Only one thing

"Attention! His Majesty, the Demon King of Calascione, has arrived!" The announcer yelled out as the knights opened the double doors.

Irvin walked in with Florence hanging onto his arm and the twins walking behind.

Florence wore a stunning red dress that complimented with her crimson eyes. On her neck hung a luxurious ruby necklace, not too big but also not too small. Her appearance was brightly radiating the ballroom as everyone admire the beauty next to their King.

"Wow, I didn't think the rumored woman would be so gorgeous!"

"Who falsely said that the woman was an ugly duckling? Look at that beautiful swan!"

"I see why His Majesty bedded her... her beauty could consider to be better than the Goddess!"

"Are you blind? She's not prettier than our Goddess."

"If anything I would say they're tied..."

The crowd whispered among themselves, their piercing gaze never leaving the woman on the top staircase.

Seeing Florence started to look nervous, Irvin gave her a smile for reassurance before making his speech. "Thank you all for coming to this celebration. I don't have much to say so enjoy yourselves for the night!"

Florence was dumbfounded when Irvin lead her down the stairway. That was a speech? That's it? Don't Kings make thirty minute speech? Or even longer?

What she didn't know was Irvin looking forward to his present from Florence! He could careless about a loudly speech! Irvin wants his scarf!

Making her way through the crowds, Florence held her head up high as people continued to look at her and the twins behind her. She knew they were looking at her with disgust and criticism, but she didn't care. Florence only cared about her twins and Irvin receiving those criticism instead of her. She was fine with being hurt, but it's a different story if her family gets involved.

They walked to the end of ballroom where throne like seats were placed. Irvin took his seat and signaled Florence to sit next to him. Looking at him nervously, Florence sighed and sat in the seat designated for the Queen. While Lawrence and Lillian took the seats meant for Prince and Princess.

This bold move had the nobles in gasps and shock. His Majesty haven't announced their engagement, yet that woman acted to shamelessly!

However, this move made it clear for everyone in the room. Florence is to be the next Queen, the Demon King's wife.

Putting up their fake smiles and facade, many nobles came and go as they congratulate Irvin. Sitting with a straight back, Florence watched Irvin receiving gifts after gifts after gifts. It was endless! Moreover... it was expensive!

"Your Majesty, this is sword made from the bones of the monstrous swamp monster, Frignty Hniges! It's very durable and hard to chip!"

"Your Majesty! I've traveled thousands of miles to gift you the most luxurious set of silk fabrics!"

"Your Majesty, this bottle of pills guaranteed to boost your super strength ability!"

'This is becoming more of a merchant store then a birthday party,' Florence thought. 'The nobles are really trying hard to lick Irvin's boots huh.'

"Florence," a deep voice took her out of her daze.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" She answered.

Irvin's brows furrowed, "why are you calling me Your Majesty? Call me Irvin as per usual."

"Yes, Irvin" her face heated up. Florence wanted to be formal in public, but Irvin is too keen to let her continue.

"Where's my present?" Irvin asked.

Florence thought he looked cute, like a pouting dog who didn't get their treats as promised. "I have it... but I wish to show you it later. Is that alright? I don't feel comfortable revealing it here."

Irvin became more frustrated as he crossed his arms, "alright."

She was trying hard to suppress her laughter, he's too cute! He's literally pouting! In the end, she couldn't keep it in, she giggled as tears forming in her eyes.

Irvin couldn't help but smile hearing her lovable laughter, even the twins joined in because of what they saw. The atmosphere was warm and joyful, something the crowd of nobles didn't expect.

They were freaking out because the King was... smiling??? They didn't think he had the cheek muscles to smile because he never smiled before...

"Am I hallucinating? Pinch me."

"Ouch! Alright, I'm not dreaming then..."

"And here I thought he only accepted her because she produced heirs for the throne!"

"Oh my! He have the look of a fool being completely in love!" Lana Burns commented as she gasped at the scene.

"Be quiet" Grace growled in a low voice, shutting Lana up. She could barely keep her anger from bursting out. The fact that she wasn't on the throne and that woman is, was already absurd, but now... the King was looking at her oh so lovingly! She couldn't even get the King to take one glance at her, not to mention smiling at her!

Clenching her fists tightly, Grace fought her raging urge to kill that woman. Her lowered her head seeing her father coming up towards her.

"Grace, did you give His Majesty your present?" Commander Addison asked.

"No, not yet father."

"I think it's a good time to go," he lead his daughter towards the throne area and greeted to the King.

"Commander Addison, you may rise" Irvin said nonchalantly.

"Your Majesty, this is my daughter Grace Addison. She has a special present to gift you" the Commander signaled his daughter.

Grace bowed elegantly, "Your Majesty, congratulations on your birthday. I do have a special present I wish for you to receive." With a snap of her fingers, a maid came forth with a box and handed to the Head Butler. Receiving the box from the Head Butler, Irvin opened up it up to see a unique mechanical object.

"Your Majesty, this is what the humans called a gun. That specific model in your hands is called a pistol gun," Grace smiled. "Because they are powerless human beings, they make objects that can give them some sort of protection. A gun uses a metal ball that fires with the help of gunpowder, however I have modified it with magic."

Grace Addison was one of the magicians from the Tower of Highness, a place where gifted magicians study and conduct experiments. Not many demons were born with the gift of magic, though magic isn't much far off from abilities, it had a pinch of alchemy.

"I have installed a magic gem inside the pistol, which supplies unlimited bullets to the gun. Though the magic in the gem can run out and need to be changed every three months. Of course, we are still studying on ways to further adjust the gun to make it more advanced. But it has potential." Grace's explanation earned compliments and gasped from the crowd.

"She really is a Goddess! With a touch of magic, she created something more than just metal!"

"KYAAA that's my Goddess!"

"Oh it was nothing much," Grace tried shying away the compliments to make her seem like angelic and gentle. She peeked a glance at the King, but... his face doesn't seem to display any type of emotions.

Why? This was another piece of technology that can help further advance the Calascione Kingdom! But the King did not have an ounce of happiness on his face...

No one knew in Irvin's mind there was only one thing he was looking forward to...