his breath. "Your Majesty! What made you travel all the way here to meet this humble merchant?" The man wheezed with each word.

"Mister Larkin, I need to ask of you for a favor" Irvin came down from the horse and held Florence by her waist, helping her down.

"Of course, Your Majesty what do you need?" The man sweated.

"I need a large carriage to get back to the palace," Irvin replied.

"Of course! Of course! Herbert! Get the largest and comfiest carriage we have in the warehouse!" Mister Larkin ordered his butler.

The butler and the servants hastily got the carriage to the entrance of the mansion. The twins looked at the gigantic carriage in awe. It was a beautiful silver carriage bigger than their old room!

"Woah! How can the horses drag this thing?" Lillian asked.

"I don't think the horses can do that," Lawrence replied.

"Thank you for the help Mister Larkin. I will have someone send you batches of the Black Serpent's skin as a reward," Irvin said.

"No worries, Your Majesty! I'm glad I could help," the man waved and bowed before going back inside the mansion.

Inside the carriage, the cushion was soft. Florence need this for her bum after six hours of riding on the horse. She looked over to Irvin who got inside, "so are the horses strong enough to pull the carriage?"

"Who said we are using the horses?" Irvin smirked. The next second the carriage shook as it flew high into the air.

"It's flying?! Is it a magic carriage?" Florence's face paled looking through the window. The mansion was getting smaller and smaller as the carriage flew up.

"The knights and horses are flying too," Lawrence said looking out of the window with a surprised face.

"Is this also a demon's ability?" Lillian asked.

"Hm" Irvin nodded.

"So how long will it take to get to the palace?" Florence asked the man beside her.

"Two hours, the flying carriage is faster compared to the two days on a horses' max speed" he answered.

'This is basically a flying car' she thought as they flew with great speed. Even though she came to this world for six years now, Florence realized there are many things she haven't discovered out of Blume Kingdom.

During the ride Lillian asked her father about demons and their many abilities. Depending on their family, demons can have a variety of abilities. For example, a mother can have telepathy and the father can have mind control. A baby is born from them and there's a 50% possibility the baby either get telepathy or mind control. There is also a very small percent chance a demon inheriting both abilities from their parents.

"However, the Calasciones are special because we are an, and the only, exception" Irvin teached his kids. "The first Demon King, Julius Wen Calascione, had said to have five different abilities. Flight, manipulation, telepathy, shape-shifting, and super strength."

"So what do you have?" Lawrence asked.

"All of the above," Irving answered.

"Have there been anyone who had healing powers?" Lillian asked this time.

Seeing her father nodding his head, Lillian then held out her hand that glowed a warm green light. "When we were coming back from our lessons, I found this bird that injured its wings. I was bandaging it when my hand turned green."

"You have two abilities? What happened to the promise where you will not conceal anything from me?" Florence gasped.

"You inherited the second Queen's healing powers," Irvin said.

"I have four abilities mother," Lawrence chimed into the conversation. "Mind control, shape-shifting, telepathy and fire." He showed his index finger engulfed in flames then diminished it the next second.

"I have three. Shape-shifting, telepathy and healing" Lillian pouted. "Lawrence got more abilities then I do!"

"You guys are still young. Sometimes the abilities arrive later," Irvin patted her head.

Florence just sat there dumbfounded. Compared to the three in the carriage, she was the weakest with only super strength. They got all of their abilities from their father's side. She was confident the twins will be a powerful duo when they grow older...

They talked a bit more before Florence felt the carriage descending downwards onto the rough ground.

"We're here," Irvin announced stepping out of the carriage then lending a hand to get her out.

Before Florence was the front garden full of plants, flowers and fountains. She walked to the entrance of the palace holding onto Irvin's arm while the twins tailed behind.

The palace was tall and grand, much more beautiful than the worthless and quite impregnable palace where she had once lived before. The colors were mainly white and gold as Florence observed the palace to be mainly made of marble and is gorgeously decorated.

Seeing the King has returned, the Head Butler quickly gathered the servants and maids, lined them up to welcome him back.

"Welcome back, Your Majesty! Glory to the Calascione Kingdom!" The Head Butler bowed and looked over to the lady who courageously hung onto his Majesty.

"This is your future Queen, show respect and welcome her" Irvin said coldly. "These are my children, the future Crown Prince and Princess."

Silence filled the entrance as the servants were all in shock after hearing what his Majesty stated. From what they can see that blonde woman was a vampire! Their future Queen will be a vampire?

Wait, wait, pushing that aside, how did their unmarried King find a bride and kids only after traveling for one week? How was the lady able to charm the ice stone of the royal family? The Demon King didn't even budge when the fairest maiden in their land threw herself onto him! He was unmarried for years after his coronation! Did the vampire used dark magic?

Irvin's eyes narrowed seeing the weird looks on their faces, "treat them with respect as like any other royal family members. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The servants quickly bowed in horror the King would cut their necks off without hesitation.

Knowing those stares were for her and her children, Florence put her guard up and made her demeanor colder... letting them know she wasn't the one to mess with.