Bai Yun Fei Recruitment

"Good! Good!" he exclaimed as he clapped his hands

Feng looked over towards the elderly man and got shocked. Bai Yun Fei! He was one of the top guys in this fitness centre. He officially had a private dojo on the 6th level of the building, where he conducts personal training.

One of the finest fighter the country has ever produced but unfortunately born in the wrong era as martial arts were not that important in his younger days. Looking 60, he is, in truth, close to 100 years old.

"Confused about how you lost?" Bai Yun Fei looked at Hu Wei and asked.

Hu Wei recognised the senior in front of him too. After all, which professional fighter wouldn't? Bai Yun Fei can be considered one of the pioneers in their industry.

"I would appreciate it if senior could enlighten me," said Hu Wei respectfully as he bowed slightly.

Stroking his long white beard, Bai Yun Fei looked at the young chap in front of him before beginning to speak. "It's simple your punch did not connect properly, and you got countered."

"Nothing much you can do when your opponent can negate the damage by slightly adjusting his body. On top of that, he targetted your temple with the back of his fist, giving your brains a jolt. Simple yet efficient," praised the elderly man.

"Who are you, young man?" the Bai Yun Fei asked.

Hu Wei too looked towards the young man in front of him. He just realised that he did not even know this young chap's name.

"Lin Feng", Feng replied as he bowed down slightly with his hands cupped as a sign of respect towards the elderly man.

Lin Feng. Both Bai Yun Fei and Hu Wei committed his name to their memory.

"would you mind accompanying this old man for a cup of tea," Bai Yun Feng asked as he looked at Feng.

Looking towards Hu Wei, "could you give me a couple of minutes before I join you", asked Feng.

Understanding the situation, Bai Yun Fei nodded. "I will meet you on the 7th floor", Looking towards the younger man behind him, "Lee."

With just a call of his surname Lee, the young man behind Bai Yun Fei knew what he had to do. Walking towards Feng, he took out a purple card before bowing a little and presenting it to Feng. "You can use this to reach the seventh floor."

With that, he walked back towards Bai Yun Fei, following him to the elevator.

Looking at the two of them leaving, Feng focused his attention on Hu Wei.

"You lost to an amateur," Feng said, smiling.

Embarrassed by the lost, Hu Wei had nothing to say and could only look at the ground.

"As I mentioned before, I can help you, and my win here is only to prove to you my abilities. Yes, I am weaker than you physically, but a fight does not rely purely on physical strength." Feng continued.

As Hu Wei had just gone into the world of professional, there is a lot still for him to learn. Currently, this is the only chance for Feng to recruit him. A year later, things might be different.

"What do you want me to do?" Hu Wei asked Feng straightforwardly.

"Fight by my side",, Feng replied.

Confused, Hu Wei had no idea how to answer Feng.

"Sign a contract with me as your trainer, and I will teach you what you need to know. In return, you have to fight by my side when the time comes." Said Feng firmly.

"You want me to leave my training centre?" Hu Wei asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes. The reason you lost is simply due to the lack of knowledge, and you would never be able to gain that at your current training centre," Feng replied firmly while nodding.

He was simply telling Hu Wei the truth. In the documentary, Hu Wei had only risen up in the ranking of pros after changing a training centre. His current training centre had already given up on him with his losing record since his debut.

"Can I consider?" Hu Wei asked as he was unsure of what to do.

"Sure", Feng replied before continuing ", 1 week. I need an answer by 1 week as I have many things to plan for."

Nodding Hu Wei agreed. After they both exchanged their contacts, Feng took a quick shower before heading towards the lift lobby.

Ding Dong Level 7

As the doors to the lift open, a large, brightly lit room came into the view of Feng.

With a tall ceiling of at least 4 metres, the room looked spacious and grand. In the centre of the large room was a water fountain. The workers' desk were placed surrounding the water fountain in an orderly yet random manner.

The only thing in common was that the tables were placed so that a centre path was created to the middle of the fountain before circling it. The path's final destination is the only room that stood at the end of the floor, partitioned by a glass wall.

Feng had not expected such an office to be on the 7th level of the training centre, and he had to admit that it was rather impressive.

Lee, who seemed like Bai Yun Fei's assistant, had arrived at the fountain's centre as Feng gazed around the entire floor. When Feng's gazed landed on him, he gave a smile towards him and, with a slight bow, gestured with his hands towards Feng, indicating that he will lead the way.

Following his lead, Feng had arrived at the only room on the entire floor. Bai Yun Fei stood in the middle of the room with his work desk to his right and a coffee table to his left as he enjoyed the view outside the glass window, hands behind his back.

Even thou it is only on the 7th floor, the surrounding buildings in the area were mostly one to two-story shophouses. The office's view directly led to a park a small distance away.

