2 unlucky chaps

Watching from the plateau, Hu Wei saw the fight of Feng and realise how different it was from their spar. This was a battle to kill! Each strike incapacitated the opponent or severely wound them.

Thinking back to how he wanted to win Feng in a proper fight. If Feng was to fight him like how he did with the goat...a shiver crept up his spine.

Without waiting, Feng went for the next goat in the area immediately as Hu Wei watches. Another minute has passed and another goat falls to the ground brutally killed by Feng once again.

(94% to next level)

Seeing the movements of Feng once again, Hu Wei hands itched to fight. While personally, he is not a fan of using a sword, but the mixture of sword and fist was something he would try. Following Feng's example, he seeks out a location for cover while gathering stones.

Next finding his target, he threw the stone.


The stone rolled on the ground as it totally misses the target!

Hu Wei has been training all his life to fight in a fighting ring where tricks like this do not exist. Looking at Hu Wei's failure, Feng could only chuckle as he rushed over to assist him.

Still being a professional fighter and having trained together for almost a year, the combined strength of them both took no time to finish off the goat as they dodge the attacks perfectly.

Hu Wei who clearly looked embarrassed stood still and did not collect the loot on the ground. As such Feng moved forward to collect them as he muses about the situation as this is the first time this muscle head had shown any emotion.

"Don't worry about it. Takes time to get used to this style of fighting." Feng said as consoled Hu Wei who could only nod his head once without talking.

Lifting his head, Hu Wei ignored the existence of Feng as he channels his embarrassment into fury, as if turning on his Super Saiyan mode, one could feel the gush of air around him changing.

Charging up head first towards the goat with a murderous aura which got the goat charging back at him, like 2 trains charging head first at each other, bound to clash.

In his head, Hu Wei mentally did a count down.




He twists his body as he jumps into the air, facing the same direction as the goat charges for him, as he took 2 swords out of his storage bag, landing perfectly on the goat back. Stabbing the 2 swords into the eyes of the goat.


-80 (Black/Red - weak point, double damage + incapacitated eyesight)

Using his thigh muscle as he tightens his core, Hu Wei clutches onto the body of the rampaging goat tightly as his hands form into a fist raining down blows after blow onto the side of the goat throat.

Ding... a notification sounds in Hu Wei ear. (Rampage - 95% accuracy completion*, 5% bonus damage attributed, each punch in the same location will increase the damage by 1% to a max of 100%)

Unknowingly his moves had actually match a skill on the system database as he brutally pummels the goat from behind.

With 320 HP left, and unable to defend itself or attack Hu Wei, the goat soon fell to the ground and vanish leaving behind its loot.

Scratching his chin, Feng walked towards Hu Wei. 'Well....there is this way of fighting too' Feng thought as he observes the bloody fight 'His talent is real for sure. No wonder he could rank as a top 10 international pro-fighter despite his bad start'

Bending down as if to observe the scene of the massacre, the silver and goatskin vanishes before he turns his attention back to Hu Wei.

"That works too." Feng grinned as Hu Wei recovers from his bloodlust.


'What is this liberation I am feeling? The freedom to fight. The freedom to pummel!"

Hu Wei thought as he enjoyed the feeling of the fight. As if shown a whole new world, a world without the concept of the social norm to hold him back.

"ME TIGER!!!!" (writer note: HU in Chinese is Tiger, Wei is Might thus his in-game name Tiger Might)

As Hu Wei rushes to his next target, Feng hunted his own while trying his best to maintain a close distance from Hu Wei. After all, the loot dropped needs someone to pick them up and as an ahem friend, Feng should ahem...help Hu Wei.

30 minutes later,

with a final stab into the goat throat, a ring of light engulfed them both

(You have levelled up)

Double-tapping his left wrist his information came up

Name: Feng

Class: Beginner villager

Level: 2

Exp to next level: 99%

Money: 102 silver

HP: 80

MP: 80

Stats: Strength = 10, Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 10, Endurance = 10

Free stats point = 10

Equipement: Weapon - nil, Armour - nil, pants - nil, boots- nil, helmet - nil, bracelet - nil

Accessories: Earring - nil, necklace - nil, Ring - nil


Bash - hit an enemy with force using weapon activation differs base on the weapon. 10 secs cool down. 40% dmg bonus max.

Heavy punch - Hit an enemy with force without a weapon. No cool down. 25% dmg bonus max.

Whirlwind - Hit all enemy in a 1-meter radius for a 20% dmg bonus. 15-sec cooldown. 20% bonus dmg max

Real-life skill: Real-life skill ( not shown in-game. Included to make some clarity in the story and for easy reference).

Focal Strength - a real-life skill that can be used in-game. punch enemy with such precision and strength causing 100% damage bonus max. Heavy punch -In-game skill. Hit enemy with force. 2 sec cools down.

Shadow Sense: A mental image built-in 3D black and white that is achieved when one increases their sense refinement. Current MC: 0.5 meters vague image at the beginning of the middle stage.

Qing Gong - involves an overall improvement in muscle control that gives one faster reflex, better agility. Improves body sense. Current MC: available to have mastery of movement of any muscle on his body.


Opening his storage bag, there was almost 3 fulls stack of Goatskin. Despite killing 34 of them, some of the goats did not drop any goatskin to which Feng would spit on the location their body disappears on.

Finding a shaded area to rest for a moment despite suffering no damage, this is because their stamina had depleted quite a bit over the course of the fighting. The 2 guys chatted.

"You like the game so far?" Feng asked

"The best ever. The feeling of freedom is liberating. The power to hunt. This is how our ancestors would have lived." Hu Wei said without a pause.

Looking at Hu Wei, deep down Feng knew he had messed up his life. The likelihood of him becoming a top 10 international pro-fighter is low. Still, for him, this would be good. Instead of a cash cow, sorry money-making top employee, Hu Wei would be a crucial part of his guild once it is formed.

"By the way, isn't this game too realistic? I mean it really does feel like we are in reality hunting." Hu Wei words as he munches on his bread to recover his stamina faster interrupts Feng's thoughts.

hmm...to think this muscle brain is that quick on the uptake. His words were true and there have been several posts about this in the past. After all, being too realistic has its drawback since most enter a game to escape reality.

Still, the developer did not give any answer despite all the questions and as the popularity of the game increase, it seems that the poor response from the developer did not hinder the game's development in any way.

"Well, part of the fun is how real it feels I guess" Feng gave him a nonchalant answer.

"Still isn't it too much that we don't get any weapon drop?" As he said that a group of newbs entered the field they are training in, spotting at least a piece of new armour each. Some even carried an actual sword, discarding the free of charge wooden sword.

"That.....is because our luck sucks I guess..." Said Feng as he stood up, done with his stats allocation, Feng dusted the dust off his back as he stretches his back, "Let's go warm up 1 more round."