
A few weeks passed as people in the palace got more used to Florence's presence. Their lady many times made food for them and it was kind of her to share with them, lowly servants. Though it didn't mean she completely turned everyone to her side...

"Did I miss Milady's donuts?! I should've ran over to the kitchen!" A maid sighed in disappointment.

"Ha! I got one and it was a creme filling. I'm telling you she has a Goddess' touch!" Another maid boasted.

"What's so good about that vampire? What a disgrace for a person of nobility to make food for maids!" A voice sneered.

"What's with you Veronica? Milady has been generous to everyone in the palace."

"That vampire had the gall to climb into His Majesty's bed... not to mention giving birth! She's just a dirtied rat! A worn pair of shoes! " Veronica said with distaste.

"Why? Jealous because that wasn't you?" Tina laughed.

"The Demon Goddess have her eyes on the King! That vampire's beauty isn't near to Miss Grace Addison!"

"Appearance can't fully hide the ugliness of a person," Tina defended her lady.

"Miss Addison sure is a beautiful lady, but sinister behind that fake facade of hers" Anna mocked. "Everyone knows she also tried to jump into His Majesty's bed, but always failed to do so. And besides haven't you heard? Milady and the King will be getting married soon so there's no room for Miss Addison unless she lower her pride and ego to become his Mistress!"

"Why you-!" Veronica looked at the two maids laughing as they left to continue their work. She was Miss Addison's personal spy, writing letters to her about the palace's current state and rumors.

In multiple letters Veronica have reported the vampire coming into the palace with the twins that "claimed" to be His Majesty's children. And much to her surprise the couple have also been seen interacting with each other and being shy love birds.

Of course, her lady didn't take this well...

In the mansion of the Addisons, sounds of glass breaking can be heard.

"M-Miss..." the maid shaking as she stand on the corner of the room, watching her lady throw expensive vases and flipping the furnitures like a mad woman.

"Get out!" The woman threw a tea cup at the maid, luckily it landed next to her head on the wall. The maid ran for her life, thanking God her Miss didn't accidentally disfigured her.

Heavy panting was the only thing enveloping the silent room. The woman had sparkling silver hair that's currently disheveled with sweat. Her blue eyes shone like ocean gems and her body was lean, curving at the right places. Everyone who ever laid eyes on her would be mesmerized and worshipped her like a Goddess. She had a charm that made everyone listen and do what she would say... except one person.

The Demon King had rejected her plainly and ruthlessly every time she encountered him. He was the only person worth to marry a Goddess like her as he was sculpted like a God himself. But he never let her advance her steps onto him. Never let her overstep his boundaries as she wished. Grace loved the stubborn man and this chase, yet out of nowhere he suddenly have kids? He suddenly have a woman?

Many things didn't add up, according to Veronica the King only left for a week. How did he come back with six year old kids and a woman? Doesn't that mean they are illegitimate? Are they really his?

"I will destroy everyone blocking my path," Grace murmured to herself. "Irvin only deserve someone like me! Just wait you wretched vampire!"


Winter was fast approaching as the temperature drops lower and lower. Servants were collecting woods for the fire place to keep themselves warm. The Knights have it extra hard as they continue to train in the cold weather, they hated this season training the most.

In a warm parlor room, the mother and twin trio hung out after their lessons.

"Mother! I heard it's father's birthday next week! And the palace is celebrating!" Lillian informed.

"Next week? I didn't know that," Florence thought about what she should get him. Food? No, she give out her food everyday so it's not special... and being a King he doesn't lack anything!

"What are you getting him?" She asked her twins.

"I will probably make something by hand," Lillian said.

"A fountain pen," Lawrence replied, his eyes still on his book.

"What about you make something by hand too?" Lillian suggested. "I'm sure he will love it because you took the time to make it."

"But what should I make? You know I only make food, I'm not that good in arts and craft."

"Since it's winter why don't you make a scarf?" Lawrence said.

'What in the name of shoujo manga is this? Back on earth, don't teens make scarfs for their boyfriends' Florence remembered.

"Oh my god, I can see father walking around the palace with a heart scarf around his neck HAHAHAHA" Lillian joked.

"I will ask someone to help me because I don't know how to knit. I hope he doesn't mind a half-baked scarf haha."

The next day Florence saw two maids cleaning the hallway. She remembered them to be kind sweethearts when she gave up her food. Approaching them Florence asked, "can you help me with something?"

"Milady! What do you need help with?" Tina smiled.

"Do you know how to knit a scarf?"

"I do!" Tina replied.

"Me too!" Anna chimed in.

"Will you help me? Also don't tell the others I'm doing this because it's a gift."

Anna gasped and asked, "is Milady making a present for the King's upcoming birthday?"

"Yes," Florence blushed.

"I will get some yarns and knitting needles! We should start now since it can take some time to finish!" Tina took off.

Back inside the parlor room, Tina and Anna showed Florence simple knitting. She got the hang of it quickly and continue knitting the beige scarf.

"Wow! Father's going to love his present" Lillian gave her mother a thumbs up.

"It's not bad is it?" Florence asked.

"Well it's intact so no, you're doing good" Lawrence praised.

"What will the Princess and Prince present to the King?" Tina asked.

Putting a finger on top of her lips, Lillian smiled "a secret! Hehehe."


"I'm sorry Florence, there's a delay on the wedding ceremony because of my birthday celebration" Irvin climbed into bed and hugged her.

"Why are you sorry for your own birthday celebration?" Florence laughed.

"I thought you would get upset..." Irvin thought he would upset her because of this. But seeing her calm reaction put his nervousness at ease. It was just him that's overthinking things.

"Why would I? We're just pushing it back a little, it's fine" she said with reassurance.

Embracing her tighter, Irvin closed his eyes to sleep. After a while Florence opened her mouth to ask, "are you not going to ask me what your present will be?"

"Hm? I don't need any presents. I'm already blessed with you and the twins, I don't need anything else... unless you offer."

"So you don't want anything?"

Changing his position, Irvin came close to her ear to whisper alluringly, "you."