Big-time investor

After getting his Qwatch, Zhen Xin Ru ordered take out for the both of them back at home.

While waiting for the take out, Feng used his Qwatch to give Fatty a call. It has been some time since he last contacted him, and he thought it would be good to provide him with an update. After all, Fatty was one of his first investors.

Going to a corner of the house, he dials up Fatty's number. Since he is using a Qwatch now and not his mobile, a holographic image of Fatty soon appeared above his watch.

Ahhhh ahhhh ahhh, Sugoi~ came the sound in the background of Fatty

".....what the hell are you doing!?" asked Feng as he hurriedly lowered the volume. Unfortunately, Xin Ru had heard the noise and gave him a frowning look from the dining table where she is having her tea.

"what do you think I am doing" replied Fatty. "I am a healthy 18-year-old boy with his urges. Ever since I loaned you my savings, I can't go out as often, so this is all I can do!"

"fuck are you..." Feng eye thinning together as he saw the right hand of fatty that is still moving up and down.

"Geez, I am at the most important part, you cut the crap and tell me why you called you twat." Fatty replied while seeming a little agitated as if the call by Feng had interrupted him in some important business matter

"Shit, go do what you have to. I need to wash my eyes" With a sickening face, Feng wants to end the call.

"A man's got to do what a man's got to do," Fatty said before hanging up the phone.

With that, the holographic image of fatty went off.

Looking at Xin Ru that is giving him the death stare, Feng could do nothing but shrug.

Ding ding Ding ding....the intercom rang signalling the arrival of the takeaway

"Haiz....A man's got to do what a man's got to do," he said heaved as he walked towards the intercom with his hand behind his back.

Pfft....he could hear Xin Ru choking back her laughter from the corners of his ear.

Sitting at the dining table, they ate their take away as they discussed Feng's plan on the 5 million credit. While she had no intention to restrict him, she still had to know Feng's intentions.

Feng gave her a simple introduction on his plans, which is mainly 1. to invest in Hu Wei, train him up, and earn some credit from side betting. 2. to invest in himself. Getting nutrient drinks etc. 3. invest in stocks, but he did not inform her specifically on which stocks he is investing.

Hearing his plans, her eyebrows raised. She could not believe how he had come up with such a simple ridiculous plan.

There are only 2 parts to the plan: one betting/investing and two training up 2 person Hu Wei and himself.

In fact, she has nutritional liquid meant for herself in the fridge, which she would not mind sharing with him since she does not drink them that often. However, since Feng had not asked her, she did not broach the subject.

Still, the way Lin Feng kept himself so calm and composed as he mentioned his plans got her bewildered. It is as if he had 100% confidence that this is enough to make back the money he spends and pay her back.

If it were not because he had signed a contract with her, she would have probably cut short he loses and thrown him out of the house. Society, as it is now, is very stable. War is something that is only read in history books.

Borders are pretty loose, even thou countries still exist mainly for a cultural reason rather than political. The government of all the countries in the world has been combined into one, and with active monitoring available, there are barely much crimes on the surface since it is easy to trace down a culprit.

With her understanding of how little backing Lin Feng has, the fear that Lin Feng would run away without paying her back is low. Still, she could not understand how he is confident in what he is doing.

Finishing their dinner, Xin Ru retreated to the bedroom to prepare to rest for the night as tomorrow is a workday. Tired from work in the morning, she soon dozed off before Lin Feng made his way up.

Seeing her asleep, he did not want to wake her up. As such, he went to the bathroom downstairs for a shower before retiring on the sofa.

In the midst of the night, Xin Ru woke up. She realised that she could not feel Lin Feng's presence on the bed. Startled, she turned on the bed lamp. Walking to the stairs, she saw that Lin Feng was sleeping on the sofa tonight via the dim light.

"Perhaps it is better this way",, she muttered as she went back to the bed to sleep.

Early the following day, Lin Feng woke up and prepared breakfast for the two of them. Upstairs, Xin Ru made her preparation for work. While finishing his portion of breakfast, Feng logged into his stockbroking account.

Checking the price, the stock for Abstergo Reality had risen slightly to 40 credit per stock. Feng placed 70 lots (each lot is 1000 stock) of Abstergo Reality stock to bring his total stock holdings to 72 lots.

Logging off his Qwatch, Feng changed into his work out attire for his jog. Looking upstairs, Xin Ru does not seem ready to come down yet. As such, he left a note to inform her that he will be at the Black Eagle Training Centre as usual.

After finishing his daily training at the Black Eagle Training centre, Feng braised himself up as he took the jump to buy a grade B nutritional fluid setting him back by an incredible 100,000 credit. If it were not because he had just started his training for a month, he would have spent 500,000 credit for the grade A nutritional fluid.

However, too much good stuff would be useless for him as there is a limit to how much one can push one body.

Preparing to run home, he took out the nutritional fluid and gulped it down in one go. Feng felt a gush of energy swirling up from his navel upon drinking. The B grade effect is definitely much stronger than the D grade fluid he drank before. While just 10 x the D grade fluid cost, the B grade effect is at least 15-20 times stronger felt Feng.