Feng could only feel a calm vibe coming from him seeing his back. Yet beneath this calm is a torrent that can sweep anyone away.

Hearing Feng and Lee's footsteps, Bai Yun Fei turned around and gave them a smile in his traditional blue china dress. Along with his long white beard, Bai Yun Fei gives one a feel of authority over everything around him.

Nodding his head, he indicated for Feng to sit on the coffee table's chair as he stood in his original position. Feng walked towards the chair but did not sit down upon arrival as if waiting for something.

"A child with manners" Bai Yun Fei gave Feng a gentle smile of approval. Walking over, he sat down on the chair opposite Feng.

Feng only sat down after seeing the senior take his. Lee had closed the door by now and had left the room to the two of them.

"You said your name was Lin Feng?" asked Bai Yun Fei.

"Indeed, Senior", Feng replied.

"I have just searched my entire database, including pulling some strings with my friends from Heaven and Earth Halls, yet I have found no one worthy to note that could match your look and name. Who are you honestly" Bai Yun Fei asked straightforwardly without beating around the bush.

Heaven and Earth Hall? As thoughts raced in Feng's mind. Heaven and Earth Hall is a very famous guild in Gods Art his previous life. A famously neutral party, they mainly dealt with information brokering.

There were many high ranking players within their ranks based on his memory. After all, strength was needed to regulate information.

No one dared to get on the wrong side of them not only because of the information they can provide but also because of their strength.

Along with the information they sold, Heaven and Earth Hall were the ones that maintain the list that contains the ranking of the top players in Gods Art. Gods Art itself, unlike other games, had no such ranking. The system itself only provided a list of top-level players.

This list itself is known as the Heaven and Earth list. It is pretty accurate on the best-skilled player's rankings up to an international level. This list and the top guild are among the most important in the game. However, besides this list, there are others such as the top beauty, the top gentleman in the game etc.

He did not expect that Bai Yun Fei would have links to them.

Calming down, he replied to Bai Yun Fei, "I am no one worthy enough to be mentioned in anyone's database."

Noticing his shock when the topic of Heaven and Earth Hall, Bai Yun Fei smiled before replying, "Not unworthy but just unknown at the moment."

"These old eyes are still not blind. The moves you used earlier are something not anyone can easily pull off. At the very least, it would take a decade of fighting for one to acquire such skill set" Bai Yun Fei looked at Feng as he spoke.

Stopping for a while to study Feng, he saw no response from the calm young man in front of him, sighing. He then continued.

"You negated the damage from the punch to your kidney by moving with the flow of the punch you received yet manage to let your opponent feel that you had only blocked it normally. This indicates the control that you have over your body is high" he then paused again to study Feng for any reaction.

Seeing none, Bai Yun Fei continued, "The punch you made to stun your opponent shows how familiar you are with the weak points of a human body. The precision of the punch shows your experience in fighting. Not a normal fight, I must say. But a fight to the death."

"this old man did not get anything wrong, did I?" he continued. "if so, you are probably familiar with the terms body and soul refinement. This is something that not many people would know about as it had been discovered only recently."

Feng had not expected he would be discovered that early. Indeed body and soul refinement had only gained popularity as Gods Art grew in fame. Right now, it was something that had been unearthed not too long ago, and only old monster's like Bai Yun Fei would know about it.

Even with Bai Yun Fei's words hitting their mark each and every time, Feng's expression did not change. He had simply encountered too much his previous life for this to bother him.

Knock knock.

The door open as Lee brought in a traditional clay Chinese tea set. Both parties sat in silence as Lee poured them a cup of tea before leaving the room.

Following Bai Yun Fei's lead, Feng picked up his cup for a sip.

"Premium Tie Guan Yin. A nice tea indeed." Feng commented.

"Senior, I am really no one. I can give you my ID to check. I am but a poor orphan who had grown up alone ever since the death of my parents." Feng said as he put down the cup before adding, " till recently."

The appearance of Xin Ru had changed the way his life was lived.

"That seems to be the case", Bai Yun Fei replied, indicating that he had already done the necessary checks.

Bai Yun Fei smiled as he looks at the kid in front of him as he realised the more he spoke to him, the more he liked him.

Not many could keep their calm while talking to him face to face, especially so when he is the one that is doing the questioning mostly. Being level headed in any situation is essential in a fight.

A simple orphan? Indeed a simple orphan filled with mystery that could win a professional fighter in a spar.

"Would you like to train under me?" Bai Yun Fei asked whiled, lifting his teacup for another sip.

Feng raises his eyebrow at Bai Yun Fei suggestion. He had just offered to train Hu Wei, and now someone is offering to teach him. What an interesting day.