Cute sis

"Good morning father! Umm... why is your face red?" Lillian asked coming into the dinning room for breakfast.

"Good morning, I fell off the bed nothing serious darling," Irvin replied nonchalantly with a clear red hand print on his cheek.

'His Majesty fell off the bed?' The servants eyed each other in confusion and surprised. They have another topic to gossip about for a whole week.

'Hmph! That's what you get for teasing me!' Florence thought as she blushed.

"Oh father, Hendery wrote us an invitation to us" Lawrence informed. "He is inviting us to his estate today at noon."

"I will arrange the carriage for you guys then," Irvin approved. "I will get some knights to go with you for protection."

Tina and Anna, who became Florence's personal maids, were currently dressing up the mother and twins trio. The amount of clothing and jewelries Irvin ordered for the three was unless! Each row of the open closet was filled to the brim with high end materials! Not an item missing!

After decorating themselves, the trio headed out on a golden carriage with the royal family's crest clearly imprinted on it.

Ever since Florence and the twins came into the palace, they have never seen the outside capital of Calascione. It was noon so the streets were booming with people selling stuff and buying stuff.

"Mother, do you think father will let us go out onto the streets for a day?" Lillian asked looking out in curiosity.

"He will once you learn how to protect yourselves."

Later on the carriage passed through a tall iron gate that was guarded heavily with knights. Passing through the vast field of land, a mansion can be seen up ahead. One of the knights opened the door of the carriage and helped Florence and the twins out.

The trio were greeted with a line of maids and servants bowing in respect for their guest. In the middle stood Hendery and a beautiful elegant lady. Her long black hair dropped her her shoulder as she smiled gently, "welcome!"

"Lawrence~!! Lillian~!" Hendery came running over and tackled the twins. "I miss you~!"

"Alright, get off of my sister," Lawrence pushing the man away.

"Come! I'll show you around!" Hendery pulled the two into the mansion, leaving Florence awkwardly standing by herself.

"So uh- hello!" She laughed awkwardly. "I am Florence, you must be Yuji's wife."

"Yes I am. I am Vera Wen Calascione, Duchess of the Calascione Kingdom" the beautiful lady introduced herself. "It's cold out here, let's head inside!"

Following behind the Duchess, Florence could sense the hostility from the servants on the sideline. A vampire daring to enter the house of the Duchess, what an eye-opener.

Many wondered who this lady was because she came out of the royal family's carriage! Of course, they didn't know anything about Florence because the gossips only circulate inside the palace. No one dared to speak of it outside, fearing the King would exterminate them himself.

Inside the parlor room, the servants arranged the snacks and hot tea onto the table as the fire place was lit, warming up the room. They left the room to give the two ladies some privacy.

"I hope you didn't have much on your schedule today to spare for the sudden invite. I apologize for it, Hendery had been urging me to invite you and the two cuties because he missed them" Vera shook her head.

"No worries! The twins were missing him as well."

"So sister-in-law, how big was it?" She smirked.

"What big was what?" Florence raised her brow in confusion.

"Oh don't beat around the bush! You know what I mean!"

"Uhh, no I do not," she replied firmly.

Vera sighed, "how big was brother-in-law down there?"

. . .

Silence filled the room as Florence's face slowly become as red as a tomato. "What! How s-should I know!"

"Oh don't be shy! If you guys didn't do it, then where did the twins come from? It's science dear sister-in-law!" Vera teased.

Florence never thought the elegant lady before her were to be so bold! She thought the woman was an ice queen with that resting bitch face of hers. Unexpectedly behind closed doors, Vera seemed less intimidating and friendly.

"That night I was drunk so I didn't know what happened and we only did it that night," Florence finally mustered it out.

"What? Don't you guys sleep on the same bed? I'm surprised how brother-in-law could be so patient!" Vera acknowledged. "That man never had patience! If he wants it done, he will get it done. But I see how in love he is, for him to be so considerate of your thoughts."

"I'm just playing it out longer until w-wedding night," she blushed.

"Speaking of which, what do you want as a wedding gift?"

Florence laughed at her eagerness, "the date isn't yet for the wedding yet. You should be asking what gift to bring for Irvin's birthday coming up in a few days."

"What's your present for him?!" Vera pried.

Putting a finger on her lips, Florence said, "I will tell you but keep it a secret! I'm knitting a scarf!"

"How romantic! Good thinking" Vera applauded. "Hm I think I will steal your idea and make a scarf for my husband as well."

"Yuji will cry of joy if you knit him one," she laughed.

The two ladies chatted with each other with a much cheerful atmosphere. Then the door slammed opened by a maid frantically gasping for air.

"Where are your manners?! I have a guest here," Vera's tone took a 180.

"D-duchess, the Young Master is hurt!"

The maid then lead the two ladies through the hallways, running to back garden.

Arriving at the garden Florence saw blood dripping from Hendery's thigh while her twins huddle around him in a panic.

"What happened?" Vera said calmly, coming over to her son.

"H-hey mom, haha I was uhh" Hendery looked again guilty.

"Let me guess," Vera looked over to the blood splattered on the rock next to him and calculated what happened. "So you climbed a tree when you're not supposed to and fell onto this sharp rock, cutting you thigh."

How accurate, she definitely a mother.

"It's my fault auntie," Lillian weakly said. "I wanted to have a climbing competition because I wanted to see his potential, but then he fell. But I can help fix his wound."

"How can you fix his wound? It's a huge cut," Vera looked at the cut on her son's thigh. Demons do regenerate and heal themselves, but with a huge wound like this, the healing power is slowed down. In Hendery's case he would need to get stitches.

"What are you going to do? Suck Young Master's blood you disgusting halfling?!" A voice rang. It was the head maid that bellowed out her anger. How dare these vampires hurt her Young Master! She practically raised this kid, it boils her blood to see him stained of these blood sucking mosquitoes!

Vera glared coldly at the old woman, "how dare you speak in such tone to my niece and nephew!"

Niece? Nephew? What is her Miss talking about?

The servants looked at each other stunned. They tried to connect the dots. The Duchess is the wife of the Duke who's brother is the King. The Duchess doesn't have a sibling, so the only option for niece and nephew is...

They all collectively gasped. The Head Maid's face paled as the sheets.

Ignoring the servants, Florence then patched the wound with her handkerchief and struggled to carry Hendery. "Vera, we should go back to the parlor room. Lillian can fix the wound."

"What? But-"

"Trust me," Florence looked at Vera with clear eyes.

Vera held the twins' hands and looked at the Head Maid with a deadly aura, "I will deal with you later!"