He could practically feel his muscle healing themselves from the sore and his mind-broadening up, increasing his sensitivity towards his surrounding a little.

While he had drunk a B grade nutritional fluid before in his previous life, the effect was not as strong as he is now because his body is more robust and older by the time he managed to afford a B grade.

No wonder they say money is King. With money, one could practically buy a healthier body.

The run home also felt slightly more effortless than before as his stamina seems to have improved. Taking the lift up, Xin Ru sits by the Sofa with a teacup in her hand, reading a book.

With a glance, she acknowledges his presence, walking to the dining table where packets of take-away awaits. Judging by the coldness of the food, she had waited for him for some time.

Seeing the scene, Feng felt a comfortable feeling engulfing him. While having dinner, they did not chat much, only mentioning a little of what has happened throughout the day. However, it gave both of them a feeling of ease and homeliness.

As usual, Xin Ru slept in earlier than Feng. Before sleeping, he spent the time finding information on Gods Art and noting down all the quest he can remember off hand.

Just like that 4 days passed in a flash, and Saturday had arrived. His everyday life can be summed up as: waking up, cook breakfast, working out at Black Eagle Fitness Centre, Dinner with Xin Ru, planning for the future, sleep.

His interaction with Xin Ru had dropped ever since their crazy passionate start. Feng could feel that Xin Ru is keeping a slight distance from him to a certain extent.

Learning from his previous life experience, Feng did not try to force the issue and slept on the couch instead of in the bed above with Xin Ru. Giving each other a little space since things had progressed too fast the first day.

He felt that if he forced the issue on Xin Ru, it might just end up pushing him further.....well, at least that was how some of his previous relationships ended.


It was a typical Saturday night, and the bars near the stadium were boisterous as usual. The palace was lively, with live bands playing, matches being screen and betting ongoing. The streets were rowdy and lively.

In a bar near the stadium where Feng had saved Xin Ru before, 2 people sat in a corner drinking. Already on their 2nd bottle of red wine, their red cheeks and beautiful face captured the attention of many single guys who did not have the guts to walk up to talk to them.

Zhen Xin Ru was wearing a silky one-piece white bareback dress. Sitting opposite is her university friend and current personal lawyer, Liu Yu Han, looking equally astonishing in her short black one-piece dress that barely covered her perky butt.

The beauty of both is radiating differently from each other. While Zhen Xin Ru has a curvy womanly body, Liu Yu Han has a slender body like an athlete.

"Alright enough with reminiscing. So what's up with you and that young boy?" Liu Yu Han probed as she swirled the glass of red wine in her hand, looking at the Xin Ru that is flushed red in front of her.

"no idea", Xin Ru replied as she stared dreamily at her glass "i..." her words cut off as she pouted her mouth and frowned a little, thinking about Feng.

Eyes raised Liu Yu Han had never seen Zhen Xin Ru this vexed over a guy before in the entire time she knew her, and if she is to say that she is the best person to know everything about Xin Ru, no one else in the world could claim otherwise. They were closer than sisters before till work separated both of them.

"what about your fiancé Chen Li Kang?" she continued to probe

"gee, did you have to bring up that bastard. It is just wishful thinking among some old folks. He is way too sleazy for my liking," Xin Ru flared upon hearing a name that she did not want to hear.

"ok, ok," Yu Han replied as she tried to calm Xin Ru down. "Back to the topic. Did you develop feelings for that young boy?"

"That's a question that I have been asking myself the last week. Things happened too fast, so it is a bit messy now," Xin Ru replied

"hmmmm you fucked him....." Yu Han said silently as her voice trailed off. "He must be good for you to get this messed up", she muttered as she looked at Xin Ru.

Picking up her voice Yu Han continued, "first time I have ever seen you this confused over a guy."

"Sorry, my mind is in a mess right now, so let's change the topic, shall we?" Xin Ru replied as Yu Han took a sip of her wine.

"Haiz look's like things are getting serious this time," Yu Han told Xin Ru, who nodded a little in response as if she is acknowledging Yu Han's words subconsciously.

"Why don't we head to your home to drink just like the old times" Yu Han suggested

"this....." Xin Ru hesitated

"Common, I want to see what this guy could have done to make my little Xin Ru this flustered", Yu Han urged. Without waiting for her reply, she took both girls' purse before clasping Xin Ru hands, leading her out of the bar.

"oi, the bill!! Came a shout from behind them.....

"mmz here, let me pay for them" a guy offered "just do me a favour and pass them my number should you see them again at your bar."

"no, no, no," another guy interjects, "charge them to me. I will pay 50% extra than this guy as long as you help me fulfil the same condition."

"Damn it, just charge them to our table! we will pay 80% extra!"

A bidding war soon broke out in the bar as the guys who were too shy to talk to the 2 beautiful ladies tried to create a chance for themselves.