
As Feng laid down on the sofa, Zhen Xin Ru had gone and returned with her first aid box. Gently using gauze to clean up the wounds on Fengs back as she inspects his injury.

The wound was not too deep, luckily, and as such, not much blood was flowing out. After 2 rounds of pressure and dabbing, the bleeding seems to have stopped.

"ok, stand up and face your back towards me," Feng Xin Ru gently told Feng as she prepared the first aid box.

Slowly raising his well-toned body, Feng stood up. Seeing Feng's back, Feng Xin Ru realised how well-toned his back muscles are.

An excellent V shape form towards his torso from his pretty muscular shoulder and the slashed scar she felt added character to him.

Wait, wait, what am I thinking? Feng Xin Ru shook her head. He is just a kid almost 5 years younger than me. Haiz….I must have been single for too long.

Taking a cloth, she began wiping his upper back.

"ermz teacher Zhen" Feng murmured.

"yes?" replied Ms Zhen as she wiped his back.

"This is too stimulating for me",,, replied Feng with a straight face.

"I need to clean you up before bandaging. So don't overthink things," rolling her eyes at his words.

Geez, this is stimulating for me too, thought Feng Xin Ru, but you just had to say it out loud.

Snapping out of it, she continued wiping up his back with the cloth in her hand. After which, she began bandaging Feng's back, rolling the bandaging cloth from the front to the back of his body and over his shoulder.

"Done", Zhen Xin Ru exhale as she patted onto his shoulders.

"hmm….your first time bandaging someone, eh?" Feng said while looking at the haphazardly done bandaging job by Zhen Xin Ru.

"Better than nothing", Zhen Xin Ru patted his back as she admired her handiwork, "and ehm…thanks for the help earlier."

"no worries. It was a good chance for me to test my training anyway," replied Feng

Hearing his reply, Zhen Xin Ru got curious, "why did you quit school, by the way? We didn't manage to have a good chat in school since you abruptly left."

"No reason. I just did not want to waste my time on something that would not help me in the future. There are other important things I need to do in this one year" Feng looked at Feng Xin Ru with a pair of clear, determined eyes.

Looking at the boy in front of her, Zhen Xin Ru heart shuddered. Why the hell does he feel so matured. The way he just spoke and the way his eyes seem so deep, as if he had encountered all that life has to throw at him.

Unknown to her, Feng did encounter anything that life has thrown at him and overcome them in his past life.

After all, it was not easy for him to crawl from nothing to being a vice guild leader earning money that most would not believe possible from a game. He had even been betrayed and killed by his fiance only to be given another chance at life.

Feng then turned to look at Ms Zhen with a firm determination in his eyes.

"Would you buy me for a million credit?"

Flabbergasted Zhen Xin Ru had no idea what Lin Feng is talking about. Nor could she reply to him.

Unknown to her, her question earlier had made Feng had made him decided to do whatever it takes to get more credit within this year. However, the only thing he could think of on him that even has any value at the moment is himself.

Besides that, he has nothing of worth and seeing how Zhen Xin Ru is that rich, and he thought it would be worth a shot. He could be her bodyguard or something for a year or something before cashing out his investment and returning her the credits anyway.

On the other hand, Zhen Xin Ru thoughts were on a different matter.

A toyboy?? Wait, yes, I have to admit his body is kind of hot, and his height is perfect. His face is an 8/10 too, which is just nice for her. Any higher and he would be too hot for her to handle any lower, and she would not be interested.

Paired with those pair of deep eyes that seem to see beyond what is in front of him, somehow she has to admit that she does feel slightly attracted to him after their short time together tonight, but still, he is her ex-student!

She is not even sure if this feeling of attraction is because of the booze she had consumed earlier at the bar.

While not drunk, she did have a couple of cups of wine before.

Flustered by the development, Zhen Xin Ru walked to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water and gulp a few mouths down to calm her mind. Having regained her calm, she asked.

"I can afford a million credit, but what do I gain?"

Judging from her home, one can tell that Zhen Xin Ru's background is not normal. However, Feng, at this moment, has no idea how deep her background is.

As the heiress to the Zhen Development Group, she has been groom to be a businesswoman carefully by her parents and tutor. Her stint in school is just to live her dream as an educator for a year or two before heading back to her family business.

The Zhen Development group is one of the largest real estate companies in the region. It has several side businesses such as the Zhen Hua Hospital, Zhen Xin Hotel, Zhen Shen shopping mall, and more.

Her so-called fiancé was also of a similar but slightly lower background, but their parents are close due to her father's receiving help from the other family decades ago.

Yi Bai Wan, the guy that Chen Li Kang wanted him to accompany, is on another level as his family's Billion Group is on an international scale, something that even the Zhen Development Group could not compare with at the moment.

After calming herself, all she could remember was what was indoctrinated into her since a young age: profit and Lost.

A million credit is not much, but getting a toyboy at that price is a bit steep. Funny enough, she never realises that she is not rejecting the idea of having him as a toyboy in her life.

"For a year, I will do whatever you ask of me as long as it is within my conscious, and you give me some personal time off for training. After a year, I would return you your initial investment of one million credit. In five years, I would return you another million," Feng replied.

He had calculated in his heart that in a year, the stock of Abstergo Reality would have more than doubled, at least base on his memory due to the launch of Gods Art.

Even after a month, the current price of 35 credit would rise once the promotions for Gods Art starts. By the launch date, it should reach almost 100+ credit per share.

If he can get his hand on the one million credit now, he would make a profit of 70+ credit per share and quickly repay the credit he owns and yet have enough to continue rolling the shares.

Yes! Indeed! Rolling credits is the way to fattening one's bank account. This is true, no matter when. The issue is getting the initial capital to start the roll.

Hearing his words, Zhen Xin Ru scowled. The conditions are almost too good to ignore. A 100% pure profit in 5 years is good. Even more attractive was that the initial investment would be returned in a year.

The only issue right now to her is if she could trust the guy in front of her. He had only still been his student a month back, and now, it is almost as if the person in front of her is someone whom she had just gotten to know.

"5 million credits and a contract", Zhen Xin Ru said after some contemplation. "On top of that, you are to move in with me immediately, and the 5 million shall be sent into a joint account. I would not restrict what you use the credits for as long as it is for proper business reason."

While she does feel that it is ridiculous for her to trust Lin Feng entirely right now, her instinct for money-making is seldom wrong, thanks to her training. Still, she had to limit her risk, and the condition she had set was all that she can think of at the moment.

5 million credit isn't much to her. Her father had recently given her 30 million credit just to use the remaining year to find a new business to venture into as she prepared to leave the education sector.

"5 million?" Feng's eyebrow raised as he replied. He had not expected that him trying his luck a little had net him such a tidy profit.

"Tomorrow is a Sunday. I will get my lawyer to draft out the contract on Monday. We will then head down to sign the contract on Monday. No issues with that, do you?" asked Zhen Xin Ru

"Nope, none at all", 5 million credit is not a small sum. A contract is definitely needed, he thought while grazing his chin while looking at the beautiful women opposite him.