The journey

"Mother! Wake up!" Lillian knocked on the door.

Florence groaned as she struggled to wake up. The roasters haven't crow yet and the sun haven't shone it's lights, why is her daughter up earlier than her?

Hearing no response, Lillian opened the door and jumped onto her mother's bed. "Mother! Father said it's time to leave."

"Who? What?" Florence couldn't think as her head was still drowsy. She opened her eyes to see Lillian all dressed up and ready.

"What time is it? The sun haven't come up yet!" Looking at the clock on her bed side, it was only 5 in the morning. 'Why so early?' she complained in her thoughts, but still forced herself out of the bed and went to freshen up. Florence puts one her cotton white dress and with her flat shoes. After combing her hair, she grabbed her suitcase and left her room.

Descending the stairs, Florence saw her twins standing with their suitcases on their side while munching on bread.

"Mother! Let's go! Here's your breakfast," Lillian gave her a meat bun then strolled outside with her suitcase.

Going outside, Florence saw the group of people and their mighty black horses. There were eleven people including Irvin, who's currently eating his third meat bun.

Coming up to Florence, Irvin took the suitcases in her hand and gave it to one of the knights. Then he stretched out his hand, "you're riding with me darling. Lillian will be riding with my right-hand man Rufus and Lawrence with my left-hand man, Louis."

She looked over to see Rufus and Louis bowed to her as their King mentioned their names. Taking his hand, Florence jumped onto the horse with Irvin sitting behind her. She looked over to the twins who were separated, each going on one horse with a Knight.

"We will ride for a day, when we reach the border we will change for a comfortable carriage. So I apologize for the tiring journey ahead, but we have to keep a low profile," Irivin spoke into her ears.

"Um can I request to stop by somewhere first?" She asked.

Accepting her request, Irvin and the group rode to the Kains. Getting off the horse, Florence slipped her letter into the gaps of the door. She looked sadly at the building before getting on the horse and left Wenston.

"What was that letter about?" Irvin asked.

"I owe the Kains a lot..." she started. "I'm sure they'll panic when they can't find me so it's better to let them know I'm alright."

"I'm glad it wasn't a love letter," Irvin chuckled.

"You jest," she rolled her eyes.

By the time the group left Wenston and entered a more forrest like area, the horses started to speed up more and more. Florence felt like she was driving in a car back on Earth. These horses were mighty strong and fast!

She laughed at the thrill she's feeling as the winds blew onto her face. Seeing her lovely smile, Irvin's heart melted and mood brightened. He took off his suit jacket and draped it over her shoulder, "it's cold so wear it."

'Our father sure is smooth' Lillian snickered as she used telepathy to Lawrence who was riding with a Knight next to hers.

'Are you going to help him court mother?' Lawrence asked back.

'Of course! Why shouldn't we?' Lillian gave him a are-you-dumb look.

'Why, thank you' a voice interrupted their telepathy. The twins looked in front as their father turned his head, and gave them a look.

Florence, not knowing the conservation behind her, enjoyed the morning sunlight shining onto her face. The group rode for 12 hours, they did take breaks here and there, but they continued with their journey until stopping around night time. They were currently near the border inside a forrest. Irvin and his group would've reached the border by now with their original speed, but he didn't want to overwork Florence and the twins so he slowed down the journey.

The knights started setting up tents that surrounded the campfire. One of them set up a pot while another haunted an animal for food but... what the hell is that?

A Knight was dragging back a huge bird? It was two times his size! Florence came over and poked the beast's beak and felt it's feathers. She was impressed it took only one knight to take down the beast. It seems like Irvin's knights were extremely strong and compatible.

Seeing her curiosity the knight said, "Milady this is a cockatrice. When cooked, they taste like chicken, only bigger in size."

The knight dragged the chicken over to another knight who seemed to be the chef of the night. Florence came over and offered help to the knight.

"Milady don't need to do such works!" The knight became frantic.

"Don't worry I'm not that bad at cooking. I'm a chef," she said rolling up her sleeves.

The knight sweated as he looked at the King as if asking 'is this allowed?' The lady is the future Queen of Calascione Kingdom, how could he let her do a servant's work? His King is going to cut off his head!

'Let her do it' a voice spoke in his head. Only after hearing his King, the knight stopped insisting and helped the lady.

Lillian and Lawrence sat around the campfire watching their mother plucked the feathers of the cockatrice. The two chefs chopped up the chicken and made stew. The group gather around to get a bowl and finished the whole pot of stew.

"My mother's the best," Lillian commented eating her second bowl.

The group cleaned up and went inside their tents for some rest before heading out again the morning.

"Why am I inside the tent with you?" Florence was laying down on a mat next to Irvin.

"To keep you warm in this cold night," he said earning a glare from her. He turned to her side and spooned her from behind.

Florence froze as she felt his arm hugging her waist and nose breathing onto her nape. "What are you-"

"I'm just hugging you, don't worry. I'm promise I would not do anything you would not like. Go to sleep," Irvin spoke in his husky voice.

Florence didn't move and didn't take off her guard until she heard his gentle breaths, signaling he was asleep. Soon her drowsiness took over, Florence fell asleep unknowingly held his hand in hers.