A strategist

Arriving at the parlor room, Vera closed the door shut, not letting anyone in as Florence requested.

"Alright, Lillian do your magic" Florence settled Hendery down on the couch.

Approaching Hendery, Lillian lifted up her hands that glowed green. Hovering on his thigh, the open wound was closing at a much faster rate.

"So that's why you wanted to come back in the parlor room," Vera gasped in astonishment.

"A miracle?" Hendery looked at Lillian stunned. He had only read about miracles in books, never thought to meet one in real life!

"Yes, I didn't want anyone else to know because it would be dangerous for her" Florence said.

"You trust me?" Vera asked.

"Why not? If I can trust Yuji then I can you too " She laughed.

After a while, the wound fully closed up and healed. Hendery thanked Lillian and offered to go eat snacks. Walking through the corridors he saw the maids looking at his cousins with distaste. Frowning, he spoke "my mother didn't pay your salaries for you to gossip and be mean to my family! Scram! Or I will tell mother to deduct your salaries!"

The servants shocked to see their kind young master yell at them, but much to their distaste they ran in favor of their salary.

"Don't be so angry," Lillian comforted.

"Is this how people treat you guys?"

"They all bark, no bite. So we don't have to worry," Lawrence replied.

"Hmph! Mother will teach them a lesson! No one talks to my family like that in my own house!"


At evening, the trio left the Duke's estate even though Vera insisted for them to stay for dinner. With much difficulty, Hendery dramatically waved goodbye to his cousins.

"I will see you guys next week at the palace!" Hendery yelled outside of the carriage.

"See you there!" Lillian poked her head out to wave at the figures which were slowly disappearing into distance.

"So what happened? Why did Hendery fall off the tree? Did you really asked him to climb it?" Florence pry.

"I did," Lillian laughed. "He's older than us so I thought-" she was interrupted as her body fell forward. The carriage made an erupted turn, causing the trio to tumble inside.

After seeing her kids were safe, Florence opened the carriage to ask the knights, "what happened?"

"Milady! My apologies for disturbance, but a woman just suddenly threw herself into the pathway!" The knight explained holding the woman's arm.

"Stay with the kids," she ordered.

"But Milady-" the knights looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Approaching the woman, Florence saw she was wearing tattered clothes, covering with dirt and grime. Looking up the woman's eyes shone bright and she smiled, "Princess!"

Florence looked at the unfamiliar woman questioningly, "do I know you?"

"Um n-no Milady..." the woman became nervous. "I've heard about Milady and I thought you would help me."

"Help you? Who are you for me to offer help?" Florence tested the woman.

"I thought you might want a personally information of the De Blume family, Princess Florence."

"Who are you? And how much do you know?" Florence was becoming irritated. A weird woman just threw herself into a passing carriage and now claimed to have information on her ex-family... most importantly she knew Florence was planning revenge.

"I-I only want a job and food to eat Milady! I am an ex-strategist who also have grudges against those vampires!" She whispered angrily. "B-but I don't have the power, more like no energy to do so."

"So I should help you because you have information on the Blumes, and wants to use me as a pawn?"

"I am a strategist Milady, you shouldn't look down on my skills... I only look like this because I had a cruel month" the woman sighed.

"I'm very keen on loyalty... I have been betrayed before so how can I trust you?"

"If you let me, I will cast a blood oath!" The woman was determined.

"A what?" Florence looked at the knights next to her to answers.

"Milady, a blood path is a magic pack between two parties. If one were to go back on their promise, they would die. Usually a magician would be the one to cast it... I'm guessing this woman is a magician."

"You're putting your life on the line just for revenge?" Florence asked.

"Yes! I will serve you as long as I can get my revenge! We both have the same goal! Give me your hand Milady," the woman held Florence hand. "Excuse me for this, it will hurt a bit."

The woman took a dagger a slit Florence's finger, it was oozing with blood. She slit her own then started to chant. The next second a magic circle was the ground around their feet, glowing bright light. The blood from their fingers dropped onto the circle, and it glowed red in color.

"I, Amelia Tuns, will pledge to never betray or hurt Florence De Blume. If I break the oath, I will die of a heart attack and my soul will never reach Heaven."

Florence felt a tight grip on her heart then disappeared the next second. She have never seen magicians in the palace, so this was quite an eye-opener. "So is the oath established."

"Yes, Milady!"

"Alright, I guess I will assign you as my personal maid to keep you close," Florence helped the woman up to the carriage.

"Thank you, Milady!"

'Can we trust that woman? Mother just meet her a second ago!' Lillian communicated to her brother.

'We can't do anything about it now that they bonded through the blood oath' Lawrence looked at the woman cautiously. 'But either way if she did betray mother, she will die. So it's her words against ours.'

The carriage started to ride again towards the palace. The sun has set as the sky was dark with stars sparkling its lights.

Arriving at the palace, Florence helped the limping woman go up the stairs to a guest room. Looking over to the maids, she ordered, "get a warm bath running and prepare some hot dinner."

"Yes, Milady," the maids bowed then turned to their tasks.

A warm bath later, the woman came out looking beautiful. Her previous coarse black hair was now soft and dirty blonde in color... however, she had a nasty scar from her cheek down to her collarbone. And some burn scars on her left arm. Florence wondered what kind of treatment this poor woman went through.

"Tina, Anna, this is Amelia. She will be joining you guys as my personal maid, be kind to her," Florence introduced with a smile.

"Even with scars, you are one hot lady!" Anna squealed.

"Welcome to the club Amelia!" Tina settled down a tray of steaming hot food in front of Amelia.

"You guys can go rest now, it's getting late!" Florence excused the two then turned to Amelia. "And you! You don't need to tell me your story right now. There's no hurry, you can tell me at anytime. I know this is trauma for you and why you are seeking revenge so I won't force you to open up to me."

Looking at her lady with eyes of gratitude, "thank you."

"Alright, eat your meal and sleep. I will see you tomorrow!" Florence smiled looking at the hungry woman wolfing down the food before closing the door.