Failed partnership.

" because our luck sucks, I guess..." Said Feng as he stood up, done with his stats allocation; Feng dusted the dust off his back as he stretches his back, "Let's go warm up 1 more round."

"What about those new guys?" Hu Wei asked.

"Don't still too early for these newbs..sorry players," Feng replied with a dry smile on his face.

Proving his words true, the group who had just came over soon disappeared into thin air as their HP gets depleted. The ground once again empties for Feng and Hu Wei to continue farming.

Barely 20 minutes had passed as the goats' carcass lay on the ground before disappearing into thin air. The 2 hunters find their rhythm, and the fight becomes more manageable as they get used to the battle and the rust on Feng shakes off.

'66% to next level,' Feng thought as he checks his status.

BbAAAAAAA~~ A long and loud growl could be heard across the entire field. Looking at the direction of the growl,

'About time', Feng thought as he eyes the goat about 100 meters away. Despite the distance, the goat's size looks the same as those nearer to them, and if they close the gap, they would realise its size is more than twice the normal goat.

On top of that was it large twirly twin horns above its head which could probably stab someone to death.

Name: GOAT Lord (Bronze)

Level: 5

Hp: 1000

MP: 100

Skills: ???? need identification skill

Description: Just a badass mother goat of all goat has morphed over time to have badass looking teeth. Does not eat grass!

The difficulty of field boss can be classified as normal (Bronze), Hard (Silver), Rare (Gold) and Legendary (Purple)

With a look towards Hu Wei, he understood Feng's intention immediately as he rushes towards the large goat that had appeared.

'...' Feng thought ', That muscle brain! My signal was to retreat, lure and kill the normal ones first!'

A change of plan is impossible now as Hu Wei soon steps into the Goat Lord range. Feng looks around his surroundings one more time as his mind quickly thinks up a plan as he recalls an old movie quote:

"It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground."

He looks back at Hu Wei to see him flying 2 meters into the air after getting rammed by the Goat lord.

-60 (red) appears over Hu Wei as his health drops to barely 1/4 left. Scrambling to his feet, he ran as fast as he could, zig-zagging to avoid the charge of the goat as he hurriedly reaches for the basic recovery potion in his bag

+ 20 (blue)

'Dammit, just +20? another slam into me, and I am dead', thought Hu Wei as his HP recovers to 40. 'Where the hell is Feng! Didn't he signals for me to attack?!'

"Fweeeet" The sound of a whistle pierces through the air, loud and clear. Turning to look, Hu Wei spotted Feng on top of the plateau they were on earlier.

Hu Wei ran with all he had as he approaches Feng, who encourages him over the plateau's cliff, much like a trainer.

"Run Tiger Run!!" Feng shouted as he cusp his mouth with his hands, bending his back a little.

"..." too exhausted, Hu Wei ignored the blatant rip off the famous old movie, Forest Gump.

Reaching the bottom of the 3-meter cliff, Hu Wei lept up with all his might as he used his arm muscle to grip onto a protruding rock, pulling himself up swiftly with a second leap using his arm strength; he grabbed onto the top of the cliff.

Looking at the fingers by the cliff as Hu Wei dangled there, for a moment, the devil within Feng tempted him to step on it.

'Step on it, and he falls; the goat will be busy making his meal out of him. Strike when it is distracted. Think about the exp you will gain if you killed it alone.' says the devil

'He trusted you with his life! You may have even ruined his career. Remember the vow at the sofa just moments earlier?' the angel argues.

Feng reaches his hands down slowly and trembling as his mind stops yet urges him on.

Seeing Feng's hand lowering, Hu Wei used his shoulder muscle as he lurches himself up and


His palms flap at the air missing the hands of Feng, whom he swore shifted it a little at the last minute as a hellish red light seems to appear behind him.

Closing his eyes as he prepares to plunge down to the charging goat, he felt a grip on his finger. Looking up, he saw Feng with a holy light shining behind him as if the hellish red light before never exist.

Somehow, his aura made Hu Wei want to worship Feng.

"Come. My brother!" Feng spoke as he pulled Hu Wei up as Hu Wei felt tears filling up his eyes.

"Let's kill that monster together and restore peace to the planet," Feng said, looking up and forward as Hu Wei knelt before him.

"YES, MY LIEGE!" Hu Wei replied, caught up in the moment. Taking another bottle as the cooldown ends, he gulps down the basic recovery potion.

+20 (Blue)

Along with this naturally recover HP, Hu Wei Hp is at 61, barely able to withstand another charge from the goat. Feng hurriedly describes to him his plan.

"Would this work? Is this not too simple?" Hu Wei asks, astonished by Feng's plan.

"Sometimes the simplest of a plan is all one need," Feng replied, his arm behind his back as he looks over the cliff into the distance.

The Goat Lord had arrived below the cliff. Unfortunately, it does not have the ability to climb as it kept throwing its front hooves up to the cliff's wall, snarling at the 2 of them.

"See..." Feng said as if to emphasise his point, his hand reaches for the swords and stone his storage back.

"Lucky you were miserly enough to load up on these free swords." Hu Wei mutters as he did the same.

"Did you say something" Feng's ears pricked up

", you must have mistaken." Hu Wei replied as he hurried starts the attack.

Stones and swords fell onto the Goat Lord's body from above as Feng, with his outrageous control, manages to hit both of the Goat lord's eyes within 4 throws of the sword.

Once blinded, they both jumped down as Hu Wei repeat his rampage above the Goat lord while Feng stabbed for the throat from below. They both attack at speed so fast that they could barely catch their breath.

In between attacks, they had to collect back the stones and swords they had thrown since they had limited stock of them, especially for the sword.

Whimpers of the goat as it gets bullied echos through the field. Feng gave the cue as its eyes are about to recover from their incapacitated state.

"NOW!" Feng shouted as they both turn tail and run for the plateau's sloping entrance. While it is possible to climb from the sides, the access is at a manageable distance, and climbing would only serve to tire them faster.

With its eye recovering, all the goat saw was the cliff in front of him as the 2 preparator that had injured it escapes.

Looking left, looking right, it was all empty as it lifts its foreleg, stomping into the ground in anger.

Feng and Hu Wei laid on the cliff's ground peaking out at the goat below. Hu Wei himself could not believe that such an easy plan had worked.

Their joint attack had scraped off slightly less than 1/5 of the 1000 HP the goat had. Which meant, in theory, another 4-5 more of such attacks would mean the end of the battle.

The defence of the Goat lord should not be underestimated. A previous hit on the eye would generate -40 per eye before its minions. Now the damage was only -25 per eye.

Looking at Hu Wei's face, Feng scoffed at his apparent thoughts. If only things were that simple. 'The boss's attack would definitely change at its HP 50% mark and 10% mark', thought Feng.

'O well, one step at a time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' Feng thought.

Drinking the water in their storage bag, they rested and recovered their stamina. They had both given their 100% for the rampage earlier, and since the goat had not seen through their plan, they might as well recover to give their best before going on the rampage once again.

Feng eyed Hu Wei as he indicated he is ready for round 2. Seeing his signal Hu Wei was about to stand up before his hands reached for Feng, pulling him down together.

"Wait, that a go or retreat?" Hu Wei asked earnestly.

"Why would we retreat now when we got the boss cornered?!" Feng was astonished at his words.

"Well...earlier...nvm," Hu Wei said as he reaches into his storage back, preparing for the next round of attack.