Platinum Membership Gained

Thinking for a moment. Feng looked at Bai Yun Fei sitting in front of him and asked politely.

"Senior, if it might be rude for me to ask, but would it be possible for me to understand more about the body and sense refinement from you before I make any decision?"

Smiling, Bai Yun Fei nodded his head.

Good. Calm and rational. Does not rush into a decision. His approval of Feng had just risen again. Usually, anyone that receives this offer from him would not bother to question anything but just jump into it.

After all, the access to the state of art training equipment of the Black Eagle Fitness Centre and the prestige of being a Bai Yun Fei disciple is something that everyone craves.

With that, they spent the next 2 hours in the room exchanging pointers with each other. After 2 hours, Feng exited the room before heading to the lift lobby.

Lee followed him down to the level 3 Dojo. Exiting the lift, Lee stood in front of Feng, smiling.

Looking at the smiling Lee, Feng wondered what he needed. He studied the lean looking man in a black suit standing in front of him with a curious face.

However, Lee was a man of few words. As such, he just stood still smiling without stating his intention.

Unsure of Lee intention, Feng had to come up with his own assumption.....Tips! This smiling devil in front of him was expecting a tip for showing him around!

Scowling, Feng did not know what to do. After all, he was prudent by nature, thanks to his upbringing. Even in his previous life, he had never left a tip before.

Lee! Gowled Feng in his thoughts. I am saving every credit I can by running around every day and only hitch-hike my food from Xin Ru's fridge and take-aways. All you did was show me around, and you expect a tip?

Thinking about this, Feng was felt frustrated.

With a single step out, he intended to bypass Lee from the side, but Lee shifted his body, countering Feng's effort with his. Another step was received with another block.

With nothing Feng could do, he stood there collected, looking at Lee standing in front of him.

5 minutes passed as both men stood at their spot without any movement.....

7 mins....

10 mins....

As time passed, many other dojo users had exited the lift to the sight of 2 men having a staredown with each other.

At the 15-minute mark, Feng's eye twitches and could not take it any longer. Time was precious, and he wanted to train!

With no choice, he brought up his arm with the Qwatch " how much?" Feng asked, his mouth twitching as his body instinctively refused to ask the question.

Lee looked at Feng curiously, unable to answer his question as he had no idea what he meant.

Looking at Lee that stood in front of him with no reply, Feng cursed in his heart. This greedy prick! he is not giving me a figure on purpose to ensure I provide the highest tip I could give.

" no 2....2 credit," he said reluctantly as he brought his Qwatch to Lee face to scan his face for the transfer of the credit.

At this moment, Lee opened his mouth as he raised out his hands "card."

"card?" Feng repeated after him.

"yes, card," Lee said as he smiled a gentle smile, nodding slightly.

"Ahh, card!" Feng exclaimed in joy. The purple card Lee had given him to access the 7th floor is still with him! Wiping the cold sweat off his forehead, Feng returned the card to Lee.

Receiving Feng's purple card, Lee smiled as he took out another card greyish-white in colour before passing it to Feng.

"This is the platinum card for internal members only", Lee informed Feng before continuing ", It gives you access to the 6th level of this building."

"The purple card I had passed you before is my personal card, which allows access to level 7, which is meant for the Fitness Centres workers only. Should you need to find Master Bai, there is a phone that links to his office at level 6, or you can call me," Lee said as he finished the introduction of the different cards.

With that, Lee exchanged contact with Feng. However, unknown to him, Feng had already exchanged contact with Master Bai Yun Fei. Getting Lee's contact would be good too, as he could not bother Master Bai for every small issue.

Feng had accepted Bai Yun Fei's invitation earlier after their 2-hour discussion. This is because he realised that one reason for him being stuck on the middle stage of body and sense refinement in his previous life was his lack of knowledge.

Currently, Master Bai might only be in the peak of the early stages of body and sense refinement base on his admission, but even still, Master Bai knowledge is of a much higher level than compared to Feng at his peak.

Feng had only managed to get bits and pieces of his knowledge in his previous life, mainly from his fighting experience. There were many gaps to be filled which he tried to fill with his fighting experience in Gods Art.

Furthermore, the simulation rooms on level 5 cater to the training of one body and sense refinement, according to Master Bai.

Looking at Lee's back, waiting for the lift, Feng turned to proceed towards the changing room.

"ah, I almost forgot!" Lee exclaim, thumbing his right hand on his left palm while turning over. "Platinum membership offers you a 30% discount on all our store items, including nutritional fluid except for S rank. However, you are allowed to purchase 1 S rank nutritional fluid per month."

Feng's eye twitches as he heard Lee words. Something this damn important, and yet you almost forgot to inform me. S rank fluid could not be bought without connections!

While using it now might be a bit too early, but he could store it in the freezer. As long as he used it within a year, if it is appropriately frozen, the S rank nutritional fluid would not lose one bit of its effect.

Besides that, with how rare S rank nutritional fluid is, he could resell it for a profit! Base on his memory, a single S rank nutritional fluid could be resold in the black market for as high as 10 million credits, 10 times its purchased price.

Looking at Feng, Lee seemed to sense his intention and continued.

"Reselling of S rank fluid is prohibited. Each fluid's packaging has its number code, and repackaging is impossible as once opened, it affects the fluid effectiveness. Should you be caught, the consequences would be high even for you."

Shaking his head, he wondered what Master Bai liked about this young man as he walked into the lift that had arrived.