If it is free, take more.

Logging back into the game, Feng appeared in front of the wooden notice board once again. Opening his system control, he started to add the names of Hu Wei, Fatty, Yu Han and Xin Ru as friends before opening the forum tab.

Reading through the forum, there was not much interesting for Feng except for one...the poster was Long Tian Ba.

Looking at the semi-translucent screen in front of him, a large-bodied guy walked over. In his simple get up of grey cloth clothing and pants with a straw shoe, Hu Wei, whose in-game name is Tiger Might, fits the role of a dense and robust villager that one can find in manga or ancient film perfectly; Feng chuckled as he closes the screen.

"Brother Feng, I am here," Hu Wei said as he gave a slight bow with a cusp of his hand. Hu Wei was not the only player that behaves as such as the NPC behaviour and the atmosphere have affected numerous player to behave in such a way as if they are in ancient times.

A world without machines and electricity. Where the skies are still blue and the air fresh without pollution. Animals roam freely in the fields, and the forest is plentiful. A stark difference from the real world that relies on technology even in farming as many lands become infertile.

"Let's go," Feng said as he led the way.

They first arrived at the weapon shop where there really is not much of a choice on gear. Picking up a ton of normal-looking wooden blades that were free of charge, they threw them into their storage bag and head out of the store.

Checking the bag, Feng saw there were 10 stacks of 10 wooden swords, 1 stack of herb that came with the bag and 15 spaces left. With 0 silvers on them, they had nothing much to do in town.

"Do we need that much sword?" Hu Wei asked as Feng looks at him with a look of contempt as if wondering why he asked such a dumb question.

"It's free!" Feng replied his voice a little raised.

"..." Hu Wei had nothing he could say against Feng as he is almost used to his stingy ways.

Following Feng, they soon reach the gates on the northeast as Hu Wei got curious and asked:

"Are we not going to try and look for quest in town? Several players are doing so right now."

"Nope. Don't bother." Feng replied. There is no quest in the beginner town. Easy quest is rare in Gods Art. If one stumbles onto a quest, it is usually something of a larger scale and not fulfilling some small request like gathering fur etc.

Indeed the road to conquest in Gods Art relies on only one thing. Grinding! This is where his cockroach-like personality shines.

Walking past the first field where some noobies are training, yes, noobies, after all, Feng is a reincarnator, so this bunch of weakling are nothing but noobs to him!

oppps...Feng realises as he runs past the group of players. His bad habit from before is appearing again the moment he is in the game. As he suppresses the devil within, they dashed forward.

"Gee, what is with these bunnies" Hu Wei ask as he follows Feng. Looking at the enormous googly eyes, large bunny teeth on their small body making them look a bit comical, he asked as they paused for a rest.

There are several hidden stats in Gods Art and stamina is one of them and another is agility. Such stats are dependent on the real body of the player and the game items add on a boast to it as such it is impossible to run without getting tired just like in real life.

This is why Feng had trained every day for the last 1 year with barely any breaks since he knows the in and out of Gods Art.

As a group of 3 players fight a rabbit nearby Hu Wei saw the damage done to them by these innocent looking rabbits.




"Feng, is this not too hard? We only have 50 hp and these rabbits should be the easiest monster in the game. Not to forget they attack in mobs!" Hu Wei asked.

"Get used to it. This game is not a walk in the park. Why else did I inform you before that you can train your fighting sense here? Be prepared we are heading deeper so the monster will be harder." Feng replied

"Good! I am pumped up for this" Hu Wei said as he pumped his chest.

Done with a short break they continued further in.

"tsk those idiots. The rabbits here are level 1 and are already that hard to kill." One of the guy they saw fighting earlier said.

"ignore them, bro, they will get killed anyway and respawn in town." Another guy in his party commented.


Less than half an hour had started in the game and the next area they arrived at is devoid of players.

"You sure about this?" Hu Wei asks as he looks at the monster, mostly resembling a goat with the exception of a long sabre like tooth sticking out of their mouth.

"Most of the goats here are between level 2-3. Watch how I fight. Once you are used to it, we shall move to a higher level area." Feng said as he unsheaths the wooden sword by his side as they stand above a plateau observing the area.

Descending from the plateau slowly, he silently made his way closer to a large stone in the field, shielding himself from the sight of the mob in front. As he hides from the sight of the goat, he occasionally peaks out.

His hands clutching onto the stone he had picked up along the way which he stored several as a standby in his storage bag.

Spotting a goat near him, yet enough distance from the rest, with precision, he threw the stone straight at the goat's eye, as a figure in dark red appears on the goat.


"BAAAAAAA~~!" the injured goat looked in the direction of where the stone came from as a status window showed by its side.

Name: GOAT

Level: 3

Hp: 400

MP: 40

Skills: ???? need identification skill

Description: Just a badass goat that might have morphed over time to have badass looking teeth. Does not eat grass!

As the goat charges forward, Feng steadied his heart as he used his sense refinement which is at the beginning of the middle stage which is just strong enough to form a very basic 3d image in his mind of 0.5 meters which is just about enough for Feng.

Focusing on the black and white world, with him in the middle a circle like vision encompass him for a distance of 0.5 meters. In it was just him, the boulder behind shielding him and occasionally the movement of the wind and grass.

As he focuses his attention on the area where the goat should charge towards him, the image of the grass and air around the area become clearer. For now, this was his limit and he could only hope Hu Wei who is watching can learn something from it.

The moment there was a disturbance in the movement of the grass, Feng smiled as he clutches the wooden sword tight.

Timing his attack, he turned his body as his wooden sword aimed for the pastern (ankle) of the goat.

'snap' the sound of his sword breaking into two due to the force of the impact against the pastern caused it to break.

-5 (black - target incapacitated movement) appear on the information panel on the top right of his view as the goat stumbles, its running force used against it.

'Shit. My Body sense failed me. Should have parried that a little upon impact to prevent the breakage.' Thought Feng as he wasted no time while the goat crashes into the ground, he took another wooden sword out of his storage bag and stabs toward the other eye of the goat.

-40 (Black/Red - weak point, double damage + incapacitated eyesight)

With the sword still stuck in its eye, Feng put all his strength into his fist and aimed for the throat of the goat on the ground with a hook punch movement.

Focal Strength + Heavy punch**. As the game recognise the muscle movement of Feng it calculated instantly and accurately the nanoscopic difference between Feng and the movement in the Database.

(Focal strength - 96% accuracy completion*, 75% bonus damage attributed.)

(Heavy punch - 100% accuracy completion*, 25% bonus damage attributed.)

(Critical hit - all damage doubled.)

- 90 (purple)

In a short moment of a few seconds, Feng had taken out more than a quarter of the goat HP. Less than another 10 seconds passed before the goat disappears into thin air as Feng picks up the loot.

(3 silver gained, 1 goatskin gained)

(97% to next level)

Note for those that like details:

Words in ( ) are words that show on the player information panel

Feng Skills:

Focal Strength - a real-life skill that can be used in-game. punch enemy with such precision and strength causing 100% damage bonus max. Completion tier: 100% - 100% bonus, 95% - 70% bonus, 90% - 50% bonus, below 80% no bo bonus

Heavy punch -In-game skill. Hit enemy with force. 2 sec cools down. 25% dmg bonus. 100% - 25% bonus, 95% - 15% bonus, 90% - 10% bonus , below 80% - no bonus.

*skills in Gods Art requires one to follow a certain movement of action which is judge by the system which compares it with a perfect movement in the database. Higher completion rate = higher damage of the same skill. Realise I should have added this into the beginner training which I will once I get the time.

** It is possible to stack an in-game skill with a real-life skill.