The snake came

The sun was slowly raising, sneaking its ray of sunshine through the thick curtains. Florence opened her eyes to see Irvin already awake and was watching her sleep with adoring eyes.

"Good morning darling," he played with her hair. Usually Irvin would wake up early and ahead out first. The two would see each other at the breakfast table, but today was special.

"Good morning," Florence responded then tackled Irvin over for a hug as she suddenly remembered what today was. "Happy birthday Irvin."

An immense feeling of warmth filled his chest to the brim. The person who he loved was the first to congratulate him. Irvin wanted nothing more than to lay lazily on the bed and cuddle with her today, but alas he was the King. Sometimes he thought of becoming a farmer and living a stress free life with his kids and wife... maybe he will later on.

"Thank you my beloved," he smiled as he tried to suppress his pounding heart from jumping out of its cage.

"So... how old are you?" Florence asked.

"I turned 38 years old," he replied.

38? He's not even that old! Florence thought how everyone in the palace had exaggerate their words on how long Irvin had been single, it made her think he was more than a hundred years old!

Florence was currently 29 years old, being a vampire and demon, the age is considered to be young for a couple! Even though many people married off their daughters and sons when they turn 18.

"HAHA I thought you were 100 years old!" She laughed.

"Says who?" He looked offended. Does he look old?

"Even Yuji said it took so LONGGG for you to get a partner!"

Irvin let her continue teasing him as her laughter and smile melted his heart. The two then got ready, with Florence dressing up more than usual for the special occasion. She wanted to be lowkey, but her maids nagged her.

"Milady! This is your first appearance as the King's fiancé! You have to give them a BOOM impression so they don't look down on you!" Tina nagged.

"Hmm but not too much or they will say, 'she's hogging His Majesty's money!'" Anna said with her ugly impression of them.

"Just a few jewelries can make her look fancy!" Amelia noted.

It took them a while to dress Florence up, in the end the outfit wasn't overbearing... not enough to bring out her gracefulness.

"You look so radiant..." Irvin looked at her with a dreamy glaze.

"Let's go, I'm hungry" she dragged him by his arm.

The two walked hand in hand to the dinning room when the twins tackled their father's legs.

"Happy birthday!" They both yelled out.

"Thank you sweethearts," Irvin kissed the top of their heads.

"Happy birthday brother!" A voice rang.

"What are you doing here so early" Irvin furrowed his brows.

"What? Am I not welcomed? Keep that attitude up and I won't give you your present!" Yuji smirked.

"Keep it then," Irvin ignored his brother then dig into his breakfast.

"You cold-hearted man!" Yuji cried non-existing tears.


All the servants were hectic running around the palace trying to place finishing touches. By the late afternoon, many carriages were pulling up to the palace's gates. People with titles and nobility were pouring into the palace... all dressed up of course.

"Have you heard? There's a rumors of His Majesty having a fiancé!"

"That's all rubbish! He's single for so long where did this fiancé pop up from?"

"But it's true! I even gave some gold coins to the maids and that's what they told me."

"I guess you got scammed of your coins then!"

The two ladies stop gossiping and gasped looking up at the person walking down the stairway. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the ethereal woman next to another man... she was more like a Goddess, judging by her fair figure. Her silver hair shone brightly under the chandelier, her skin fair as the moon, her smile... enchanting.

"Commander Pan Addison and the Goddess Grace Addison!"

"The commander still look young even with a grown up daughter like her" one complimented.

"She is so gorgeous! I can't take my eyes off of her!" Another drooled.

"Damn! I don't understand why the King reject such a beauty! I bet she's good in bed!"

'Disgusting insects' Grace cursed in her mind, still showing her gentle smile.

"Grace, the Mother Queen is over there. Go and greet her," her father spoke.

"Yes, father" Grace left and walked towards a group of ladies. "Greetings Mother Queen, may God bless the Calascione Kingdom."

Hearing the gentle voice Mother Queen stop her urge to roll her eyes, "good evening Young Addison. How do you do?"

"I'm great Your Highness, thank you for your concerns. His Majesty really put more effort into his birthday this year, is there a special occasion?" Grace started the conversation.

"A very special occasion yes," Mother Queen smirked. "Young Addison should wait for the surprise."

Grace couldn't continue to pry any further as it would be rude, so she bowed and left for another group of ladies.

Seeing the snake leave Mother Queen thought to replace some servants as something was off...

"Miss Addison! Guess what I have founded from the maids of the palace!" Grace's lackey, Lana Burns, said.

"What is it Lana?"

"His Majesty got a wife!"

"Are you sure this is accurate information?" Grace pretended to be surprised.

"Yes! The maids said they even sleep in the same room!"

Clenching her jaw, Grace snickered, "are you sure she isn't just a play thing for His Majesty? Being single for so long, do you think he is compatible of feeling love to another person? I doubt she even has one tenth of my beauty!"

Lana and the other ladies looked at each other as Grace criticize this mysterious woman.

'But that woman managed to climb onto his bed unlike you...' they all wanted to say that, but thought it was best to keep it to themselves. Grace Addison was the Queen of the social circle, so the ladies didn't want to get kicked out of the aristocratic circle.

The ladies could only talk about another topic, leaving this one to the side when the King comes into the ballroom.

The nobles had prepared valuable and mesmerizing gifts for the King, in hope they would gain some favors and courtesies. But little did they know, they were defeated by a roll of yarn...