First Fight

"Dammit, stop her", Growled Chen Li Kang, who has finally recovered from realising what is happening now.

Zhen Xin Ru was now behind Feng, pulling his hand trying to signal him to run. Feng had felt her intention, but he just looked at her and placed his other hand calmly on top of hers before slowly sliding her hand down.

Turning around, he dashed towards the first guy coming towards him. In his attempt to punch, he had made a huge pull back with his hand as he prepared to swung them towards Feng.

Even thou he had just barely stepped into the early stages of sense refinement, the motion and speed of the pullback and punch are considered slow towards Feng.

He could see it all clearly, and with his body foundation reaching the peak of the first stage, he could easily dodge it. With a slight crouched and an instep, he dodged the punch and countered towards his opponents' guts.

The next moment the lackey is now crouching on the ground, holding onto his left guts. With this, Feng finished it off with a kick to the face.

By now, the other 2 henchmen had approached Feng and had taken out their pocket knife. With a slash down, a cut of red-stained Feng's back.

Damn it. Feng cursed in his heart.

My senses are still not sharp enough! Even thou he had just begun to train his body and senses, he had enough in him to handle this small-time hooligan just that he was not expecting them to use weapons.

As he gathered his thoughts, his body had already begun moving. From the kick, he had stepped down into a slight crouching position. Because of his movement, he had managed to lower the damage the knife could inflict on him.

With his hand as a pivot, he swept his left legs towards the leg of one of the henchmen carrying the knife, causing him to fall.

Using that leg as a pivot, he pushed himself up towards the 2nd lackey and kneed him in the abdominal, causing the 2nd lackey to hunch over. He then proceeded with an elbow down his neck, causing him to blackout immediately.

From the outside, one would see the swift and seamless movement as Feng took them down in a one-two knock out.

Looking back to the first lackey with the knife that is now just crawling up, Feng dashed over and gave a kick onto his stomach, causing him to crunch down again, thus giving Feng a chance of following up with a kick to the head.

All that is left is an astonished Chen Li Kang looking at him. Behind him is an equally surprised Zhen Xin Ru. She had never imagined the quiet scrawny kid that always hid in the corner of the classroom to be such a fierce tiger!

Chen Li Kang immediately got down on his knees upon seeing the scene and begged for mercy. At this moment, Hu Wei arrived at the alley. Walking forwards towards Lin Feng, he saw the long slash on his back.

"Are you ok?" Hu Wei asked while taking in the scene in front of him. Lin Feng may not be scrawny as before, but still, he was not exactly muscular. Heck, in fact, one of the hooligan that is now sprawled out on the floor is almost twice of Feng's size.

There were 3 of them in total on the ground now if Hu Wei is to exclude the guy that is begging for mercy. Furthermore, 2 of them had used weapons, yet this young kid had got them beaten down in a flash. Just who is he?

"small issue", Feng replied while trying to give off an image of strength to Hu Wei. Kaoz the slash does hurt thou, he cursed in his mind.

"ok, anything you need help with?" Hu Wei replied

"not really, but thanks" Feng then turned towards the speechless Zhao Xin Ru, who had pulled up her dress earlier.

"Let's go," he said as he leaned his hand over her shoulder, using her as support to leave the alley.


Unknown to Feng, this minor fight got Hu Wei curious enough to decide to meet him for the spar in one week. Before this, he was only 30% convinced to go. With this, yet another butterfly effect caused by Feng's return has started to roll.

"are you sure you are ok?" Asked Zhen Xin Ru as she supported Feng on her shoulder. Occasionally she looked over at the wound on Feng's back worriedly.

"no one would be ok with a slash on his back", Feng replied, looking at her with a ridiculous look. He had just endured the pain because he needed to portray an image of strength to Hu Wei.

Zhen Xin Ru got flustered with his reply. "Let's go to my place. It is just around the area. I will bandage you up there," saying that she continued to assist Feng as he walked.

Feng could not resist the pleasant aroma that assaults his nose with his hand leaning across her bare shoulder as they walked. Gee, among all the woman he had held in the past, none of them had smelt that nice.

Sometimes he does wonder what is it that girls bath with that makes them smell that good. As he continued to enjoy her body warmth and smell, he thought about the view he saw before in the alley as Zhen Xin Ru ran towards him with her breast swaying.

"Ermz…" Zhen Xin Ru voice broke his thoughts.

"yes," Feng asked blankly.

"Student Lin Feng, you got to control yourself…." said Zhen Xin Ru shyly.

Noticing her blush, Feng looked down to realise his brother below is now pitching a tent!

Even thou he is mentally an almost 40-year-old guy. Currently, his body is that of a teenager. As such, the reaction was one that he could not control.

Embarrassed, he chuckled at Zhen Xin Ru. Recalling at the scene of her running towards him in his red bra, he said, "Sorry…teenage hormone…The view before just kinda gave me a blood rush."

Looking at Feng's calm yet cheeky response, Zhen Xin Ru replied teasingly, "you young boys are too active… have blood bleeding behind your back, yet you can still have enough to rush to other places" she rolled her eyes.

At this moment, Feng felt that the barrier between the ex-teacher and student kind of broke as they joked and teased each other while walking back to her apartment.

After another 5 mins of walk, Ms Zhen stopped in front of a luxurious gate. Beyond the gate is a high rising apartment building.

Upon scanning her entry card, they entered the side gate meant for walking in. The air here is much more refreshing than just moments earlier when they were on the street filled with people.

Trees and flowers flank the sides of the pavement they are walking on, giving off a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.

There was even a pond with koi swimming inside. It felt like both of them had walked into a different world. It looks like Zhen Xin Ru is not as simple as I thought felt Feng.

For her to be able to afford a flat in such a prime location, and with such an environment, the cost could not have been low. Thinking about this, they entered the lift lobby. With a scan of her card, the lift arrived and took them up to Zhen Xin Ru home.


Her home was on the building's upper floor, and the lift that took them up was a private lift. Exiting the lift door, they had arrived at her living room with glass windows that rises from the floor to the 2nd-floor ceiling.

In front of them was a large white sofa facing a tv screen on the left wall with a large black carpet below.

Behind the Sofa was a large white dining table with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling that stretches to the 2nd level.

Looking in further was a kitchen decked in black and white laminate and a white fridge. It was apparent that Ms Zhen had a thing for the colour white, which is the entire home's primary colour, with occasional black giving the place a bit of contrast.

Beyond the living room and before the glass window was an infinity swimming pool and Jacuzzi that stretched the apartment's entire length.

Before the pool, on the right top corner, is a spiral staircase that should probably lead to her private bedroom, a patio on the 2nd level.

Feng gaped as he took in the sight. Just whom is this Ms Zhen. A teacher pay and probably even a typical wealthy family would never be enough to afford this.

"Here, take off your clothes and lie down on your tummy so that I can see your wound." Zhen Xin Ru said while supporting Feng to the leather sofa in the middle of the living room.

Following her lead, Feng took off the slashed Tee shirt.

As he did, he exposed his well-toned body that he has painstakingly built in the last one month. A well-defined bicep and 6 piece abs with a well-sculpted chest soon greet the eyes of Zhen Xin Ru.

What has this boy been doing the last 1 month, Zhen Xin Ru wondered. How could such a scrawny boy become this well built that fast?

Of course, Zhen Xin Ru would never have imagined the hard work Feng had done in the Gym. Along with that was all the credits he had spent to purchase the E rank nutrition fluid.

Currently, most ordinary people would only get by with the F rank fluid that the government issues. Spending credits to purchase nutritional fluid was not the norm unless one is a professional athletic or just plain wealthy.