My first kiss?

Chapter 6: My first kiss?

*Bing! Bang! Bing! Bang!*

The sound of the machines in the gym being used could be heard clearly. In the midst of it all was a skinny and frail student who should have been at school at this time.

His skinny body would occasionally draw the attention of the other gym-goers. Ignoring the attention on him, he started working out in the gym. Feng, the skinny, frail guy, is, of course, our main character in this story.

He worked out on the machines until the evening before dragging his aching body to the football field-sized pool in the building.

Strength, stamina, and speed are all important. Feng needed to build all three in a single year.

He began swimming after jumping into the heated water of the now nearly empty swimming pool. After one lap, two laps, and three laps, he felt a sharp pain in his calf.

Struggling in the 2.3-meter-deep water is enough to drown his 1.83-meter-tall body.

It's no surprise that they say overtraining is terrible for you. Though the saying is probably about muscle development and not drowning in the pool, this is all that Feng can think about right now.

'I just died and was resurrected. Am I going to die again? Kaoz, fuck my life!' (a method of cursing) When Feng reached the pool's bottom, all he could do was use his other leg to push himself up before bobbing down the water again, his hands clutching his calf, trying to massage the pain away.


*bloop, bloop, bloop…*

*Cough! Cough! Cough!*

'Mhnn, this feels good...' Feng opened his eyes to find a pair of large almond eyes staring back at him.

"Are you all right?" Her lips parted from his mouth as she noticed his eyes were now open.

"Hmmmm? Yes..." Lin Feng's response was slow.

"Good," the lady said as she turned around and walked away. Feng could only see her attractive figure in her one-piece swimsuit lying on the ground. A slim waist and bubble buttocks, as well as slender hands and legs.

Feng sat up and straightened his back, his tummy still full from the pool water. He was saved by a savior he has no knowledge of, and her decision to walk away as soon as he awoke seems to indicate that is also her preference.

'Well, whatever, there's nothing I can do about it, so there's no point thinking about it.' He shrugged and decided to return the thought to his mind.

Feng left the Fitness Center after a brief rest and shower and returned home. On his way home, the only thing on his mind is how to make more money in a short period of time.

While he has knowledge of the future, nothing is applicable in the immediate short term. Unfortunately, he has never been a big gambler and has no idea what the lottery winning number is.

'Oh well, there isn't much I can do right now.' The nearest windfall he can recall that will occur soon is the stock of Abstergo reality, but it will take a few years to reach its peak.

Even though it will begin to rise this year as more information about God Art becomes available to the market, the initial rise will be slight compared to its peak price in a few years.


-1 month later-

Feng's schedule had been relatively straightforward for the previous month. He would get up at 6 a.m, eat a simple breakfast of an egg and bread, and then jog to the training center, arriving around 8 a.m.

After reaching, he would spend 100 credits on an E rank nutritional liquid. Feng would work out in the gym and swim laps in the pool from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. He then swung his sword in the level 3 public dojo to keep his fighting spirit up.

The nutrient drinks cost him 3000 credits in one month, and he has about 3500 credits left after deducting his daily expenses and rent, which took up about 1000 credits.

However, the results of his efforts have been positive. His scrawny but tall frame has gotten a lot more muscular.

His shoulders, lats, and biceps are shaping up, while his abs and thighs have toned up significantly. He has the stamina to complete a 10 km run in 45 minutes.

Still far from his previous life's peak, but even in his previous life, he had only seen such results after four years in Gods Art, when Shadow Storm had only recently been officially recognized as a third-rate guild after establishing their base in the game.

According to his estimation, he has reached the pinnacle of his Body Foundation's early stage. Because of his previous life experience, he had managed to reach the early stages of both body and sense refinement with the improvement to his body.

The proper training procedure is, to begin with a body foundation in order to build up one's body muscle. With luck and battle experience, a person can advance to the refinement stages of both body and sense once they have reached the peak of body foundation.

These rules, however, did not apply to Feng because of his previous life experience. He was at the peak of body foundation and near the peak of middle stages for both body refinement and sense refinement in his previous life.

This is how he managed to barely crack the top 1,000 players in Gods Art before his death, which is a pretty impressive feat considering the game's total population is around 10 billion.

Furthermore, due to a lack of funds and knowledge, he had a late start training his body in his previous life. Feng had to divide his time between gaming and working to make ends meet in the middle of his life.

It wasn't until the latter part of his previous life that he was able to immerse himself in training entirely, but there is definitely a difference when compared to those who train themselves from a young age.

The top 1,000 players in the world are primarily active martial arts experts. Solo players with no prior martial arts experience, such as Fengs, are uncommon. As a result, one could argue that he was gifted but unlucky to begin late.

However, in this life, he not only began training much earlier than in his previous life. He had the added benefit of having an experience that was unique to him in the entire world.

With a month of training, he has risen to the top of the Body Foundation early stage. Because of his previous life experience, his Body and Sense refinement are in the early stages.

In fact, because Body and Sense refinement are about gaining control over one's body and environment, which is primarily learned through experience, Feng believed that if he could improve his Body foundation, he would likely regain his previous strength immediately.

At the moment, the situation can be described as his body being unable to keep up with his experience.

Feng was confident that once his body foundation reached a higher stage, he would be able to return to the peak of the middle stages for both body and sense refinement.

His main constraint right now is his credit limit. Even with all of his previous life experience, he was unable to transfer his credits when he reincarnated.

With only 3,500 credits, he'd be out of money in less than a month. He couldn't touch his stock holdings because the price hadn't even risen yet.

With nothing he could do about his current situation, Feng began to jog home.

While jogging home, he noticed a promotion banner for the most recent fight. Commercial fighting has become a popular sport for promoting martial arts training. A top fighter is the equivalent of a movie star on a global scale.

The banner features a fighter image, Li Da Bing, the region's number three fighter, and a new fighter, Hu Wei.

'Huh? Hu Wei!?' Feng was taken aback. Hu Wei was a top international fighter ranked among the top ten in the world in his memory. His debut, on the other hand, was a flop. He lost his first ten or so matches.

In fact, he had openly discussed in his future documentary film how he had nearly quit the fighting scene after his initial losing streak.


In his mind, Feng heard the sound of the cash register. 'That's it! Fight and wagering! Hu Wei, as a newcomer to the industry, would be a money cow for Me!'

If Hu Wei got to know Lin Feng's thoughts, he would surely beat him to death.

Hu Wei's fight is scheduled for 9 p.m, and it is the final one to be played. It's about 8.30 p.m. now; if he runs, he should be able to make it in about 45 minutes or so, which is when the match should end.

Thinking about this, Feng changed his course and headed for the provincial stadium where the fight is being held.