Encountering Ms Zhen

huff puff….despite having just showered before leaving the fitness centre, Feng is currently drenched in sweat again after running to the stadium hosting the fight between Lee Da Bing and Hu Wei.

The stadium itself was a spectacular sight. A circular building, much like the Coliseum of ancient Rome, where gladiators brawl with their life. With an open centre where the fights take place, the audience seats surrounding them.

Above the rings high up enough to be seen outside the stadium is 4 large screen screens that live screen the match below for both audiences in the stadium and outside the stadium.

Surrounding the Stadium are shops and bars. The atmosphere is lively as citizens gather to watch the fights for the day. One would overhear the citizens discussing about their favourite fighter over beer.

There are also several betting counters operated by the authorities for citizens to bet fights. Television's within the bar lifestreams the fight that occurs within the stadium, and loud cheers follow whenever someone is knocked out.

Standing outside, Feng looked up onto the screen, and on it was Li Da Bing and Hu Wei's match, which have begun 15 minutes ago.

As per his memory, Hu Wei is yet again on the verge of losing this match. Eyes swelled and looking tattered at the moment. The match should end anytime soon.

"just in time", Feng murmured as he went into the stadium.

Boom….Hu Wei grinches as he receives a kick to his right abdomen. Dammit, am I going to lose again? was his only thought at the moment as he struggles to defend himself. Before he knows it, a swing punch aimed for his jaw was about to connect.


Before he knows what is happening, everything turned dark as he blacked out and slumped down on the floor.

Argh, damn it. Why have I lost again....its my 3rd lost since my debut. Hu Wei laid on the treatment bed and pondered. The doctor has pretty much wrapped up his injuries and gave him the necessary jabs leaving him alone to rest.

His trainer has left long ago. In the cold world of professional, starting with 3 loses means that the dojo he trains with has pretty much given up on him. While he is strong, he realised he is nothing in this world of professional.

Quitting seems to be a pretty decent option since he is still young; at 24 years old, he could still get a job. If he is to delay a few years more, it would be hard for him to get a job without experience. Luckily enough for him, he has not suffered much damage in the last few bouts. Hence, a physically tiring job is still manageable for him. Perhaps a mover?

Knock knock

Hu Wei turned his head towards the sound of a knock coming from the door.

"Who's that?" Hu Wei asked

"No one that you know of but someone that might just change your future", replied a calm and sturdy voice which sounded young.

"huh, who the fuck…" before he could finish his sentence, the door opened. Standing in front of the door is a tall and decent looking young boy who seems younger than him by at least a few years. While he does not look strong, there is an aura around him to suggest he is not too weak.

"I mean what I say," the young boy continued.

Not knowing what to reply or process what is going on, Hu Wei stared blankly at Lin Feng.

"I know that you must have a lot of question on your mind, and the only way I can answer you is by us having a spar. When would you recover?" Lin Feng asked firmly

"approx 5 days?"

"good. Let us meet at the dojo at Black Eagle Fitness centre, shall we in a week time?" Feng replied. Not leaving a chance for Hu Wei to answer, he continued, "See you there. Do know this is serious and will affect your future. Just a spar and you will understand it all" Finishing, Feng turned around and left Hu Wei alone in the room, wondering what is going on.

Unsure of what to do, Hu Wei sat up and packed his belonging, preparing to leave the stadium alone. There is nothing much he can do right now. Walking out of the stadium, Hu Wei walked past a row of sports bar.

Reaching towards the end of the zone, Hu Wei turned towards the alley when he saw a group of men surrounding a women and a young boy. Rather than surrounding, it is more suitable to say they are crouching in front of the young boy, one of them even kneeling in front of him, seemingly begging for mercy.

With the dim light and the boys back facing him, he had to walk forward a few steps before realising the young boy's back. It was the boy who had appeared in front of him earlier in the treatment room.

Rewinding the time to when Feng left the stadium after talking to Hu Wei.

Feng was preparing to run home when he saw a familiar person. Ms Zhen? She was currently walking amid a group of guys and seemed rather uncomfortable. Following them, they had turned into the alley where they met Hu Wei much later.

"Look Xin Ru, all I am asking for is a favour as your future fiancé; what is so hard?!" A tall decent looking male asked. From his outfit, one can judge that he is pretty rich. Zhen Xin Ru is sporting a Red once piece dress covering up to her thigh.

The off-shoulder top design showed off her flawless white shoulder, and it seems like she had just come out for a night out in town. Her shoulder-length wavy hair that is usually tied up is now let down. Light make up on fair pale skin is blushing slightly due to the alcohol she had consumed made her look dazzling.

"You might be my fiancé by name Chen Li Kang, but this is just the arrangement of our parents, which I have no intention to honour if you haven't realised." Zhen Xin Rui replied aggressively.

"Look, my big brother, Yi Bai Wan, just want to have a drink with you. All I need is for you to entertain him a little."

"Entertain? Do I look like some bar girl? I just wanted to chill off tonight, and I got to bump into a dog. Anyway, I want nothing to do with you," Zhen Xin Ru replied, obviously pretty pissed at Chen Li Kang words.

"Look, don't make me use force. I still want to give uncle and aunty some face, so just fucking follow me" Chen Li Kang is becoming more assertive as the moment passed. Having said his words, his henchmen behind him stepped forward and held onto Zhen Xin Ru shoulder, urging her to move.

"Let me go!" scream Zhen Xin Ru.

"Slut, just cooperate. Anyway, you will be my women sooner or later, so let's just enjoy our time with brother Yi Bai Wan" suggested Chen Li Kang. Zhen Xin Ru eyes widen at his suggestion, and on cue, her legs raised, aiming at the spot between Chen Li Kang legs.

The next moment the sound of an egg cracking could be heard as Chen Li Kang bent down in front of her. She had never really liked Chen Li Kang even while thew grew up together but never had she imagine that he would suggest something like that.

Seeing the situation, the lackey holding onto Zhen Xin Ru tightened his grip as another of his henchmen went forward to slap her. The last henchmen went to tend to Chen Li Kang, who was kneeling on the floor.

"you fucking bitch. If it isn't because you are my finance, i would have just drugged you," Chen Li Kang said, eyes red with anger.

"Fucking hold her tight" Chen Li Kang then pulls the top of Zhen Xin Ru, exposing the matching Red bra beneath her clothes with his free hand while his other hand held onto his hurting crouch.

"kneel", he commanded as he proceeds to unzip his pants.

"you should help heal whatever you hurt, shouldn't you?" The henchmen holding onto Zhen Xin Ru than exerted force, pushing her down forcing her to kneel in front of Chen Li Kang.

"Ho Ho Ho. Looks fun. Can I join in?" Someone spoke suddenly at this juncture. Turning around, everyone saw a Tall Young boy standing under the light in the dim alley.

"Lin Feng??" Zhen Xin Ru muttered

"Nice boobs there, teacher. No wonder all the boys have the hots for you," chuckled Lin Feng.

Realising the situation, she is in Zhen Xin Ru struggled and managed to get out of the grasp of the guy holding onto her while he was distracted by Feng's appearance.

With her top still down, she ran towards Feng. On his end, all he could see was a pair of snowy white buns bouncing due to the force of Zhen Xin Ru running towards him.

drip…..drip....drip....a little blood came out of Feng's nose....ahhhh....the price of being young and sensitive...