Using the terrain.

Once ready, the two of them repeat the action earlier. Incapicating the goat by blinding before jumping down and running away before the goat regains its sight.

600+ Hp left.

As they prepared to begin the third round, just before they jumped down, Feng told Hu Wei.

"Be prepared. This time might be different."

Without waiting for his reply, Feng jumped as Hu Wei followed him behind, unsure of what Feng meant.

With a stab to its throat, the Goat Lord HP dropped to 498, slightly less than 50% of its total HP.

"Now!" Feng shouted partly because of the HP but also it is also about time for the Goat Lord to recover from its incapacitated state. As they ran their separate path, the goat recovered soon.


Once again enraged, it lifts its front hooves and slams into the ground. This time, its ear twitches as if it can sense the movement of the 2 that is running away. With a push from its front leg, it immediately followed the path Feng used to retreat.

Hearing the rumbling sound behind him, Feng knew that it is time for plan B.

Shouting towards Hu Wei on the other side of the cliff: "PLAN B!!"

Feng jumps up from the side of the plateau instead of running one big round to the entry point; he barely made it to the top as compared to Hu Wei because of his much weaker body strengthening* level.

Rushing to the edge of the cliff, Feng waited for the goat to reach the entry point.

'please charge', Feng prayed as he glances behind to see Hu Wei already preparing the simple trap below the cliff.

Rising its hoof once again, the goat lord body rises high into the air, stomping on the ground as he launches itself upon impact, charging at Feng.

-shadow sense-

As Feng relied on his own eyes and shadow sense, he prepared himself for the moment.

'almost', he muttered under his breath as the goat charges up. Feng knew he had only one chance. A miss, and he would probably be respawned in the village.

While only at level 2, and the death penalty is just losing 1 level, Feng has no intention of losing any lead he has as he has just too much to do.

As he concentrates, the time within the 0.5-meter distance around him seems to have slowed down.


As the goat lord nears him, within the 0.5 meters, he could sense everything about it. The breath that it exhales through its nostril. Its front hooves beating and leaving the ground, the muscle movement of its neck, everything.

Its head is lowering as it prepares for impact.

Gallop~ Gallop~ the sound of its every footstep heard clearly by Feng's ear.

With a slight swivel, Feng swiftly moves his body to his right just as the goat's twirling horns are about to make an impact with him.

Looking at the goat, he stares at the pupils of the goat lord.

Feng swore he felt its neck turning a little to face him, shaking its head in protest as if shouting.


It was at this moment the goat lord knew. He fucked up big time.

Failing to break in time, the goat lord flew over the cliff; as it looks down, tens of wooden sword are stuck into the ground, pointy side up.

At this point, Feng jumped off the cliff above the Goat lord; he pulled its long twisting horn up towards him, ensuring that the goat is going to land butt down first.

"Thousand years of pain Jutsu!" Feng shouted as he free falls to the ground with the goat, using his Qing Gong to cushion the fall damage.

As if realising what is happening, the Goat Lord could only curse

BAAAA~~~!! (write translation: you little pricks!)


A cloud of dust appeared on the landing spot of both as Hu Wei saw 2 figure appears within the dust.

- 40

- 240 (Blackish Red in colour - incapacitated: unable to move)

Even before the dust cloud clears u, Hu Wei saw a few more numbers appear

+20 (blue)

-45, -20, -20, -45

It was obvious that Feng is not wasting time inside as Hu Wei quickly joined him. As it lowers to the 10% mark of 100 HP, there was nothing much the goat lord could do with the swords stuck up its ass as it sits on the ground.

Hu Wei had also mounted its neck by now.


Bash after bash quickly rains down on the Goat lord. As the Goat lord sat up, it was easier for Feng to hit its weakest spot as knife and punches rains down on its....thing.

The sound of agony is all that is heard from then on.

60, 40, 20, 10, 0...

(Ding, you have achieved first kill for a field lord) the system sounded.

(Calculating achievement, killed a great lord 3 levels above yours..., killed a lord with only basic equipment..., consecutive hits on lord record..., the first lord kill in the entire game...)

The system took a bit of time to calculate as it seems to lag for a moment while the guys collapsed on the floor in exhaustion as they barely manage to breathe while fighting earlier.

The Goat Lord sat there lying still facing the sky.

(Ding calculation is done, attributing rewards)

*changing body foundation to strengthening, which I read in one of the comments someone using. Since it makes more sense and is easier plus less confusing if we are to add in body sense.